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Everything posted by MJC

  1. I remember Celtic bursting their own blood vessels when James Scott didn’t give the ball back against them a few seasons back and that led to us scoring a consolation goal in a 4-1 defeat. And they got all sanctimonious and high and mighty, especially that dribbling p***k Tom Boyd. They’d never do anything like that of course? Nah. Of course they forgot about that episode pretty sharpish when Brendan Rodgers ditched them two days later.
  2. You fucking BEAUTY!!!! Always a beautiful Sunday seeing those horrible, scummy c***s losing a game that you know is going to hurt them to their core. Well done Rangers. In YOUR stadium, full of YOUR fans, in YOUR city you have show yet again that YOU are The PEOPLE. Enjoy the rest of your day
  3. Whatever turns you on. Won’t be tonight mind you as he told me he was going to an RSC loyal supporters ‘Do’ on the evening after the first game of the season. Something very staunch and classy I’d imagine.
  4. That’s a strange thing to be thinking about, but each to their own I suppose. Good to see you’re not too bothered about Scott Wright following in Ryan Jack’s footsteps in graduating to Rangers. Otherwise you could have got yourself extremely angry and bitter and be tearing yourself apart from the inside. That’s not good for you.
  5. Angry, Angry. I actually met Scott Wright the other week in Glasgow and got talking to him. Very nice chap and very dignified. I asked him how he was getting on at Rangers and he replied that he was absolutely loving it. Also asked him if he was glad to be away from Aberdeen and their sour pussed miserable supporters and he just winked and replied with a knowing nod. No more words were needed.
  6. Thank you brother, I’m good, hope you are too. Good luck for the season ahead, except when you play us of course.
  7. Nae luck chump. Not only does Scott Wright get through his match unscathed but he scores into the bargain, further proving that he was more than capable of making the step up to a proper big club. And him, along with Rangers doing what they do best today, has got you absolutely beeling in the process. Well done Scott Wright. Well done Rangers. YATP
  8. Early days yet, but two years on from Steve Clarke’s “Bye, Bye Rangers” sermon as Killie celebrated qualifying for Europe (even though that was as good as it got for them seeing as they were humiliated at the first hurdle) it looks very much like it’s “Bye, Bye Killie”. Good luck ever trying to get three stands full of Killie fans again in the future, even if Covid restrictions allow it to happen.
  9. 2016 - 2019 “Brendan Rodgers is here for 10 in a row” 2019 - “so f**k Brendan Rodgers, you won’t be winning trophies anymore!” 15th May 2021 - Rangers officially destroy 10 in a row and Brendan Rodgers lifts the FA Cup as Leicester manager. You could not have scripted this.
  10. Congratulations Rangers on your invincible season and more importantly, securing the title. Now you enjoy this moment. As your captain and leader, Mr Tavernier lifts that big, shiny league trophy, drink it in and remember how far you have come over this past decade. Remember how that mob from the East End lorded it over you and how they believed Terry Munro was a certainty. How weapons like Brown, Lustig and Griffiths acted to noise you up and own look at how it has ended for them. ‘Ten in a row’ not just stopped but utterly obliterated. You have my sincere gratitude for that. My cap is most definitely doffed to you. Enjoy your day and your night, however you spend it. You Are The People
  11. Having a different opinion or viewpoint doesn’t make someone a troll. Granted I have done a fair bit of trolling on occasions on here with my ‘Rangers act’ but this isn’t one of those occasions. Unless you want the forum to be an echo chamber?
  12. I certainly do understand and agree that their protests were more important than any football celebrations. But justifiable? During a time when the country was on lockdown and a stay at home order was in place to protect the NHS/save lives? No. It doesn’t matter the reason, or how good the cause was, that was not the time for those protests to happen, it’s as simple as that. If you want ‘back up’ to my point, just have a look at Twitter, even at this forum from the times of both ‘events’ and at the difference in reaction to both by certain individuals.
  13. It’s not really odd at atall, if you read it with an open mind that is. I admire the BLM movement, however protesting in huge numbers at a time when the country was on lockdown and people couldn’t hug their grandkids wasn’t the right thing to do. Likewise celebrating a title win in huge numbers at a time when the country was on lockdown and people couldn’t hug their grandkids wasn’t the right thing to do. However a huge section of social media who were up in arms about the Rangers celebrations were also vocal in their support of the BLM protests last summer. My point being that the reason for a gathering during a full lockdown is totally irrelevant. They are wrong and shouldn’t have happened and you can’t choose which ones you like and justify and which ones you don’t like and condemn, otherwise you just make yourself sound like a massive hypocrite.
