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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Are you confusing the actual people that work in the NHS with their gammony champions? Or did you once pump a female who became a nurse, which is preying on your mind for some reason?
  2. I couldn't make head nor tail of this because of the buckfasty slack jawed drawling noise. Byraway.
  3. Just finished slime. The weakest Walliams I've read yet. I'm starting to miss my lengthy commute
  4. 100m along the side of the pitch, 50 folk every 2m. If you have a person every four rows (3 rows space) you would need two side stands 20 rows deep or one 40 deep. If you can let in household groups, even less space needed. And people said hearts new stand was a waste of money.
  5. Magic looking beer gardens full of arseholes.
  6. How are you seeing adverts in this day and age?
  7. Geordie sounds like gooback. They asked me the same question in a chipper for about 10 minutes. Turns out "iwun ba'a'" means "would you like bits of old batter out of the fryer scattered on your kebab, sir?"
  8. Cockneys and brummies sound stupid. Weegies and scousers sound dodgy. Rp speakers want a slap. I try not to be prejudiced though
  9. Squirrels and magpies are surprisingly evenly matched. I used to watch them fight each other regularly and it would go on for ages.
  10. Not that long ago zoologists were split as to whether the giant squid was real. I'd like the world to have some undiscovered secrets. The yeti might be incredibly unlikely, but wouldn't it be great if it was real?
  11. I don't believe in AIDS. The Reagan administration made it up to stop heroin and bumsex for reactionary reasons. Is that the case for the defense?
  12. I assume all of these magpie mentalists live in Scotland where they are relatively rare? You'd never get anything done in these parts if you had to acknowledge the belligerent wee b*****ds.
  13. f**k it, it would only get spent on feasibility studies for bridges with gardens on them otherwise. We should invest in copper bracelets and healing crystals too.
  14. It's actually really easy to wrap people up in cotton wool and if they're healthy it's probably easier because they can help you.
  15. Say there a 1 in 10 chance that you will end up in hospital with covid, it's probably something like that. Unlesd you have a similar base rate chance of being hospitalised the proportion of the hospital population with covid will be higher than the population outside. Not because you're more likely to get it in hospital but because you're more likely to be in hospital if you've got it. If the over 65s make up roughly 1/4 of the population and 80% of admissions, they could be 4 times likelier to have covid at any given time and still not be any likelier than a 19 year old to have it while in the private residence population. Your last paragraph may well be right but it isn't demonstrated by the report you quoted.
  16. Thought i'd just bypass the ignore function to be a dick.
  17. Because a disproportionate number of people with coronavirus are in care homes or hospitals which aren't covered in the study. I haven't dismissed the study but I am trying to understand what it says. Does the care home/ hospital number need added to the 148k in the general population or is it already included in the 148k? If already included how was it estimated? You quoted the study and drew inferences from its conclusion so i thought you might have understood the conclusion.
  18. I don't think a wider study is needed to identify the sampling bias that appears to be inherent by only covering private residences. I was just wondering whether there was anything in the study which tried to adjust for the bias or take it into account in conclusions. It does look like the study's conclusions are of limited application to the whole population.
  19. If i read their info correctly, they are estimating the numbers outside hospital or care homes that test positive. Is that your understanding? If so what do you think that implies for the population as a whole?
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