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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. The Germans use green to signify hazlenut in chocolate, when it should be for mint. That's all you need to know about those deviants.
  2. This is very harsh on foreigners, the partially sighted and dyslexics.
  3. I've noticed that every day the sun comes up and goes back down again.
  4. I agree that there will be a reaction. There will probably a faction that thinks that retaining some links is a good idea and will question the madness, as you hope. I suspect that there will be a bigger faction that blames the eu, thinks that no deal isn't enough of a separation and wants to repatriate every Pole and Romanian. Although it is currently unthinkable that the latter faction could hold power, the unthinkable has happened quite a bit recently.
  5. Was this a cartoon? I don't remember that but had a couple of the toys. There was an eyeball (not shown) that cyclops lad with the horn could be extremely painful if you actually tried using it as a ball.
  6. Tonight's driver was a c**t. He braked too hard and my post work bottle of beer (open) skidded across the table and leapt on to the thankfully empty seat opposite. It wasn't even an emergency stop. c**t.
  7. Sorry, I thought we were having a laugh. I didn't realise it was your period.
  8. Better than having foreign sounding or looking people taking our jobs.
  9. Sounds like a cast iron case for deregulation right there.
  10. Aberdeen fans "random guy's a fanny" Also St Johnstone fans: "random guy's a fanny"
  11. Your premise is flawed. They will never realise. If you can use their language they should be able to use our sea. Otherwise it's spiteful.
  12. Not dictated from Brussels. Agreed according to international standards which both parties have agreed to adhere to. Unlike, say, Norway who does just take rules. They can demand whatever they want. We can refuse. I'd rather both sides were being less publicly childish, but that's where we are. And to be fair, we started it.
  13. Yes Haha Normal parlance is shite. It's not free trade and is certainly not the tarrif free access that we demanded. I don't know about wine. Cheese is on quotas and chickens are out. I didn't realise we were doing a joint negotiation. It is disingenuous of us to say we want a deal like 3 different deals so we can cherry pick. The point is these are not comparable agreements in comparatble situations.
  14. 1- Japan adopting EU standards is a different matter and is what they agreed to. 2 -We have 99% of our DNA in common with chimps. 2% of goods (by category count mind, not by value) might be significant? Tarrifs are not the whole story on trade. Some markets remain protected. 3- I said Canada, not the combined figures (which still support my point). This is the sort of strawman and twisting of facts is exactly the sort of mendacity that gave us the cluster f**k in the first place. Let's also not forget tha the eu needs to manage a free rider moral hazard here. And that we have publicly announced that we will keep what we want and not have any downside because the EU needs our trade. Which was dumb for all sorts of reasons.
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