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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Ladyhill in Elgin circa 1991. Heavy, probably 70/- for about £1.20. Wasn't old enough to smoke.
  2. McKenna can kick the ball really hard and can jump quite high. Definitely good enough for Scotland
  3. Yes https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiEj5Pc0qrmAhUZ4O0KHb00BxgYABAAGgJkZw&ae=1&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQeD2YrsFyVHSmxbwzDOVnr2vZSjM08HMZUI5k15SIKxpLg45lnXCtEyFmLyDUjOX_wOmWuJewaY9LM77QqRd3Zq2&sig=AOD64_1OVj3qX_6qZ49AEE3V3kf-Y91Emg&q&adurl=https://www.zealand.dk?gclid%3DCjwKCAiAob3vBRAUEiwAIbs5To-SFUDna95aMGOAlsAxKCdVyDU7ur9JQYsT5oGMMYjgSZtnu-MtYRoCWoQQAvD_BwE&ved=2ahUKEwjR-4zc0qrmAhUlQxUIHQMRCOsQ0Qx6BAgUEAE
  4. Both downloaded-will give them a listen. Thanks for the recommendations
  5. Consi 's goal was almost a carbon copy of that weaselly fucker' s at the other end. Defenders standing watching as one player benefits from experience and awareness. "Jacko" is a cracking player (c**t though) and has been for years, but no more so than Consi, who will never have this universally accepted by telly and paper c***s, because Dons. Wilson was quietly effective and did more defending than hedges managed against the yokels, and Gallagher had the best game I've seen him have in red. He is still a bit shitey though.
  6. Just watched highlights on sportscene. There hasn't been nearly enough love for Wilson waltzing past 2 of them and taking a sair een for our first, nor for big Sam's tenacity for our second. Well played folks
  7. It's been a while and I couldn't be fucked looking it up. I am a heathen though. The Judeo Christian god is a w****r.
  8. Seriously, you need the shit sandwich technique here. ”cuntybas is clearly intelligent, charismatic and capable of progressing. Informal feedback from colleagues suggests that he can give the impression of coasting and lacking application at times. (Insert example eg morning meeting he organised on his day off). He could address this by taking increased responsibility for completion of tasks without delegating inappropriately. He could develop his ability to lead by example by more visibly taking ownership of issues to resolution. If cuntybas can address these perception issues there is no reason he can’t realise his full undoubted potential in this role.”
  9. “Lazy, devious cretin” back up each with a screenshot of a post from here (outside working hours). send directly to him and cc manager.
  10. Way off topic, but my interesting fact for the day is that Ignacio there is played by the actor who is Saul in Homeland.
  11. We really should be beating these dicks. Disappointing that it took us half an hour to start playing. Now big Ashton is back, we can reel in that 9 point gap easily. A point at home really isn't much to celebrate, but after a two goal start it is a big point mentality wise.
  12. Just waiting for the fight club style moment of realisation here.... The solitary Dons fan is called jamamafegan
  13. I am a Nigerian Prince and need a UK bank account to keep my fortune in for a large fee. Please send your details.
  14. On the off chance this isn't Derek’s favourite ruse, it will be Gallagher.
  15. I don't think it's an attempt to unsettle our players, like some folk seem to. That would give the weegia too much credit and I don't think they're capable of forethought. It is just that the dribbling simpletons that write and buy these rags will only be interested in the Dons when we are the opponents, so that's when any made up shite about us appears. Nothing is easier to make up than a spurious "sources say"
  16. I thought DAFC had a good point, that men are feeling increasingly pressured about their appearance, and shouldn't be. He also had a shit point, that women have it easier. Personally, as a fat b*****d currently losing weight I find the availability of trousers is more of a deciding factor than what other folk think.
  17. "severe neck injury" causes show to be postponed to Tuesday? Liar. It was probably just a bit of stiffness
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