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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. You are perfectly entitled to your incorrect, petty and envious opinion.
  2. That's ~$140 to the pound at $0.0032 per play.
  3. That is about . 2p for spotify, no? Unsure if you're arguing or just providing more information.
  4. Depends what the alternatives are as to whether they are exploiting artists. broadly speaking, artists get about £1 for each cd sale or .2p for a stream. Based on that it looks like a bad deal. But streaming isn’t just a substitute for purchasing. Like you say, you listen in the car, where it might have been radio 2 or some godforsaken transatlantic network bollocks 20 years ago. Radio 1 or 2 pay £100 to £150 per play. At, say 1m listeners that’s, erm .... a fair bit less than 1/5p per listen. I’d rather have £2k per million listens than £100.
  5. Isn't there an official vape partner for one of our premiership teams? Hibs
  6. I do like the paraphernalia that comes with physical media: the cover art, the track info etc and i appreciate that you can't skin up on an mp3file. There's upsides to subscription too. I'd say about half of the tracks i have on my sd card are also on cds that are in my attic and only have a couple of listenable songs due to scratches and cracks. About a quarter are tracks i' d never have encountered without random playlists and probably wouldn't ever buy a whole album of. So less fragile, more diverse.
  7. You don't own the music. You own a bit of plastic.
  8. Pfft. Recorded music is for heathens. Nothing beats the dress circle at la scala for acoustics.
  9. What about stuff you enjoy but not enough to buy? Streaming is a great way to get money to the squad players on the fringes of the first team on a pay per play basis.
  10. We have brought through a couple of keepers of similar standard (roughly) We have higher standards now. That's a good thing
  11. Build the wall and send trump the bill
  12. Thanks for that. As legislation goes that's crystal clear. It appears that there are three possible types of appeal (although two look improbable) and all manner of wrangling about the suitability of panellists is possible. This is going to run on for ages isn't it?
  13. I was reaching for a suitable analogy but this saved me the bother. Nail on heid.
  14. A pub near me appears to have already converted the open air NCP next door to it to its beer garden. And a number of nearby doorways.
  15. Then you have to wear the same thing repeatedly. Which is apparently bad.
  16. It's because they run hundreds of simulations from given starting conditions and know the proportion of those simulations that end up in particular conditions, eg rain. I'm not sure that carol kirkwood and the likes do the computer stuff themselves, but they're paid to be well presented and read out loud clearly. I guess it's more difficult that it looks. Happy to help The issue i have with the weather forecast is the way my wife interprets it. A picture of a raindrop at 4pm, even with 50% written underneath, means that the washing has come in at 3.59 before the rain is due to start but it will definitely be fine until then.
  17. I can't believe people have taken this as a cue for another tedious politics debate. People have died in horrific circumstances. It's not an appropriate time to discuss politics. We should be putting that aside and making tasteless jokes instead.
  18. Just thought this would make an excellent bit of bespoke merchandise for clubs. I'd totally fork out for the dons Top Trumps.
  19. Surely heading should be Eric Black? Could have been. Embarrassment of riches for some of these.
  20. Left foot: Hugh Robertson Right foot: Zerouali Finishing: Shearer Passing: Jim Bett Speed: Darren Mackie Dribbling: Strachan Heading: McLeish Tackling: Rougvie
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