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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Pressing for an answer you don't want to give like mrs doyle offerring tea. She was yapping some inane shite the other night and asked what i thought. I apologised for being unable to answer and explained that i wasn't listening because i was preoccupied by something else. Cue 20 minutes of "tell me, we shouldn't have secrets", "you're hiding something from me", "blah blah blah blah" until i cracked and explained that my piles had been playing up. Cue "you should have kept that to yourself", "you're disgusting", "blah blah blah blah" Never happy
  2. I'm really really surprised that you're not the caring sharing type. Unexpected.
  3. Because it's not other people's food until its on their plate. I'd genuinely never considered the possibility that people might order chinese or indian food as part of a group but just for themselves.
  4. Is it balls! Pizza is for sharing, Chinese is not; other than the rice. I order what I want from the Chinese because that's what I like and what I want to eat. The one's who lack social skills are the people who think it's acceptable to wire into other people's food. If they wanted what I'm eating they should have ordered it for themselves! I assume you also make sure you get your 5p change? Ignoring the hipster snobbery for a second, Indian food should also be shared. I'd be embarrassed for you lads going for a meal in a group.
  5. This is exactly the sort of thing you need to announce in a "clear the air" session.
  6. Completely agree with heedtheba here. You should start with an honest and fank assessment of their character flaws that have led to things coming to a head in such traumatic fashion.
  7. Chinese is for sharing. People that think their choice is their "own" meal generally have few social skills and poor personal hygeine. Always the same ones who come out with "mine was £5.95 and i put in £6"
  8. Is this the official predictor? Because i don't want to have to type all this out twice.
  9. Genetically engineered chimp virus? They can keep it, i've seen that movie.
  10. No, he's very clever. He said "meta-narrative".
  11. Following this logic we should ban all religious preaching because it's made up and bad people use it to justify bad things.
  12. Misrepresentation for benefit. If it is untrue of course, which is what i thought you were implying.
  13. Are you saying Strachan didn't deserve praise? There's a fairly clear line between mind games and fraud
  14. Maybe they can guarantee access. Either through being reasonably confident about what the rules are going to be or through having decided that they're not opening for less than 7,500. If they can't then it's bad faith and false advertising but there's no reason to think they won't honour the guarantee
  15. Agreed. In my view thatcher/reagan are to actual neoliberalism as Lenin's USSR was to communism.
  16. Agree with your definition, as far as economics goes anyway. That is the main use but it has different, related, meanings in other disciplines. Thatcher/ Reagan/ IMF/EU only paid lip service to free markets and free trade though. Free trade meant free access to other markets for Us/uk/eu goods and access to cheap stuff that wasn't produced domestically while maintaining protectionist policies for domestic producers. The IMFs view of free trade was basically all about opening capital markets to exploitation. Look at thevway they used the south east asian currency crisis to force through harmful, one sided change in Indonesia for example. So while aspects of their policies are inspired/justified by neoliberalism i wouldn't say that they are exemplars.
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