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Everything posted by MJC

  1. I don’t support Rangers. Please provide an example of anything bigoted that I have said on this forum? And your last sentence is just nonsense. Sure there will be some glory hunters who support those clubs and more, but those clubs have thousands of genuine supporters who will back them through thick and thin. They are also massive clubs with massive appeals so it’s only natural that they have supporters in every part of the country and to think that that is somehow wrong is just plain silly talk.
  2. Naturally being Rangers fans I would simply assume that they have been chosen to be one of The People. That for me is a perfectly good reason not to support their local team. Plus the fact that the ‘support your local team’ argument is just silly and basically a way of expressing annoyance that some clubs are bigger than others without actually saying it.
  3. Nah, I’m not overly keen on those colours myself and the only bunting I want to see regarding football are Claret and Amber ones should we win the Cup. That said if I was to be walking along the street in the next few weeks and happen to pass by a house with “55” bunting and said house’s occupants are in the front garden with their Rangers shorts, top off exposing their badly tattooed arms and beer belly I be sure to give them a knowing nod.
  4. Brown is another one who’ll be gutted that Morelos got on the scoresheet today. No trolling or screaming in opponents faces today Broon ya rubber pussed mutant. Rangers have got to be the happier side after a draw today. They preserve their unbeaten league run despite being under par and there for the taking and Morelos finally breaks his Old Firm duck. Fair play to them, they’ve ground out results all season and that’s why they are worthy Champions and will very soon be getting their hands on that big, shiny trophy bedecked in red, white and blue ribbons.
  5. LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME Which you’re clearly doing... And when someone responds with “look at me, look at me” you know they have no answer to your excellent and well articulated point.
  6. In the same way that as a non Man Utd fan I was pleased to see Cristiano Ronaldo score plenty of goals and be player of the year the season after he got Rooney sent off for England in the 2006 World Cup. The media down there were out to vilify him all summer yet he got it right up them in the best possible way. Just like Morelos did today by scoring and putting a lot of his critics gas at a peep. And you’d be wrong about the balloons thing. As you say, I’m a non Rangers fan so why would a non Rangers fan have balloons celebrating their league win outside my house?
  7. Pleased to see Morelos scoring. That muppet Crocker on SKY will be gutted.
  8. The game flourished pretty well for a few years without it. It didn’t really flourish though did it? Attendances at top flight games, for the most part, didn’t really improve, if anything it was the opposite. In any case they still had Celtic in the top league plus Rangers in the lowers leagues which is why we managed to get television companies covering it and sponsors sponsoring it. If neither were involved in Scottish football the TV companies and sponsors wouldn’t touch it. That will be why there are hundreds of Celtic supporters clubs in Canada, the US, England and Australia. A good few Rangers ones as well. Because no one outside of Scotland and NI cares about the Old Firm is it? Yes it is. Plenty of people give a f**k. This thread alone is but a very small example of that with fans from various clubs “outside the bigotry bubble” commenting on it. 12 pages and counting. Not bad.
  9. Hide what? Like it or not this is a massive fixture that attracts audiences from all over the world. It’s the flagship fixture of Scottish football and without it our game would be fucked.
  10. Not atall, the opposite in fact. If they were open to all then they wouldn’t allow the Green Brigades banners about poppies, the armed forces and tories inside their ground on a regular basis. “Open to all” suggests everyone is welcome regardless of their views on politics or nationality etc. The fact that such displays have been frequently allowed by the club is hardly sending out the message that everyone is welcome.
  11. I know, but that doesn’t stop the abuse at their own player (Bitton) directors and high profile supporters for being pro Tory and nor did it stop the 50ft banner about “No bloostained poppies”. So yes they have them, but that doesn’t mean that they are all that welcome which blows their “Open to all” nonsense right out of the water.
  12. Oh aye him as well. A fair bit of victim blaming went on with him. Celtic don’t like it when they get shown up and aren’t able to play victims themselves.
