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Everything posted by MJC

  1. I hadn't realised they were combining it with the game at Easter Road which is a bit shite as I really don't want to see them celebrating. Each to their own but it was a price well worth paying and I for one will always be grateful to Rangers for winning that day and for Nacho Novo for scoring their winner, as without that then Celtic would still have won the league at Fir Park inspite of the result.
  2. That doesn't surprise me that that went on given that McFadden can do no wrong in the eyes of many within the club. Saying that though, I always got the impression that he wasn't a good influence in the dressing room and wasn't well received by the players he was coaching. A lack of discipline can certainly contribute to this mind you. I've always been uncomfortable with the legendary status that is afforded to James McFadden at the club. It's a stick on that Lasley will take over whenever Robinson moves on and to be honest that's not something that sits well with me. There's shades of Malpas being 'promised' the job after Terry Butcher left about this and that often doesn't work out. When the time comes the correct process should be followed, in that we advertise the job, conduct interviews and then select the best candidate. Simply handing the job to Keith Lasley isn't the right way to go about things.
  3. Why should McFadden be brought back? It didn't work out the last time he was here as a coach and there's no reason to think it would now. It would be a major backward step if McFadden is brought back to the club in any capacity and it's well past time that his army of fanboys realised that 2002 was a long, long time ago now and the wonderkid with the red stripe in his hair is very much yesterday's man as far as we are concerned. As for Stephen Robinson and the NI job, if he goes then best wishes to him. No one can realistically expect him to turn down an offer like that.
  4. It really isn't as long as that and you know it. The attitudes and outlooks of Rangers and a large section of their support was one that was fairly common in this country until the late 1980s and even early 1990s. They were not the only company that determined the suitability of a potential employee by the school they attended and their support weren't the only support that sang about being up to their knees in a particular type of blood. That particular chant, or a variant of it, was often heard at Fir Park until the late 80s/early 90s and anyone who says otherwise is either in denial or lying. Thankfully we've moved well away from that now at Motherwell. Such chants were also belted out by Hearts fans for many years and no doubt there were others too. Rangers are a bit like that crazy phase a person went through as a teenager. You did some bad stuff, stole things, cheated people and said some silly things and held some questionable beliefs, but you move on. Except there's always that one person who still tries to cling to those days and reminds you of what you were once like, and you hate them for it, or at least have to be seen to hate them to show the world that you aren't like that anymore.
  5. Could you possibly point out where in that post from me that you quoted that I 'arse licked' Rangers? I've read it back a few times now and the closest thing to 'arse licking' as you put it was where I said that where I previously laughed off their claims that they were the only show in town, seeing the levels of obsession of them on forums like this made me rethink that.
  6. Rangers as a club and fanbase don't do themselves any favours and make it easy to mock and ridicule them. They have a mindset which is out of date in this country by at least thirty years and are also extremely gullible, hence why the likes of Whyte, Green et all were able to take them to the cleaners. They seem to fall for anyone in a suit talking the talk about them in the press and displaying the WATP mentality and never learn from it. They are a pretty sad and ridiculous bunch, but friendly enough as individuals. Celtic as a club and support are far more dangerous and sinister and have an extremely unhealthy hold over the Scottish game and society, but so many are so obsessed with Rangers and their hatred of them that they just can't see it or don't even care.
  7. This topic or at least a variant of it comes up on here at least once every six months and it always goes the same way, the usual suspects of P&B playing cliche bingo over their obsession with Rangers and illustrating yet again that their hatred for Rangers overrides their love for the club(s) that they actually support. I used to scoff when I heard Rangers fans claiming that they were 'The only show in town' but that was before I joined P&B and Twitter. It seems they may have been right after all.
  8. And if the question was "Which clubs result do you look for first", most people on here would assume you would put Dundee United. Well most people would be wrong again....because the answer to that question would also be Sevco. Ain't that right?
  9. A potentially perfect home kit ruined yet again by WHITE FUCKING SHORTS. It's a cracking top and hopefully it'll be available without the sponsor but white shorts do not belong on a Motherwell home kit.
