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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Last time I clicked a link to a personality test it just said "you're a c**t" straight away. It was a bit more subtle this time:
  2. Was Craig Brown not a teacher in Dundee in the 70s? Punched a parent or something
  3. Why only the gruesome twosome? Why couldn't Hearts for example field a team in the lower leagues? Oh., hang on...
  4. I've a fetching Frankenstein one that cost about £3 50 so it would be good to get to wear it more than once a year.
  5. I find ketchup about the worst option. I tend to go for a mix of encona chilli and bbq, with a side of garlic mayo for dipping
  6. I don't want to white knight oaksoft, but that's a hell of a strawman you are attacking
  7. I'm struggling with this. How do you know when the right time to be tested is? If this is the case then it is a shit test and almost not worth having. I'd be interested to see a good source.
  8. Chris Hopson who is in charge of NHS procurement used to be in charge of IT at HMRC, when i worked there. He was giving a presentation about the latest overbudget and dysfunctional system; with my union hat on I asked whether it might be more cost effective to bring IT back in house. He was dogmatic on outsourcing being more efficient. "it has been proved time and time again" apparently.
  9. Like i said, kids are b*****ds. I wouldn't find it at all funny now.
  10. Our French teacher was a French lady, from France. She had a high pitched thick accent that we used to regularly immitate for a laugh. She told us a sad story one day about how her teenage son had been on the beach and was very hot, so jumped into the cold sea to cool down. Apparently the shock of the tempearature difference knocked him unconscious and he drowned. She explained that she didn't know what it was called in English but in French it was "hydrocution" There was an awkward silence for a few seconds before one boy came out with a loud "eeeeeeedrocoooosheeeeeong? " which released everyone's tension into a roar of laughter. Poor woman was in floods of tears and couldn't understand why we all found it funny. Kids are b*****ds.
  11. Folk in their 50s don’t get in more fights than previously. They are being seen in hospital because they’re losing more. They are the first generation who grew up with video games, a known effeminiser. Remember that this isn’t a change compared to later generations but to earlier ones. For everyone youngster finding it funny, this is what your future looks like.
  12. Everyone says or does stupid things from time to time, and a faux pas on a message board isn't worth beating yourself up about. However, voting tory will result in the devil taking your soul into the inferno for all eternity.
  13. Are you very sorry for voting tory? Do you promise to not ever do it again?
  14. Split works better with 14, for the top 6 anyway. Split after 2 rounds means even h&a fixtures.
  15. I think that the government is entitled to respond as the government to correct factual inaccuracies if they might pose risks. Responding point by point like this in an adversarial manner is really inappropriate. It reads like a sevco statement knocked up for the trump administration.
  16. Sounds like someone's got a Tory fetish. I bet you cracked one off to that Thatcher pic a few pages back didn't you?
  17. If this is representative Budge can get her way with an in/out vote on reform, which a clear majority favoured. Get reconstruction done.
  18. You seem to be suggesting that the British public might respond in a rational way to statistical evidence. It seems unlikely. I think that's probably right for some people. I think there will probably be a large minority of people who will be permanently neurotic after this and will crack when people go near them. There will also probably be a large minority of people who think that a partial lifting if restrictions is the "all-clear" being sounded and will revert to fuckwittery irrespective of a second spike. Given the number of cretins that i've seen coughing in shops without even trying to cover their mouths, I think the second lot have the numbers
  19. There is no inflationary pressure on wages at the moment and real interest rates are negative. If we start getting real interest rates rising or wages rising we should stop borrowing. That's the conventional wisdom, but we're in fairly uncharted territory and new issues have a habit of being discovered in extreme situations. The point at the moment is that the alternative to government spending is economic collapse. If you needed a couple of thousand pounds quickly to pay for a life saving operation for a family member, would you hesitate about using a credit card even if the repayments might get painful?
  20. This shows why science and medicine journalists should be dealing with this rather than political ones. First, Humphreys (assuming he did give the prof an easy ride) presumably doesn’t know where to start with complex modelling and couldn’t ask any pertinent questions. Second, the spectator lad seems to be trying to pin the prof down to a gaffe in a sound bite and is implicitly criticising him for not being able to see into the future. If a worst case scenario of 250,000 deaths is predicted, and only 500 people died, that doesn’t necessarily mean the prediction was “wrong” (although it could have been) but that the factors needed for a worst case scenario didn’t materialise. If I’ve read the March paper right (and I’m not an expert) there are predictions for 5,600 to 550,000 deaths depending on some unknown variables, only some of which can be affected by policy. The point is not to accurately quantify exact numbers, but to show how numbers will probably be affected by policy choices. I would hope that the government isn’t just relying on one paper. Not sure what you mean about real data being secret. There are some freely published studies, some paywalled and maybe some govt and/or pharma backed ones being kept confidential, sure. I don’t think most of the main stats could be kept secret in this country but some lab stuff could be. Completely agree that the 0.5m was quoted by the government as a tool of persuasion. I don’t think it was included in the study for that purpose though. I think it was in the study to scare the government.
  21. I don't see there being much difference with a 14 team league, which could have the main advantage of an even number based split with slightly more diversity. I quite like the split as a concept.
  22. We're going at it hammer and tongs, that's at least twice in the last month.
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