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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Thanks, but now I'm confused. Do we have any noggies who could settle this?
  2. Thanks. I can now laugh at the pundits who get it wrong (all of them).
  3. How do you pronounce Stabaek? (I don't know how to do the joined up a+e thingy, but you know what I mean)
  4. I'm looking forward to the confusion when these c***s wake up tomorrow and find out there are still Muslims about and they still have empty meaningless lives.
  5. There won't be any dramatic or sudden changes. Just a slow frog boiling descent into stagnation, irrelevance and an increasingly insular intolerant society. Still, sovereignty eh? Good old blighty.
  6. Was Sammy Stewart not also part of some carve up? Also Scott Calderwoods scouting network. Us signing Wilson doesn't smell like those though. He already had a bit of rep down south and if he had turned it on for us he could have been lucrative, like kamara at the filthy ****. I thought he contributed well enough when he played this season but he's the clichéd mercurial type. McInnes wants players who impose themselves on games. Wilson didn't. I think he's better than league 2 but that tribute act might be on the up. Seems like win win
  7. There was a wifey on the BBC with a metabolic condition that makes her smell of fish. Might be that? On an unrelated note, what's the issue with going to lidl for snacks?
  8. I like his turn of phrase, sounds more like the sort of thing noel coward or Stephen fry would come out with rather than a standard coach cliche
  9. Me too and it seems to be getting worse the older i get, I have a friend who is a Captain for a major American airline and he is constantly telling me its ok, he always says "if i make it, you'll make it" he's been flying for almost 40 years, suppose i should listen to him. Sure, this one landed ok
  10. Aeroplanes. Specifically being on them when they take off. Any change of pitch in the engine noise, clunking sound or sudden vibration makes me think the engines or wings have fallen off and I have seconds left. By the time they land I'm usually fine.
  11. In retrospect it seems unfair on fat kids with weak dads.
  12. Just caught up on the telly. I thought that there were some positives for us. Mcgeough looks like he has an eye for a defence splitting pass and the defence looked mostly solid (apart from a couple of moments from Logan). Kennedy looks like he could be useful and hedges looked positive when he came on. But Mcginn had a stinker and was obviously going to keep having one, but lasted 86 minutes. Poor decision making from the manager reflected in poor decisions at crucial times from Mcginn (passing twice with a shot on), Logan (pass in field with a packed box after a corner. I do think we'll improve and get third though.
  13. St Mirren fans appear optimistic. It's strangely disorientating.
  14. We used to make our own killer pathogens but Brussels red tape has held us back for too long. We won't need to rely on imports from the far East anymore.
  15. The Dons team that went out of Europe at the same stage as this one or the last one that went any further in Europe (with Darren Mackie up front)? Not saying Scottish football is great, but we punch about our weight in Europe. Were there many other 3rd place teams from comparable leagues in the playoffs? Anyway, my point was that I don't believe McInnes is safe because of how he has done before and I'm not convinced that over the season we will be 3rd or 4th. And you can stick your shitty Wayne's world Sarcastic banter right up your hole.
  16. Fully agree with that, but Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results. . If things don't improve on current form, results wise, he won't have much left in the plus column. I don't think this is any sort of indictment of Scottish football though
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