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Everything posted by Njord

  1. Bigger shame you weren't in the stadium with the fleg off your wall. Ultimate shame you weren't on holiday in Florida. Bigoted ****************** c**t.
  2. Yet 'deeboy' autocorrect to '*** fucker'. Go figure. Except you're innumerate.
  3. True. I wouldn't have managed to get a pint in Edinburgh aged 14 if not for gay bars. But it is ' the worst in history ' that gets my goat. Not even close.
  4. Thanks for backing me up boaby. Surprised. 'modern' ..... missed by sooky , and the beeb. Bit like the 'Brits attacked in Marseille ' headlines by them .
  5. R4 led with the 'worst in their history' on the hour, to 'worst in their modern history ' by the actual News. Which it isn't. It will get big licks as it's a gay bar. Gay bar. But that part should be irrelevant. 1 Democrat went loopy. Trump wins. That's the scary part.
  6. f**k off boaby. Even as I type , the beeb lead with the 'worst in history' line, and change it to 'one of the worst' by the rundown. Sooky is a fair poster , but to go down that line , when anyone over the age of 1 knows that it isn't , screams 'agenda'.
  7. Why no, it's not even close. Stop with the agenda , huh?
  8. And then the shooting started. Boys deid now, by who's hand it's not clear.
  9. So basically you're saying you haven't lived. Yet you ran for Public Office to try and legislate to other people? Ffs
  10. Remember early on in the Journey, they bumped their gums re season tickets and triumphantly trumpeted £12m raised? Less than £6m when the accounts came round. Giving away tickets for zero and thousands of wean tickets has that effect. Can't wait to see this team in the Big League , they will ship 4/5 regularly.
  11. Substitute 'King' for 'Whyte' and that could've been written today.....(apart from Sally)...
  12. An oldie comic is online.... Wid , btw.. http://flashbak.com/hansi-the-girl-who-loved-the-swastika-the-full-comic-10700/
  13. There was similar rumours back when they died , but it still would raise a smile if true
  14. Not only did hibs break the ****, they've broke bennett as well Glorious stuff. Some cunto raise a glass in Tamsons for me, I'll get it in a month or two
  15. Ditto. Thought I'd got over it, but....
  16. Statement o'clock Tweet o'clock Only one is real, but can you spot the fake ?
  17. Up periscope!!! https://www.periscope.tv/w/1mnxewwebrrGX Go after the children first, always a good sign of cowardly cuntos.
  18. Benny always takes his line from the swamp. An example of the hurt on the go there shows why he posted that shite.
  19. https://mobile.twitter.com/TamSelleckCSC/status/734073952507695104
  20. You'd think that with all the Military days they hold down Ibrox way, that their fans and players would be able to handle themselves in a ruck. Disgraceful.
  21. perfecto. In the old clubs history , in their biggest game, they got presented with their medals in the cludgie of the Bernebau, because their fans rioted. In the new clubs history, in their biggest game, they'll get presented with their medals in the bowels of Hampden , because their fans rioted. Different clubs, same fans. Ban them. Forever .
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