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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Why's she persecuting Norwich? Can I join in, i hate those east anglian b*****ds.
  2. This is a particular worry where people have symptoms and think a mask will stop them spreading germs. I have seen a fair few masked and gloved arseholes acting like they are invincible. For balance, i've also seen plenty of folk without doing the same.
  3. Good point Remember when al capone "found" a vote in his email security system? It's the exact same thing.
  4. Are you the guy in Belgium? Remind them what Farage said about them not being a proper country too.
  5. There's some c**t on stilts at the street party round the corner from me. I think it's a birthday party, but no-one seems to mind because of all the fucking VE day parties that are going on. Have i missed an announcement?
  6. Any working party of more than four or five would guarantee conflict. If it didn't it would be because of a stitch up, and we don't want that.
  7. Ok. What advice do you think the government should have taken?
  8. The number of 500,000 almost certainly would have been wrong. Complex systems are hard to predict. It is incredibly difficult for a model to accurately predict an exact future state. They are mostly useful for comparative analyses of different scenarios. Tea leaves or astrology?
  9. You think it’s not useful to know that there is a high degree of uncertainty and what the likely ranges might be? I think it is useful. For contingency planning and the like. Do you think that the estimate of 500,000 deaths in a "do nothing" scenario has been disproved? If so, how? It looks to me that it would probably have been right within an order of magnitude, say 100k-1m. That's more useful than thinking it might be like a normal flu or wipe out 50%of the population. What would you like to replace this sort of modelling with? Tea leaves, astrology perhaps?
  10. What do you mean wrong here? This looks like if fairly clearly shows a very high level of uncertainty. It would be wrong to rely on the line as a confident prediction of exact numbers, but that information is provided in the model.
  11. Could you cease and desist? Just don't set Alloa on me
  12. To whom is Doncaster a hero? Both the SPFL and Rangers have acted like utter c***s.
  13. Voted yes because i will not be bullied.
  14. Hundreds of thousands of pounds to pay the likes of pwc or mckinsey, plus hundreds of valuable man hours dealing with the shite. The question should be what have the members got to gain?
  15. How would you like it? Cease and desist posting Cease and desist posting Cease and desist posting Cease and desist posting See, i bet you're crying now
  16. Who's happy with the SPFL? They've made a c**t of it. Only to be upstaged by a noisier shambles.
  17. If you want an answer to a dry procedural question, normal practice is to ask that question. It is not normal practice to fling about baseless allegations and demands for suspension for a month then ask. Rangers unprofessional approach has undermined any constructive moves in the direction that they claim to want.
  18. If the decision is set aside then there is a possibilty that the payments to clubs are illegal and should be repaid. Why was this not disclosed?
  19. There are some good questions in there. There is no evidence of any bullying or lies. I don't think a dossier was needed to demonstrate that Doncaster is shifty and incompetent. I do hope they take Doncaster to court for breaching his fiduciary duties. That'll be some laugh.
  20. It's not just, or even mainly, celtic fans. Everyone is laughing at your club again.
  21. Headline standards are slipping. Should have worked "red barron" in somewhere
  22. Nah, I wipe the post down before I pick it up.
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