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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Random factor thrown into the mix now. Power vacuum in Oman. We've got military bases there. I think the US do. The detached bit at the north could give strategic control of Gulf shipping. Still at loggerheads with Yemen and with a rapidly grown young and disaffected demographic. Transition could go smoothly if no outside parties try to influence it. And monkeys might fly out of my butt.
  2. I like how he starts by saying he won't waste his time. Then writes screeds of presumably (I didn't read it) whingeing victim crap
  3. You're right. The hypothetical views that I was attributing to a made up caricature probably aren't very consistent.
  4. Wikipedia says 26, 27 next week. That's how old I tell my kids I am.
  5. I don't know any US military top brass but the ones I have seen on telly all give the impression that they'd much rather blow people up than not blow people up. Worrying about people dying is for commie fags.
  6. I love the idea that "the Pentagon" could be the voice of reason. Their advice was probably to use a bigger missile.
  7. A bench of Hayes, Kennedy, Mcginn, Hedges and Mclennan while we start with Main and Gallagher? I like it.
  8. The Middle East was fucked up way before the crusades and has been a battleground between major powers since the dawn of history, with your Hiitites and Egyptians, phoenicians and as assyrians all getting stuck in. The Crusades was more a youngish upstart power trying to play with the big boys. For most of the 19th and 20th century our involvement was overtly imperialist, although more latterly "protection of interests". There were half assed attempts at humanitarian moral justification for the first gulf War, but it's really only since Kosovo that humanitarian grounds have been put forward as the actual grounds for intervention.
  9. Apart from species that have evolved to live off us and our environment, both domesticated (from Guinea pigs to sheep) and uninvited (pigeons, rats). I'd like to see how long a feral chihuahua lasts in the wild.
  10. I thought the right was supposed to understand realpolitik. I don't think anyone here is shedding a tear for the man, just a bit worried that there might be consequences we won't like.
  11. Beyond weird- everything you thought you knew about quantum physics is different--Philip Ball. Still fairly baffled by the whole thing, but at least I think I know what I'm baffled by. Almost no physics needed, very accessible. Relies less on analogy than anything else I've read on the topic. Recommended. Salvation Lost by Peter F Hamilton. Pacy Sci fi action thriller, Part 2 of the trilogy. Not quite up to the heights of the first one but still pretty good. Fairly sure there will be a massive twist in the finale.
  12. Interesting insight into the fantasies of a Celtic fan, thanks
  13. Some Chinese people love a dog butty too: (caution, pictures could upset dog lovers) https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-02-17/chinese-dog-meat-eating-linked-to-history-of-famine/9454394
  14. Surely must be some sort of law regarding that? I'm fairly certain you are not permitted to burn it with anybody inside but my knowledge of this area of the law is a bit hazy.
  15. Nah hes one of these fat c***s with beat up cars in his driveway, grinding at all hours and I think him and his wife have about 40 kids running riot. Based on that, it's broken chipboard and mdf furniture.
  16. Are you suggesting Arabs aren't OK?
  17. When I was a child, parents would offer children "coke", by which they meant generic own brand cola. I would never do this to my kids but will call their generic tablets "ipads". I'm also disgracefully cavalier about geographical origin marks and will refer to Italian style hard cheese as "parmesan" without batting an eyelid. Society is broken
  18. I would be quite happy to shop at my local butcher and Baker instead of Aldi or Asda if they were open at a time I could actually get to them. If they choose to open from 9 30 to 5 and take a half day on Wednesday then they only have themselves to blame.
  19. St Johnstone In: Blue pound, Green pound Out: pride, integrity
  20. Offering and actually paying are different concepts. https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/sport/17545517.football-finance-expert-gives-verdict-oxford-united-accounts/ I'd hope we'd be offering about half that, but real money that we'll pay.
  21. I think it was a fair, if flimsy, point to make and a lot of the comments are ad hom nonsense. You do appear to love it though.
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