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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I confidently predict that they won't get a single vote in my constituency or the regional list. In fact, I'd be very surprised if they got any representation at all in the whole senedd.
  2. My theory is that sky employ idiots in that role on purpose. It makes the average armchair fan think that they are tactical geniuses if they can plausibly hold a better opinion than a supposed expert or at least identify when said expert us talking shite. People are more likely to fork out £30 a month to feel clever than to be made to feel stupid.
  3. People usually have to get to these things somehow though don't they? Open top buses only i suppose.
  4. Blade of the immortal Supernatural Samurai revenge thriller with a lot of violence. Never quite got to the bottom of it really but lots of baddies died. Stuff about honour, codes loyalty with buckets of Kensington gore and colourful level bosses with a properly drawn big boss. I haven't seen the manga series but really enjoyed this. 8/10
  5. Disappointed that the minimum defenders i could pick was 3. Could easy swap out McKenna for Hanley. On reflection would probably rather Armstrong than O'Donnell. We should regard anything less than 5 goals as a shit result and not care if we concede the odd goal. These are shite. Heid first.
  6. Sorry didn't mean to insult nigel, i forgot some posters found him persuasive.
  7. I keep hearing that Scottish Nationalism is a different type of nationalism, being a civic nationalism. But that up there^^ is emotive straw manning, us and them, lcd material that could have come from Farage 5 years ago.
  8. Are you advocating that the back three should include a LWB or that we just clone tierney?
  9. I actually enjoyed watching the game last night. It has been a while.
  10. Should be able to. The price might vary. No. They have a population that will need to continue to carry on economic activity so that they can eat and have shelter. They will produce the type of surplus that capitalist vampire squid feed on, so no shitey experian report required. South Sudan (aged 10) has a public debt of 65% of GDP, which is in single figure billions, so your already poor analogy is not supported by actual real world facts. Do you mean the scare stories about big queues of brown people coming for our benefits. Or the bad continentals forcing us to put meat in our sausages.
  11. How are you getting 6? I count : Ferguson McCrorie Campbell Mcgeough (counts as 50% due to being made of glass and balsa wood) Brown With Brown being an auld c**t and Campbell lacking experience that doesn't seem too many. Don't tell me Ojo's only on loan?
  12. Not sure it's that far off topic in a thread about a teacher being decapitated for allegedly mentioning religion.
  13. I don't think it is wrong to insult religion as a concept, whether people are fanatical about it or not. I consider it missionary activity on behalf of empiricism.
  14. People of different ethnicities or sexual orientation to me don't damage society and don't have any choice in those characteristics. People can choose whether or not to believe these iron age myths and base their value system around them or to use the critical faculties their god gave them to discern right from wrong.
  15. It should be starved of the oxygen of publicity and its practitioners shunned as backwards morons who are holding up the progress of our species. That is the only context in which religion should be taught.
  16. That looks just like an official thing. Almost had me.
  17. Funnily enough, he did find that song unaccountably funny when we were kids. I don't think he appreciated the homage to Camus' study on alienation so much.
  18. A guy i went to school with joined up in his late twenties because he wanted to "shoot arabs". There was no expectation that they might shoot back, or cheat by hiding bombs under roads. I don't know whether that means he should get a plastic leg on the nhs or not.
  19. The Fugees One time! Killing me softly Two time!
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