  13. “Open to all since 1888” Unless you vote Tory, support the British army, wear a poppy, Israeli, identify as British/pro UK that is. As long as you don’t fall into any of those categories then “Open to all”. As for firmly standing by racism, we’ll just ignore the fact that Leigh Griffiths was caught on camera leading a crowded pub singing a racist ditty about Rudi Skacel shall we? Celtic Football Club at their sanctimonious, hypocritical best.
  14. At the end of the day if that is genuine then full marks must go to those who carried it out. Top trolling, from someone who is in a good position to know about that sort of thing. But regardless of whether it is genuine or fake, or whether it’s 55 titles or 1, the end result either way is ‘Cheerio 10 in a row’. So Sevco’s 1 title was enough to bring a near decade long dream and ambition of the Celtic support crashing down around them.... ....and from what I can see, they’re not taking it very well atall.
  15. Fantastic result for the Champions tonight and what an incredible save from McGregor to get the away draw. In what continues to be the season from heaven for you fine chaps, that is another excellent nights work as you continue to fly the flag for Scotland in Europe and boost the coefficient. My cap status: Doffed YATP
  16. There’s so many names connected with Celtic that I can’t help but laugh about whenever I think about them tonight. Players like Brown, Griffiths, Lustig and Tierney all passionately goading opponents over the past decade. Whether it be celebrating in opponents faces, tying scarves to goalposts or jumping about with police hats and megaphones it’s brilliant to know that it ended like this for them and they’ll all be gutted. Then there was mouthpieces like Tommy Sheridan and Tom Boyd who all spoke regularly about “the ten” and the chant about Brendan Rodgers being here for 10IAR. Well he’s neither here and neither is the 10 For me personally I think back to the way Celtic conducted themselves against us during the Nov/Dec 2017 ‘trilogy’ where they got two penalties for nothing and couldn’t bring themselves to admit that they got lucky. Then their players and Rodgers jumping about celebrating being handed a 1-1 draw at Fir Park. I remember all of that today as their dream died. As I said, it is just so, so satisfying seeing arrogance put in its place.
  17. Loved that game and that entire episode. That was Celtic and Neil Lennon at their most arrogant, petulant best. He was foaming at the mouth because no Celtic players were nominated for POTY as if they were entitled to be. Then after giving them a guard of honour we pump them 3-1 going on six and big Higdon - player of the year - runs them ragged. Love the way he dispatches that penalty - just as the Celtic support are singing “Here we go ten in a row”
  18. Ahhhh. I win. And I’ve loved/am loving every minute of the Celtic meltdown and agony of not getting their cherished ten. :)
  19. Congratulations Rangers. After a decade of pain and ‘the banter years’ this must be a glorious moment for you. Make sure you lap it up, drink in every sweet second of it. And never forget the sheer arrogance of Celtic and their fans over the last decade, they lorded it over you and everyone else in the Scottish game and thought that 10IAR was theirs and a formality. Well you have just put them right back into their box and this Motherwell fan is extremely grateful to you for that. Enjoy your night, safely of course. YATP
  20. Nah. YOU are(what’s wrong with Scottish football and will always hold it back - ie. obsessed with Rangers to the point that it clouds your views on everything else related to Scottish football.) goodnight
  21. Sssshhhhhhhhhh just take it easy. it’s only a game count to ten
  22. Because he hates Rangers more than he likes the club he supports(whoever that is) and he’s been hoping that they will collapse at some point and fail to win the league this year....well, nae luck on that front.
  23. Have a lie down, today’s results have clearly got to you.
  24. At least you’re not bothered though eh? Had you read the Motherwell v Livingston match thread you’d have seen that I have already given my thoughts on our win, as well as congratulating us for it. That was of course my main interest today. However, the human mind is a wonderful thing, or at least mine is anyway, in that it enables me to process thoughts on my own clubs fortunes and at the same time enjoy when things go pear shaped for Celtic, a club who’s support have been telling all and sundry that ‘10IAR’ was a formality for the last decade. I love seeing arrogance put in its place.
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