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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. They haven't put conditions on businesses deferring payroll payments. All you need is a plausible reason as to why coronavirus has affected your cashflow. In any case it would be counter productive to put restrictions on businesses being able to trade when they can re-open.
  2. They can't stop a club signing players. That's mental
  3. Not sure what the terms of reference were. They reported on the timing, but i don't know what else they looked at. No matter what the terms are of any investigation it is almost guaranteed to conclude that no-one acted illegally or in contravention of their duties but mistakes were made and lessons will be learned. PWC/ Deloitte/ some legal firm will be half a million better off (out of money that could go to clubs). We'll be 2 months behind where we could have been in deciding how to get through this situation. What's not to like?
  4. Like i said, that was the stronger argument but it is only an argument. I'm not saying the whole thing was done well. I was refuting a claim that it had been established as fact that the spl misled the clubs. It hasn't been. Not a clue on the legality of Dundee's vote. That's already been investigated though, illustrating perfectly the futility of demanding an investigation.
  5. Thanks, an interesting read. It is more an argument as to why how it could be argued that the Spfl could have misled, rather than a conclusion that they did. It does look quite a persuasive argument. The two main points are clearly arguable. The stronger point is that the rules on the distribution of money could also be changed. This point surely would be obvious to everyone though? And does it not require a qualified majority to change that? But the spfl were factually correct that the rules didn't allow early distribution. The point about loans is weak. I'm not sure what relevance the power of the spfl to make loans has to their ability to pay prize money. They're clearly different things.
  6. I appreciate that it did influence how he voted. Do you think that Doncaster would have been able to predict that? Maybe he hides his machiavellian streak well.
  7. Not a fan of aggressive testing. I prefer a gentle swab.
  8. Ok so it might have been misleading. Maybe. Is an independent investigation really required to ring round the other clubs and check if they'd all voted by 2 minutes to 5? Especially given there is no reason to suspect they hadn't, and no reason to think this information would cause cormack to vote in a particular way. Back to the bit where you said it had been established that clubs had been misled about funds. That sounded interesting. Any more on that?
  9. Even though he is an omnipotent deity, i'm not sure this falls within the good lord's areas of expertise.
  10. I respectfully disagree. The vote was a virtual show of hands, not a secret ballot. Had they all been sat in an egm the members would have had that information from their own eyes. I mean, I don't disagree that Doncaster should go. I just don't see any problem with that bit.
  11. I thought you were meant to be the grammar police ffs. Fair play for recognising Rangers' less than altruistic motives. The interfering with the ballot bit is a complete red herring. There's nothing in the articles to suggest that ballots need to be secret. Directors are allowed, some would say obliged, to try to persuade members to back their proposals. "Unnecessarily hasty" or "decisive strong leadership"? Meh, subjective non point. Is it "known" that the spfl misled clubs about access to funds? That does sound quite serious. I must be behind on this because i missed this development. If it's known though, why do we need an inquiry? Don't get me wrong, the SPFL is a shambles, but grandstanding for the morons is not the way to make it less of a shambles.
  12. How would you get down to that level though?
  13. I doubt they care if they get a probe or not. I have no inside knowledge, but based on the fact that Rangers say they want an inquiry, i think they don't want an inquiry.
  14. I'd like to but they always shut while I'm still at work.
  15. You guys need to think outside the box. 1 pitch per player and VR headsets. Hey presto! Knightmare spl!
  16. You got me there you clever b*****d. It could have. Should there be an independent investigation every time "bullying coercion" could have taken place? Yes/ No/ all of the above.
  17. You seem confused. The SPFL is a private company run by its directors. It is npt the state. Members ballots are not general elections.
  18. I like to think that the sevconian representatives on p&b are the more level headed among their support. As at least some of them are lapping up the PR shite, I think it's safe to assume that the majority of "rangers" fans are right behind their club on this. As the club has no reason to care what other clubs or their fans think, it seems that they are playing a blinder for what they are trying to achieve. For the rest of us, like when any 7 year old is having a noisy tantrum, it's best to just ignore them.
  19. Seemingly on the phone to the POTUS earlier this week according to Domestos Donnie - and I'd like to know why, especially if he wasn't contacting any other major leaders. Hopefully getting medical advice
  20. It's more important than ever that we all try to counter the spread of misinformation through the internet.
  21. https://www.bmstores.co.uk/products/food-and-drink/drinks/alcohol
  22. There was a thing on bbc news in the early hours of yesterday morning with a bunch of journos interviewing each other about the political reactions. Sara Smith was getting interviewed by K*****erg about Nicola Sturgeon's explanation of the exit strategy from Lockdown. Basically K*****erg had a go at Sturgeon for not providing much detail then explained that the Westminster approach of providing no details was great, to not give false hope or scare anyone. She then had a wee laugh explaining how her second question at thr briefing had been cut off but she was assured it was an accident. I have never seen a political hack go native this much, and i've seen Nick Robinson.
  23. This is why he thinks he's a genius. Because he thinks everyone else is a complete moron. I guess it's not entirely unjustified given the number of his supporters he must have met.
  24. B&m sells booze. £5 for two bottles of "fruit fusion wine" (consumption not recommended)
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