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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. 1m is quite close enough for anyone to get, covid or not.
  2. 4 million what? If it's pounds sterling they can f**k right off.
  3. All they need is for a couple of plod's mates to swear they heard the boy saying "allah u akbar" and the cop will get let off and given a medal.
  4. It's boil in the bag fast food shite, similar to chain pub food but three times the price.
  5. They’re not trying hard enough. Prime time weekend slots need a viewer phone poll. dial one to re-open libraries two for gymnasiums or three for the pubs
  6. Anyone else think The Minnesota Riots would be a good name for their baseball team?
  7. Can we just add anyone with a "quirky" moustache to the list? Good point. something a bit off about Adolf Hitler. And Stalin.
  8. Surely at this point now nobody expects better from America, nothing that happens there seems to suprise, even electing a egotistical racist with no political history to run their backwards country. Was it a surprise that we did?
  9. Fairly certain that the relationship between guns and deaths is one of causation.
  10. Not my words but the words of Martin Luther King jr. I suppose you could tell him a thing or two about race relations in the US. You’re probably right though. Rioting will solve the problem. Like the LA riots after Rodney King got a doing. That stopped police brutality. The poll tax riots changed nothing. Mass non-compliance stopped the poll tax. Maybe sometimes having a wee riot does help. Maybe sometimes it’s hugely counter productive. I reckon usually the latter.
  11. Horizontally stored books, eh? The relevant authorities have been informed.
  12. I once took a shopfront canopy (Regal cigarrettes) back to my student digs as a booze trophy. c***s in another flat thought they were the bees balls for having a flashing orange lantern. Showed them. It was probably insured so it would have been a victimless crime.
  13. The limitation of riots, moral questions aside, is that they cannot win and their participants know it. Hence, rioting is not revolutionary but reactionary because it invites defeat. It involves an emotional catharsis, but it must be followed by a sense of futility.
  14. Previous owner of my house was a diy enthusiast. Unfortunately his enthusiasm seems to have hugely outstripped his ability. I can recognise his work by the screws with the crosses screwed right out of the top. Five of the fuckers i had to drill out today.
  15. Someone who never said it, appropriately enough
  16. I'm usually wildly optimistic until about the second week in August. I preferred Neneh Cherry
  17. I'm way nicer on here than i am in real life. But i am a complete c**t in real life.
  18. Using a semicolon immediately before a conjunction while slagging punctuation. Good work.
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