  10. I've not seen much of him but from memory Lamie is quite a physical defender who can 'put himself about'. If he's half as good as the last defender we got from Livingston then this will be a good signing.
  11. I like the top, MFC lettering aside, but it would have been a better kit had the shorts been white as it was in 2012/13. Sadly I think that this is an indication to the white shorts being part of the new home kit.
  12. On first viewing it's a really good looking kit and brings back good memories of the Michael Higdon inspired side of 2012/13. The only thing that lets it down is the absence of the club badge in favour of the M.F.C lettering. Just don't see the need for it.
  13. Gordon has always been a magnificent shot stopper, his reflexes are ridiculously good. He's often caned for being poor with his distribution but he does the goalkeeping aspects of being a goalkeeper brilliantly.
  14. As did Moult in the 2017 LCF with a free kick which was the last kick of the ball. Indeed in out last three Cup Finals, all have been against Celtic, we have lost all by at least two goals, have failed to score and have hit the bar in each one.
  15. To be a good cup team you need a combination of character and luck. Having a good team quality wise isn't enough on its own. The McCall side of 2011 - 2013 was one of the best Motherwell side man for man over the last two decades but didn't have an ounce of bottle when it came down to big, one off games, especially Cup ties. For as good as that team was in the league, the pathetic efforts they turned in in Cup ties during that period will always hang over them like a big, back cloud and I for one will never forgive McCall for some of the disastrous collapses he overseen when he had a really good team at his disposal.
  16. Their dodgy dealings began long before Whyte appeared on the scene, he was just seen as the fall guy for when the shit properly hit the fan.
  17. That's incorrect, the 'Wee Tax Case' was in relation to their signings of Tore Andre Flo and Ronald de Boer in the year 2000, around about £2.8M in liability. The wheels had come off the bogey for Murray and Rangers by that time as their reckless financial business during the 90s caught up with them and that coincided with Martin O'Neill's arrival at Celtic in summer 2000 which immediately began to turn the tide in Celtic's favour.
  18. The 'cheating' that Rangers were found guilty of (the use of EBTs) was from the period 2001 - 2010 so therefore were not cheating, certainly using that means in the 1990s. Who knows whether they would have won the Champions League back then but its a period in time that I really wish the internet and social media was around for. Imagine the meltdowns on here when Rangers knocked out the mighty Leeds Utd....the P&B army of Falkirk/Hibs/Aberdeen sevco obsessors would have blown many a gasket.
  19. Just in to doff my cap Rangers. What an absolutely tremendous result for you guys tonight. Well done. YATP
  20. I wouldn't need paid, I'm honestly done with it all. All you ever get from supporting Motherwell is let down and disappointed. That was an absolute disgrace last night and there were NO positives to take from that whatsoever. No doubt some of our fans will look back at it in misty eyed awe because "it was a great spectacle" like they do with the 6-5 defeat to Aberdeen in 1999 but not me. To be 1-4 down at home to St.Mirren in a cup match is fucking shameful and should see heads rolling. The penalty shootout loss was inevitable and just summed us up, not just as a team but as a club - we are serial bottle merchants. No doubt we'll win against St.Mirren next Tuesday in the lesser game but right now I don't give a f**k, I'm done with it. The Cups are all important for clubs like us and we blow it time and time again, year after year.
  21. Pathetic from us. We find ourselves 1-4 down at home in a Scottish Cup tie, get it back level then end up losing on penalties. That was a disaster of a night. I honestly feel like chucking supporting Motherwell after that debacle tonight.
  22. I walked out of Fir Park as soon as St.Mirren scored tonight. In the fourteenth minute. Then I heard we'd equalised and momentarily regretted it. Now I know it's the best decision I've ever made. Utter fucking shite from Robinson and Motherwell. No doubt we'll squeeze a win against them in the league a week tonight to keep kicking the can down the road but tonight should honestly see Robinson get his jotters.
  23. That line up is fucking grim. I knew Long was missing but Gallagher? That is a big, big loss. I think it's safe to say we're going out of the Scottish Cup tonight.
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