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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Snelders Bossu (honourable mention for Leighton, a childhood idol)
  2. If this topic is going to stay on the first page can you please edit the title to add a question mark? I'm not meaning to be a pedant but it's giving me OCD every time i see it.
  3. We have three clubs with no realistic title hopes, from cities bigger than Dundee, that average over 10k. Seems similar to the Netherlands (pop > 17m). Cities bigger than Dundee in the Netherlands : Name 2020 Population Location Amsterdam 741,636 Map Rotterdam 598,199 Map The Hague 474,292 Map Utrecht 290,529 Map Eindhoven 209,620 Map Tilburg 199,613 Map Groningen 181,194 Map Almere Stad 176,432 Map Breda 167,673 Map Nijmegen 158,732 Map Enschede 153,655
  4. Aberdeen v Killie seems a funny one to use as an example. Neither in any real danger of relegation, so a bigger league wouldn't change that. We also used the same shitfest tacticts against Dumbarton, who wouldn't be in a 20 team top tier. Btw i'm fairly ambivalent about how the league is set up, and would probably have been for it a couple of of months ago, but folk arguing against 18 teams are convincing me more than those arguing for expansion.
  5. Will Ann Budge's previous views on league reconstruction come back to bite her on the arse? : "Budge, who recently joined the Scottish Professional Football League's board, said: "I think 42 senior clubs is too many for Scotland. "You're looking at about half that number. "We're not throwing people to the dogs and saying you don't matter. We should be saying this is what will work better for you, what fits your profile.""
  6. An interest free loan isn't the same as income. Some clubs will require banks' permission to borrow and might not be able to prioritise repaying the league over other creditors. Having more short term debt and less income also makes borrowing from other sources harder. I don't know the exact reasons for why calling the leagues was the preferred option but I can say with certainty that there are good reasons for preferring income to loans.
  7. On the youth players point, Hamilton are one of the best at bringing through youngsters despite being in perpetual threat of relegation, and it seems to have helped them. I don't think clubs are scared to "play football" they're just not very good at it.
  8. I find that highly offensive. Using an apostrophe for a plural ffs
  9. There's only about a one in ten chance that it would be someone who didn't deserve it because most people are dicks.
  10. My boss votes Tory, he was out clapping for them last week. I said I didn't and he implied I didn't respect them. A bit of the good book for them: Matthew 6 1 "Be careful not to do your `acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. 2 "So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4 so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 5 "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
  11. We all knew about the "boaby" sucking thing, that's why we're Abergreen. I'm a bit embarrassed for you that you think this is news.
  12. Load of shite. Leave the touchy feely stuff to the Yanks and the continentals. Stiff upper lip chaps.
  13. https://direct.asda.com/george/men/polo-shirts/D2M1G10C17,default,sc.html 2 for £10, without the nazi connection
  14. £49.50 for a fucking polo shirt! Just because it says "boss" on it? That almost gave me an aneurysm.
  15. Our foodwaste is going to landfill for now. The seagulls will get it there, more than making up for the lack of boozers' detritus.
  16. Completely agree. The fact that the competition is Charlie stayt (there is no word strong enough) and Naga munchetty shouldn't cause anyone to respect piers morgan. The fact that a morning itv sofa warmer is asking better questions than supposed serious journalists reflects badly on the msm as a whole and not well on the sofa jockey. The bbc is doing some things well. If you want to know what twitter thinks or how tik tok is affected then the beeb is the place to go.
  17. I have not watched a 5 o clock briefing but still think Piers Morgan is an utter c**t without any redeeming qualities.
  18. It's a good 10 years since i read it (after it took my about 6 years of starting and giving up) so I'm quite hazy on the detail. I just thought it added to my enjoyment that I had 2 completely opposite ideas about what to expect from it before i started. If you do read the letters make sure and post your thoughts on here, would be interested.
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