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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. That's stubble, not a beard That's a beard
  2. I plan to watch this on iplayer tonight. I have a tear in my eye just thinking about it. And a semi.
  3. I had a beard for many years. It came off when trendy types started "wearing" them just in case i got wrongly judged as a hipster. Now and then i run into someone i met when i had a beard and they won't recognise me clean shaven. That didn't happen the other way round when i grew the beard.
  4. In a cunning reversal of the usual approach, Scotland is using its neighbour as a guinea pig.
  5. Between 2008 and 2016 i took a real terms pay cut in take home of ~20% due to "pay restraint" in the civil service and still ended up putting in regular 50 hour weeks*. It would have been much worse if it wasn't for the unions. *admittedly several of these hours may have been spent in bars near stations waiting for pre booked off peak trains.
  6. Yas! "immune warriors!" "seek and destroy!" Those T cells sound hard as nails. When will they be available?
  7. Looks like a deft flick on by the government into the" health and safety at work" area. The business has to decide whether extra costs are appropriate. For a job where there's usually 3 in a van you could increase space by paying one or more guys to take their own car. Or you can take the risk that they get sick and sue for inadequate measures. Either way the government has done its bit. (not morally, but they don't care about right and wrong). I reckon this is a future bonanza for ambulance chasers. "did you get covid at work?"
  8. Billy Connolly basically designed modern stand up. His material was hilarious until well into the 90s and intermittently good after that. 10% Connolly is still be better than 95% of current tv stand ups. I did laugh at dominik diamond saying "he used to be funny but now he's just a purple bearded dancing for money monkey" He might never do another "shitting in our shoes while we're pissing in their Bovril" but he's done it once more than anyone else.
  9. Big news for key workers down here. Timpsons has re-opened My coat's in the hall
  10. That's a woman you're talking about. Very inconsiderate eh? One in her mouldy snatch too.
  11. They should have allocated places on bigness so we could have got third. Only fair.
  12. The eye baths that come with eye washing fluid appear designed to fit only very small eyes on a very flat face. I now have less itchy eyes but a wet t shirt.
  13. They did say that they voted on the understanding that there would be proper talks about reconstruction and that they felt that the talks weren't proper. Maybe they genuinely feel like it's unfair on relegated clubs. Maybe they think a larger top tier would benefit them in future. All speculation and no insight though I'm afraid.
  14. For anyone who feels that a massive recession and horrific disease are not enough misery, the BBC is starting to make Eastenders again. Hooray! Trump needs to force the liberal snowflakes back to work now so that I can get to see Fargo s4. MAGA.
  15. Statistically, that's a massive understatement. The long term mortality rate is 100%.
  16. I'd say it's fine if you have the agility to pull it off. I'd break an ankle or land on my head if i tried. It's certainly more acceptable than leaving at 85 minutes to beat the traffic.
  17. Yes, it is best to make sure that people who don’t understand words are left in no doubt.
  18. Consensus is the noun for a situation in which everyone agrees. Everyone in consensus is unanimous, an adjective. This is the most semantic bullshit story I've ever heard.
  19. Sainsbury's ran out of dill the other day. It's starting.
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