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Everything posted by Muzza81

  1. If your team is shite and develop a player from a young age but he goes off to another club you shouldn’t be entitled to anything because your team is shit. Hopefully FIFA introduce this rule from next season. It’s only fair - only the top clubs should receive development fees.
  2. You’re talking rubbish. Swann is a left sided player who was involved 28 times last season for us, that’s not a handful and shows he has use to us. I’m sure we would be delighted if he stayed on to provide balance and cover, he has opted to move on though, for whatever reason. If Stenny felt our ‘demands’ were unreasonable they could take it to a tribunal, no? Or are they concerned that what we asked for was fair they just didn’t want to pay anything. Your previous post stating ‘for a bottom half team’ was really insightful though. Are bottom half teams not allowed to rotate youth players? You just keep bashing on with all your conjecture and speculation to try and make a point though.
  3. Hope this is the start of some beef with Stenny. Now we have lost the Berwick c***s we all need to join forces and focus our hate on a club in this league. I propose it to be ‘we are the best run club ever’ brigade.
  4. Shite for Swann. Shite from Stenny. I can’t imagine we would have been asking for obscene amounts of money here - wonder if there was any sort of negotiation on this? Blaming us because some muppet on your board doesn’t know the rules of football isn’t very wise.
  5. Has that creepy guy emerged to tell everyone how McGurn cheated on his wife yet?
  6. Stables is the closest (assuming it’s still open) and not too bad. There’s a good pub in town with an oversized bar which is worth a visit just to see the absurdly big bar - The Dalhousie I think.
  7. Standard of that exit trial looks pretty poor to me. Not sure what player we should be looking at?
  8. Just booked the 22.48 back to Edinburgh, assuming you may get the one at quarter past you should make it fine as long as we don’t take them to penalties.
  9. According to Hearts on twitter fixtures will be out this week.
  10. Off the top of my head Blair Malcolm was announced through an agent.
  11. Absolutely, it’s still an abysmal fan experience to hear these things from third parties.
  12. Shit I thought he had. I heard the Shire offered him decent money too so we could easy lose him. I see Airdrie have announced a friendly against us. Hopefully we start to hear from the club soon, engagement during the close season to engage fans is always good.
  13. I am sure McGurn signed. I could be wrong but I thought we announced that <3
  14. Save me reading, is Galt still with you for next season or yet to be announced? The emergence of the pyramid (particulary in the last 2/3 years when clubs have really started to spend in the Lowland league) must really hurt QP. Surely once you leave Hampden you’ll drop the amateur status otherwise you won’t last long.
  15. Goodfellow is awful. Speaks a lot but that’s about it.
  16. I could be wrong but I think they got fined for that as you’re not allowed grassy banking in the SPFL but they didn’t have a choice in those games due to size. I thought I read that but could be making it up!
  17. If Ainslie opened the grassy bank it would be far superior to Balmoral. Any sort of crowd at Cove and you can’t see half the pitch.
  18. Apart from being stuck with the SPFL's most boring team in Stenny it's a good draw. As long as Hearts or Dundee United is on a Saturday.
  19. Cowdenbeath will win the league comfortably. Bookmark this.
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