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Stephen Malkmus

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Everything posted by Stephen Malkmus

  1. Relegating Dunfermline will be up there with managing us to Scottish Cup glory in the list of John Hughes' greatest achievements
  2. I was going to unseriously suggest Robert Eagle, but according to his wiki he's a convicted sex offender now.
  3. Our decision making in the final third is genuinely comical. Brains made of porridge
  4. A great opportunity to return to #thesummit. 3-0 to the Inverness
  5. Just that same account, seems a strange thing to start a rumour about if it's not true. Hopefully crap though
  6. Cheers and thanks for putting forward some interesting points, hopefully this thread can be closed in a couple of months
  7. I wouldn't blame the government for being transparent with modelling data. It's not their fault that the media will sensationalise things. I'd rather modelling data was published and misinterpreted rather than hidden away. I'd also be interested to see any Scottish media reports that mentioned 50000 cases per day as a likely outcome.
  8. My only position is that there was a "tsunami" of cases, even if that didn't reach the absolute worst case scenario levels at the earliest predicted date. A fair criticism if the politicians were throwing around those numbers. It was probably mostly the media though
  9. That would have been a mega-tsunami compared to previous peaks. The worst case scenario comprised a range, not an absolute number. 25000 by Dec 20th may have been the worst of the worst case numbers but it was never likely.
  10. You are Jason Leitch AICMFP. I'm not even pro-restrictions any more, just correcting some facts on the case modelling
  11. That's still within the Central projection of the model you quoted earlier. They were out by a few days but the worst case scenario numbers were reached fairly soon afterwards. Edit: actually 8k cases on December 20th is in the lower end of the Worst case prediction in the model
  12. If Leitch was predicting a late Jan/Feb peak I've no idea where he got that from as it goes against the Gov's December modelling. The number is by specimen date, not date reported.
  13. If they'd said a tsunami of serious infections, hospitalisations or deaths I'd agree with you. Very rarely does a tsunami cause thousands of deaths. If we refer to other case peaks as "waves", given that this one involved a peak several times higher than previous waves, a "tsunami of cases" seems like an accurate way of describing it.
  14. Check the Public Health Scotland website's figure.
  15. Fair enough, but on December 29th there were 21,420 cases.
  16. Not sure what you lot are on about re: the "tsunami" quote. Looks clear that we did get the predicted tsunami of cases after that statement was made, and the case numbers almost touched the worst case scenario of Scot Gov's modelling.
  17. Jamie MacDonald loves an 86th minute blunder against the Inverness
  18. Disgracefully shambling our way closer to the top of the league, you hate/love to see it
  19. Good news. Anyone with any sort of past association with Ross County should be purged from the squad imo. Club of racists and sex pests
  20. Can an Arbroath fan please confirm if Stewart being out is a blow?
  21. English hospitalisations starting to shoot up quickly now, hopefully that doesn't translate into ICU spaces being taken up in a few days time. https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/healthcare#card-patients_admitted_to_hospital
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