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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Genuine answer. Having now checked exactly what was happening exactly 5 weeks ago, i was actually starting to take it a bit seriously but it still seemed really remote. For context, i work in Cheltenham and 5 weeks ago the festival was still going ahead next week. 6 weeks ago i was definitely in the "won't be a problem" camp. 6 weeks ago Italy had a cumulative 41 dead, reported as being old and sick. Not obviously worse than a new strain of flu. We've had scares before with swine flu, bird flu, SARS and MERS and they had little impact here. It didn't feel any different from that. I never doubted the figures from Italy, but I never particularly took an interest in them. It wouldn't happen here. Then they cancelled the football, and that got my attention.
  2. Five weeks ago I thought it was a bit of a hype job and not really worth bothering about. Hindsight is great.
  3. That's the point. You can't draw any meaningful conclusion from a headline figure like that.
  4. If i've missed out entire paragraphs, it's only because i couldn't be bothered reading it but wanted to have a pop regardless.
  5. Thanks for the link. 6.8% of German spending is by the govt compared to 79% on the uk. The balance is pretty much insurance. 29% of German spending is on hospitals compared to 42% of the UKs. The overall difference could be easily accounted for by Germans paying insurers dividends and using proportionally more higher margin discretionary services. Might not be though, maybe they just provide more through community channels and maybe private provision is more efficient. Given the difficulties in compiling any economic measure i'm inclined to think that the headline difference of 13% doesn't show a significant difference in healthcare provision, and that consequently it is more likely that it's testing levels that are making the most difference.
  6. I was asking a question and illustrated my reason for asking by referring to the UK. If you don't understand the question or don't know the answer, that's fine but no need to be arsey. I'll try again. Is that a figure for government spending on health or is it the figure for the amount of spending on health in each economy? That is, do those figures include spending by private individuals and companies on private health provision? I ask because private health spending is not a good comparator if you are looking at what the government is doing. It seems Germany is definitely doing something better and i would really be interested to know what and how. Those raw figures are not particularly illuminating without context.
  7. I'd like to win the biggest ever euromillions, build a massive castle, drive about in an amphibious assault vehicle with go faster stripes and those blue lights underneath. Probably have a wave machine in the pool and disco lights in the flumes. I'd also like a heffner style harem, but with more midgets.
  8. Is that government spending or spending in the economy? The US spends more on healthcare than we do, but a huge chunk funds profits of insurers, and providers of bullshit wellness. Beware of international comparisons
  9. I'm not apologising for anyone. Back in 2016 we had a pandemic practise and cocked it up. No-one was campaigning to get the government to sort it. I could have. You could have. Anyone could have, but didn't. Instead all political bandwidth went on EU membership. So really, it's your fault.
  10. Ah, i see. That's still dead though. More tribute act than zombie.
  11. I think it's hard to blame the government for being unprepared. No government in living memory has had a democratic mandate to spend "taxpayers money" on contingency planning, for anything. The tories privatised water boards in england and wales, then cut flood defence budgets. Then floods got worse year on year. But they got voted back in to cut more. That's something visible and obvious. Imagine labour/snp trying to spend billions on surplus icu capacity just in case. Waste, inefficiency etc. It wouldn't happen. c***s they undoubtedly are but they're c***s who are in power because we're all morons obsessed by trivial shite and get the system we deserve.
  12. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.ft.com/content/e00120a2-74cd-11ea-ad98-044200cb277f Vsl
  13. Actually never crossed my mind. Should i say entered my mind? I thought all strains of christian believed in a literal resurrection but just differed about how to hold meetings and decorate the clubhouse?
  14. Clapping is a good start but it won't solve the problem by itself. If just a few more people hit pans with spoons then i think we can beat this thing.
  15. Happy Easter p&b! I have just eaten 7 of the recommended servings of my chocolate egg (quality street) and will be having a roast dinner later. When i was a child we used to paint eggs and roll them down a hill. Not heard of that happening now but my kids think a rabbit brings their eggs, which seems improbable. How do p&bers usually celebrate the reanimation of a corpse? What local traditions have disappeared?
  16. I think it's important in times like these not to sow division among the people. We should remember that not everyone who voted tory is evil. Some are just stupid.
  17. That would give sky something something to show as well. Win all round
  18. No reason apart from bettering their life and their children's chances. No benefit apart from essential work actually getting done. How do you propose we match up able bodied people in the uk with these jobs and get them to take them? 2 options:a) pay enough or b) withdraw benefits?
  19. It’s to appease knuckleheaded xenophobes. Hth
  20. https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/exclusive-new-evidence-of-child-deaths-linked-to-stay-at-home-covid-warnings/
  21. I'm more intrigued as to how he seems to know me personally, given that he thinks I am such a horrible person. Can't really defend myself against the shite posts accusation tbf. Clap 4 Moomintroll
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