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Stephen Malkmus

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Everything posted by Stephen Malkmus

  1. Got a menu through the door for the Burger King delivery service that's started in my area. I don't know if this is a common thing or not but I will be taking full advantage on a regular basis.
  2. When I started this thread I didn't expect to end up being called to give evidence at a rape trial, but here we are.
  3. Are you confusing being in a relationship with spending a night under the influence in Amsterdam? Seriously though, I bet you regret not marrying her every day.
  4. She's into organic stuff so got these and a fancy card: http://www.naturalcollection.com/shop/green---blacks-tasting-collection---395g-by-green-and-blacks/?PCode=DSGPESS15&gclid=CMD8zobT1MkCFUi3GwodCJoKCA Will get a scarf nearer the time.
  5. Am I f**k paying £22 quid for 28 tiny chocolates. Thanks for the tip, but I think I'll shop around. Some Lindt perhaps...
  6. Well, I think I'll go for some mid-range chocolates and a new scarf or something. Covers the romantic/practical bases without breaking the budget.
  7. Is your marriage on the rocks? Not sure about asking out that fit burd who lives downstairs? Need some help losing your VLs? Have you been kb'd by an "...average-y looking cocktease"? Welcome to the P&B relationship advice thread, inspired by Mr. Bairn's attempts to reconcile his overpowering teenage hormones with decent human behaviour. This thread has been started so that P&B's combined thousands of years of relationship experience can unite to provide Dear Dierdre-esque advice to those who are confused and perhaps sexually frustrated. I'll start off with a simple query. I've been seeing a girl for about 6 weeks but we only ever really see each other at weekends. Should I buy her something for Christmas or is it too soon? I am pretty skint and I'm not even sure if I like her in a "serious" way, but I don't want to come across as a Scrooge-like character.
  8. There's an event on at the church opposite my house so the worshippers have taken up every parking space on the street. Not very Christian of them imo. I've parked on double yellows for a couple of hours til they go so hopefully God takes my side and I don't get ticketed.
  9. Probably my favourite episode of the series.
  10. 1. This Must Be The Place 2. Born Under Punches 3. Psycho Killer 4. Burning Down The House 5. Once In A Lifetime Have to concur wuth the Stop Making Sense being the best concert film ever chat. Incredibly well shot and the performance itself is mind-blowing.
  11. Tyson Fury as his acceptance speech will be the most entertaining.
  12. Just about recovered emotionally from Built to Spill on Wednesday night. Easily in the top 5 gigs I've ever been to, just so tight and the sound at the Electric Ballroom was incredible.
  13. No, although there was a bit of a rammy when Ludwig discovered he was warming the crowd up for Wolfgang. Felt very rock and roll.
  14. Went to see a Mozart/Schubert/Beethoven treble bill tonight. My first classical concert and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Seeing Built to Spill on Wednesday too which I can't wait for.
  15. I didn't really like that one, seemed a bit all over the place.
  16. 1. I recently moved to London after graduating from Aberdeen Uni with a 2:1 in Geography / Town Planning. I expected to be hunting for a job for ages but ended up getting a very good one after attending only one interview. (I travelled to Swindon the previous week for another interview - I ended up not going as I had a few beers while watching ICT's away leg in the Europa League and slept in. Decided not to tell my parents about that...) 2. Played for ICT up to Under 15 level until I jacked it in because I didn't like playing in goals. Ironically I am now a keeper for a Sunday League team. 3. I had surgery to pin back prominent ears when I was younger which was one of the best things I've ever done. 4. Got reasonably good at playing guitar while I was at uni but I can only play sitting down. Going to take some lessons as I've recorded some things at home that I'd love to play live with a proper band. 5. Went on a date yesterday with an trainee architect that went very well but she's smarter than me which I found a bit weird. If I'd done this about five years ago it would have been an utterly pathetic read but my life's going pretty well now. Hopefully when this thread is dredged up from the depths in future everything hasn't gone to shit.
  17. Who the f**k is Tarmo Kink if it's not BarraJag? Or does Barra just have one non-confrontational alias and several mental ones?
  18. Eh? I may have to amend my votes if you keep replying to me with nonsense.
  19. Just watched the first episode of this on Netflix and quite enjoyed it - it's basically an animated comedy about a washed-up horse who used to star in a sitcom. Pretty smartly written and the animation is relatively good. Any fans?
  20. That was dece. They look to have got the casting for Molly's parents spot on.
  21. Prepare yourselves for Grapecon 1: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tees-34537709
  22. Looks like it'll be a bit claustrophobic for the people at the back.
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