  14. So, in answer to the question of whether it was ever proven that there was a spike in Covid cases after Rangers fans title celebrations in March, the answer would be ‘no’ then? Mind you, not that Covid was the real reason of concern for those who drenched their knickers over the big George Sq party was it? Seeing as half the ones moaning about it were probably at the BLM(a cause I have a great deal of admiration for) protests last summer during full lockdown and at a time when no vaccine was available. But then again they know that deep down. The problem with the Rangers celebrations wasn’t that people were gathering in a pandemic, it was who gathered and why.
  15. Never one to be pleased about Hibs winning but I’m glad to see Dundee United losing and missing out on the final. Crash and burn Utd and GIRFUY.
  16. Oh ya beauty! That was extremely enjoyable and all the more so after SKY’s ridiculous coverage of Scott Brown before the game. After years of him lording it over bang average players, snarling in opponents faces and leading the rest of the team dancing about in front of opposition supports, ‘Broony’ leaves Celtic a loser. Ryan Kent absolutely bossed him today. Speaking of Kent, he is an absolute Rolls Royce of a footballer and a perfect fit for Rangers as he just oozes class as a player and as a human being. Well done Rangers, enjoy the rest of your bank holiday and no doubt a good few socially distanced pints of Tennent’s Super in a staunch beer garden to toast an emphatic win to cement your place as the top team in Glasgow. YATP
  17. Nope. But I want Rangers to win the Cup as if we can’t win it then I don’t want to see any other provincial sides win it. Plus I always enjoy the seethe on here whenever Rangers win.
  18. Pick that one out Clark ya beardy hobo tramp. GIRFUY
  19. You fucking beauty!!! Well done Rangers for yet again showing your supremacy in Glasgow and ensuring that that mob will be finishing the season trophyless. Obviously I don’t want you to win the Cup whilst we are still in it but I’m very happy to see you through today. Good to hear those daylight fireworks banging away with a staunch rapport as I type. YATP
  20. It certainly was and he deserves huge credit for it.
  21. I don’t have a problem with their beliefs, I have a problem with their behaviour and their manner. I think that’s perfectly legitimate. You’re right I wouldn’t want Celtic to win, because I don’t like them. Just like there were plenty on here who have been saying for the last few years that they wanted Celtic to get 10 because it meant that Rangers wouldn’t win it. Are they bigots too?
  22. I take people as I find them. And in my personal experience I find Celtic and their fans worse. I don’t discount the sending of explosives to people, that is shocking, as are the experiences you and your wife have suffered. Celtic are the only club I know of that have caused a refereeing strike, or hired a private detective to follow a referee after a match and allowed a club approved film be made inside their ground titled ‘Anyone but Celtic’ in an attempt to further pedal the myth that they are victims. I have also suffered more grief surrounding football from Celtic fans than from any other set of fans and find it despicable hearing some of the songs and comments they’ve come out with over the years about the death of Davie Cooper. If your experience is that Rangers fans are worse or that they are just as bad as each other then I respect that. However you should respect that other people will have had different experiences and therefore different viewpoints on them.
  23. I find Celtic more sinister in the manner in which they operate. The way they always try and take the victim position to gain an advantage and brand anyone who calls them out for being a *** or a bigot without seeing the spectacular irony in that. I’m actually none of those things. That is quite bigoted of you to assume that I am simply because I dislike Celtic more than Rangers. You could get a fan of any club who would tell you of their dislike/hatred of another club, whether that club is their immediate rivals or not. For example I’ve seen plenty of Hibs fans on here speak of their hatred of Rangers and even spoken to some in person who say that they hate Rangers more than Hearts. Well fortunately I know several Motherwell season ticket holders. I’m one myself and attend games when I can and sit with a group of friends that know me personally and they’re quite happy to have me at Fir Park because they know I’m Motherwell through and through. They also know that the majority of my posts on here about Rangers are just an act to reel in folk that are obsessed with Rangers, like you.
  24. So being anti Celtic is bigoted is it? I don’t like them, I don’t deny that. They are a club I have no time for and make no apologies for that. Would you call a Hibs fan who regularly posts about their dislike of Hearts bigoted? I think we both know the answer to that is no don’t we? So you’ve gone from them being so big because of glory hunters to them being so big because of sectarianism in just a few minutes? You are all over the place here. In football all over the world there are clubs that have bigger supports than others, it’s just the way it is. I don’t know how much bigger we’d be if more people who support the Old Firm supported us. It’s not something I give much thought to because it’s pointless. Most of the Old Firm fans I know that live in Motherwell don’t even go to games, indeed some of them even come to Fir Park at times, which I’m not keen on btw. I also know a lot of Motherwell fans who don’t attend games regularly, only turn up for Cup Finals or European games. Maybe if they came more often we’d ‘be bigger’ but who knows?
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