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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Setting a possible total of 11 points is deviant behaviour in itself.
  2. The Germans were shit at having an empire. Look at this: Pathetic. And most of Namibia is an empty desert.
  3. It does look like it might have had positive effects by keeping their power in check to a degree, but i don't think that's why they're not allowed one. It's just to stop them going on strike and leaving the streets to undesirables
  4. Colonialism was shite. The choice available to the British government of the day wasn't colonial India vs independent India. The alternative to Britain colonising India was to let France do it. There is a school of thought that the French and Belgian colonies were even worse than Britain's. I agree that "a force for good" is hard to justify. You could plausibly argue that it was "a force for not as bad as it might have been"
  5. The world has been interconnected for longer than many people think. Part of the reason that the Atlantic slave trade existed was a ready supply of African slaves from African slave traders, which happened to be in a very convenient place tradewinds wise. That doesn't excuse the barbarity that took place at all. If the point of history (as a subject of study) is to stop us making mistakes twice then i think we should try to understand the conditions that can lead to things going wrong. That doesn't need to be limited to things that have involved us.
  6. Sanded and painted wrought iron gate. Replaced drain pump in washing machine. Ok, it hasn't made it work again but i still did it. Heating element next.
  7. They just don't show the awkward conversation 15 minutes later when middle manager has to point out "you've only got 2 days of full sick pay left and hr says compassionate leave won't cover this so you'll have to take annual leave"
  8. Packaging for ground coffee looking identical* to the package for coffee beans. Now i have to get busy with the mortar and pestle just to have a cuppa. *except for the words.
  9. If it's true for everyone who reads it he's a paedo. No doubt he's trying to cause offence and amuse his mates but he mainly looks like a massive VL in his cagoule and shitey wee sign about how much of a shagger he is.
  10. Then she deserves to have her head kicked in for using emojis.
  11. I'm sure we've all had to improvise to deal with a turtle's head once or twice. Nobody else was using the car. Unless i'm missing some hidden meaning, that biffer appears to be perpetuating the mandingo stereotype while suggesting that black mens' knobs look like aubergines? If that is a real photo actually in the implied context, then i'm surprised she hasn't had her head kicked in. I'm sure there are more hygeinic ways to defrost a chicken.
  12. Complaining that they aren't getting their money's worth like good little consumers without actually participating, usually.
  13. But no one gives a shit about the issues Strachan highlighted
  14. Whiteboards and laser pointers are not "old school" and are in fact teaching aids from the future. Proper training requires an OHP.
  15. I've been calling my team once a fortnight (delegated alternate weeks) and it's usually clear within the first 30 seconds if someone feels the need to have a chat or not. I do feel like i have to call all of them though so that they don't think i've got favourites or anything. I reckon 60% would prefer that i just left them alone.
  16. Totally agree. Clearly the various governments don't
  17. The word you are looking for is uneconomical. The costs of finding a suitable replacement for an offshore worker for eample are far higher than testing for covid whereas there is a huge pool of replacement care workers available for a modest agency fee. The opportunity cost (to the business, not society) of not having the worker present at all is way higher offshore. Neglecting vulnerable people is really quite cheap in the short term.
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