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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I don't follow. We'd mental health on a meeting agenda. We were (stll are) massively understaffed for the work we have on hand and there had been a spate of stress and anxiety related long term absences. One of my more unreconstructed colleagues seemed to think that the point of the discussion was to slag off the younger generation for lacking resilience and, because he knew someone that worked on a submarine and who didn't have anxiety, they should all be sent to work on a submarine for six months.
  2. Rents should fall in the short term because of reduced demand.
  3. My work was looking at moving to new premises in a nearby town. The move itself would have cost a fortune. Now they can stay put and have fewer complaints about parking. They're not spending less than they were but less than they would have. I reckon i've forgone about £100 of pens and post its over the last quarter as well.
  4. There is no middle ground between happy clapper and doom merchant. If you aren't one, you must be the other.
  5. I remember reading an interview with Charlie Nicholas saying he signed for us because we were offering £4k a week, which was more than Arsenal offered to keep him. In today's money, that's over £11k. I'd be astonished if we paid anyone anything like that today. That was before we splurged in the expectation of tv money, it cost buttons to get in to the ground, and our crowds weren't notably bigger, if at all. Was that sort of wage normal for that time? And how on earth could we afford it then but not now?
  6. Stagecoach i was on was hit by a projectile thrown by kids on its way out of Glasgow and had to stop for a while to get the damage inspected. It must have been superficial because we got going again soon enough. I couldn't hand on heart say it was a brick though so i'm not sure i'm allowed to post it in this thread. Never bricked a bus myself but i threw devil bangers at a car in boulogne and got chased. Again, not sure it's allowed in this thread. My boredom relief is definitely not allowed in this thread.
  7. Watching the bbc news now, for probably the first time in about a year. It is really really annoying, loads posh bints talking like they're talking to stupid children. Turned over to a you've been framed repeat on itv2. Cats, magic.
  8. Nice wagon circling, f**k the weegia narrative. Transparent attempt to curry favour with the fans but I liked it.
  9. Whoever told you that you can get a job in football by sucking a dong was taking advantage of you mate.
  10. It's not not an issue though is it? It's not the exact same thing but it is violence against women (mainly). Not quite sure how ribbons are going to help though.
  11. I think we can all agree that this James Connolly lad will make an excellent DoF. Now we just have to paint all the granite like balamory so that sensitive weegies will come and play for us and we'll walk this fuckin league.
  12. My fix of shite telly is hells kitchen. They leave in the before and after break recaps for the breaks that they've missed, so you get even more recap. It's no real loss though because nothing worth watching would have been on instead.
  13. Scott Brown would set a great example Not in favour. He might be a great coach, but i hate him so he can f**k right off and be a great coach elsewhere.
  14. The BBC repeatedly presented the econmics of Brexit as an unsettled issue up for debate and had a pro and anti on each programme. In reality the case for leave was Patrick Minford (laissez faire ideologue and not a trade expert) and a couple of fringe figures from the city. The case for remain was every single respectable economist in the country. I don't know what evidence you have for bias (guessing it's counting minutes that DC got on screen v BJ or something) but the economy was one of the most important issues (the other being immigration) and presenting it as neutral completely skewed the debate in favour of leave.
  15. "no, that's my email address for the other computer, i can't remember the one for this one"
  16. It seems the psychiatrists were divided on the matter https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/feb/19/calls-review-five-year-jail-term-man-strangled-wife-wales-anthony-williams
  17. You'd have thought so, but expert witnesses aren't perfect.
  18. I'd suggest that asking a younger female colleague to stand up so everyone could see her short skirt would be considered out of order anywhere. I feel like there's a dig in your question but i don't quite get it.
  19. I don't know about sexual offences, but on a related point, there was a guy near here who strangled his wife recently and only got six years. He pled guilty to manslaughter with diminished responsibility (or whatever the terminology is). He'd no diagnosis or anything and the defence was that he hadn't meant to do it but hadn't been sleeping due to money worries and had just snapped. Obviously i don't know all the facts, and this has been appealed. This sort of thing is far more common than the abduction by a stranger story that makes the six o clock news every couple of years. While it might not always be possible to protect women in these situations, we could at least treat them with a bit of gravity.
  20. I've warmed to him as a manager. As a player he was alongside the likes of ian black and lasley for me but not up there with scott "impunity" brown or ricksen, in terms of cunty opponents.
  21. Matthew 6:5 And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets
  22. "of course, they all have lovely bottoms" That is genuinely shocking. I wouldn't expect that even from someone as amoral and lowlife as that cretin.
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