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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Working from home is going to be shite with the wife and kids here. It's meant to be an opportunity to play fifa and have a w**k.
  2. Storm in a teacup mate. Nothing a couple of paracetamol and a wee lie down won't sort out.
  3. That can take up to 10 minutes in my local aldi. Many a time i've felt smug about getting in the newly announced till only to wait ages for someone to operate it. Meanwhile folk who were behind me have been served
  4. Football players are almost certainly Employees for employment law and tax purposes. Most probably haven't been with their employees long enough to have rights to redundancy pay.
  5. Same thing isn't it? Uk only tests more serious cases.
  6. Or Germany has tested less serious cases
  7. Savings are lendings. If we (west) go tits up and default, china has no savings.
  8. I strongly suspect that my family and I all had this in December. I don't think our health service would have given enough of a shite (institutionally speaking) to identify an unusual cluster of flu like symptoms like a well funded conscientious individual in China did. I am probably wrong but it seems reasonably possible. If I'm right, we could be wasting massive resources and interrupting kid's education for far less benefit that we're being told. We need to get testing.
  9. A CFO who had enough idle cash to fund a year's expenditure would get sacked for having a stupidly inefficient balance sheet. Even businesses that need cash for regulatory reasons might need to cover 2-3 months tops. I'd expect a club that's budgeted for the top 6, but is bottom and has paid off managers and senior players to be running out of cash soon if not already. Usually there's a credit line backed by imminent season ticket sales available. They can't sell season tickets for an unknowable arrangement. We are all in this boat to some extent.
  10. Boris specifically said people shouldn't head off to holiday homes from London. Doesn't mean that will stop them I suppose although I don't see the harm if they go there and don't mix with the locals. North Wales warned them to stay away last week. There are a lot of specialist anti english xenophobes there with matches and accelerant, so those warnings should be heeded. I expect the cornish to be quite militant too.
  11. When i were a lad, the year 2000 was so futuristic it had a dystopian comic named after it. Now it's a "blast from the past"
  12. I don't doubt their authority about what needs to be done to contain the virus. That's their area. There are wider costs to containment that are outside their expertise though. I don't have any confidence in the people making judgements about whether the costs are worth it. I don't just mean costs in pounds and pence. A shutdown will cost lives too. I can almost guarantee that the costs will be borne by those that can least afford it.
  13. If the rest of the world announced they weren't trading with England because they were diseased, i'd give it a fortnight before the policy was decided. I'd give it about another 50 years before they managed to actually do anything to carry it out though
  14. This is incorrect. We should have locked tbe schools from the outside 3 weeks ago, let them get herd immunity and let us do important grown up things. Armchair epidemiology is way more acceptable than criticising consi at lb.
  15. We were already way below capacity. Hyperinflation is only really a risk if we overshoot the amount of money needed to replace lost real income. It is possible and a risk, but so is a full on collapse of the economy. Fortunately, we elect clever people with impeccable judgement to make these difficult calls on our behalf
  16. Not if they're QE instruments. (aka printing money)
  17. Well you could buy stuff to start with. It's also a store of value. Unlike shares, bonds and possibly even more so than real estate. Currencies could take a beating in the near future too. You're obviously thinking too short term about food and arsewiping. Thinking two moves ahead is what keeps our reptoid oppressors in power.
  18. That's just untrue. Many of them have piles of gold bullion buried in the grounds of their estates and remote private islands.
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