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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Thanks for pointing that out. It wasn't bothering me but now it is. It's like noticing that the volume's on 37.
  2. I don't know what he meant tbh. There was a clear line of no non essential travel that made perfect sense and was easy to understand. He hasn't added to that message, has diluted the core message and probably alienated people by making it sound like it's enjoyment that's the problem. It's shite communication
  3. He didn't say that. That's not what mountain biking is, it's riding a mountain bike. Anyway, what if you live in the mountains?
  4. Cycling was specified by mr Johnson as a permissible exercise. This guy's saying not to go mountain biking. If your hobby is running, should you stop doing it because it is your hobby? What he has done is muddy the waters with a false dichotomy between hobby and exercise.
  5. I am not on facebook and haven't encountered anyone being a twat about clapping. Coincidence?
  6. I definitely remember an interview with them when the album came out saying it was about watching Hibs lose. I've tried but i can't find it. I did find an interview from 2007 where they said it was a love song, about a place but not a specific person. I concede the frame
  7. Now they're clean you should take them back to the bowling alley
  8. I'm fed up of skiers jumping red lights and grown ups skiing on the pavements
  9. Why pay tax on revenue? That's just nuts. It would put all low margin businesses at disadvantage.
  10. I'm all for a wide range of informed and ignorant opinions. Most folk have been suitably humble about the limits of their expertise.
  11. Of course it should. The question is when is it possible.
  12. If it is, may i bid you all a fond au revoir
  13. I like the "in this instance" disclaimer. That's doing a lot of work for a throwaway phrase.
  14. My dad was hospitalised for a couple of days after someone's drive landed on his head. So, yes, think of the NHS. Oh and golf was invented by satan to embody everything that's wrong with the world and making golfers miserable is one silver lining of this whole thing.
  15. Constantly amazed by peoples levels of confidence about the spread of this virus and their certain knowledge about what is going to happen over the next few months.
  16. I can see it now "can you just pick up some clothes pegs and twine while you're out?"
  17. Goes out shopping for food because she wanted a paintbrush. Bought a load of non-essential shite but forgot her paintbrush. Now wants me to go out for a paintbrush.
  18. Tax havens could be dealt with really quite effectively under the current regime without their consent. The UK, US and Netherlands (in particular) tax codes have some fairly slack loopholes to sabotage the effectiveness of their own regimes that are supposed to combat havens.
  19. Absolutely correct, the only two ways of organising society are uber capitalist (low tax on capital high tax on labour with regressive income and sales taxes + ip monopolies + very limited social security) or communism.
  20. You say that like a massive arse is a bad thing
  21. How about the government fabricating wmd intelligence to obtain backing for a colonial adventure in the middle east?
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