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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. On the import duties in that ecample that can be an extra tarrif. It all depends if it clears customs going into the EU. German intermediary on internet buys coat for uk customer from china, ships via Germany but passes through in transit and clears uk customs = uk tarrif on chinese coat. German importer buys loads of coats from china and clears german customs. Sends one from warehouse to uk= German + British tarrif. In the second example the uk tarrif is new. I can think of at least five businesses i've worked with recently whose supply chain into western Europe had a single point of customs clearance. I'd assume that most of them sorted this in advance (it's mostly paperwork, stuff can go on the same boats). But at least one was a badly run mess with high staff turnover and i can imagine them having to pay twice.
  2. I don't know to be honest. Maybe it was just saving having to pay for two line rentals to get the Internet? £12.99 pm is not to be sniffed at.
  3. I can see how having one each of changing facilities, catering facilities, lavatories etc could keep costs down marginally but it surely can't be that significant.
  4. Surely Covid protection via the vaccine isn't influenced by your immune system. The vaccine efficacy has got to have a zero immunity baseline. No way Pfizer are going to claim (for example) 90% efficacy then put in brackets and small print (unless you are already elderly and have weakened natural immunity). Or is it the case that a 90% in my example is an average and in effect it's almost 100% in a healthy 35yo but way lower in a care home bound 85yo ? It's the latter, an average. Vaccines variously train, prime or teach your immune system how to respond to a virus, so their efficacy depends entirely on the immune system.
  5. Having lived in Portlethen previously, may I suggest that the stench from a meat processing plant would be appropriate?
  6. It’s a ringer too, the other countries are using their own animals and we’re still last. Corbyn’s Britain.
  7. Saying that he has voiced concerns is not the same as backing up neil lennon. Would you rather he named names?
  8. Nice one. He admitted responsibility straight away and his insurers already confirmed that. He actually said "sorry, i was looking at my phone" to me, but i doubt he told the insurers that.
  9. The first version contains no clue that it is anyway brexit related or anything to do with the government, tax or the EU. The second does.
  10. What are you seeing there that's upset you? To me the second headline looks more likely to annoy the government I'm sure there's plenty examples of actual bias you could use without resorting to celticcy levels of paranoia and stretch.
  11. He's not faultless and would have at least got that on target last season. I'm amazed that a player with no redeeming features or skills whatsoever has managed to score as much and generate a £2m bid.
  12. Again, I'm sure there are, but i like in our time. Assuming i knew how to get podcasts in the first place, it seems unlikely that i'd be in the car and happen across one that was guaranteed to be at least interesting and intelligent. I'll quite often get interested in a topic that i'd never have searched for. If commercial radio is interested in providing the same sort of content the bbc provides then surely these podcasts would have been snapped up by networks already?
  13. I didn't know you could do that. They're paying though.
  14. Murdoch would probably shift Italian telly upmarket. I don't know what their news is like specifically though.
  15. I'd honestly forgotten itv did news. Good points though.
  16. I've claimed on my car insurance for am accident. The other driver accepted responsibility no problem. Do i keep my no claims or does that depend on my policy?
  17. I'm sure there are. I like The Sky at Night though.
  18. I can't see any private sector provider replicating In Our Time or The Sky at Night. I can see plenty private providers replicating the right wing news agenda (or left wing if your axis is social rather than economic - ie if you are a fanny). I can see plenty private providers bidding for strictly, eastenders, dr who etc. I can't see private providers replicating the radio output apart from maybe radio 2 and 5. Getting rid of the bbc just gets rid of good stuff and lets others take over pumping out lcd shite. I can see why people take issue with how its funded. I don't see how binning the lot is the best way to address that issue.
  19. It has also become more difficult for us to gain points in the later years as the blue cheek has strenthened. That also applies to Celtic, but applying to Celtic doesn't affect our points total.
  20. I have deezer because i had 3 months free on a new phone and am shite at post-trial cancellation. It's ok. Catalogue is fairly extensive and has a lot of non mainstream stuff. You can download stuff or stream. The "flow" thing seems to be some sort of algorithm generated playlist and has come up with some recommendations that I'd not have found otherwise. I don't know how that compares to other services because i've not tried them. I think i pay 9.99 a month for the download facility. No idea what the artists or Songwriters get. For those whose album i wouldn't have bothered with, they get more than they would have.
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