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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. I think there is too far to go to be assuming that we'll get a top 4 finish. I still think we'll find something that works and get third, but if we don't find it soon we could easily drop out of the top 6.
  2. BENEFITS OF STUDENT EXCHANGE BENEFITS OF STUDENT EXCHANGE Student exchange offers broad based benefits and outcomes for students keen to embark on this international adventure. Most of these are intertwined and come together to constitute the overarching exchange experience. EDUCATIONAL International learning and knowledge propels students towards acceptance and understanding of an array of different cultural and community perspectives. Language acquisition is achieved through practical immersion. Awareness and adoption of alternative, multi-faceted approaches to learning. Analytical and problem solving skills. Enhanced interest in global issues as well as a broader general knowledge. PERSONAL Self-development and awareness leading to enhanced self-confidence and self-esteem. This is often the most noticeable change in returned exchange students. Maturity and social poise, fuelled by the necessity to confront challenges outside a familiar support network and comfort zone. Integration into another family as well as the development of life-long friendships, fostering an appreciation of home and family. A tremendous sense of accomplishment upon completion encourages students to develop independent opinions, make informed decisions and strive to attain fresh goals. LONG-TERM Students who go on to tertiary studies find themselves more comfortable in ‘foreign’ environments. Prospective employers in almost every field look favourably upon experience gained while living overseas and knowledge obtained of another language and culture. Increased pressure to communicate and relate to others develops an awareness of group dynamics and personal sensitivity towards others. Successful program completion represents an excellent measure of personal flexibility, encompassing an ability to reach compromise, focus and succeed through challenging times. They're coming to learn doric
  3. Because Weegies can't behave like civilised people
  4. The long pigs asked me in Edinburgh one time if there was anywhere decent nearby for breakfast. This was at the East end of the meadows and I thought they were shite so I suggested heading South through Newington, past the shops. I still don't think it was wrong. The singer was called Crispin or something, they deserved it.
  5. I see that they deliver and that there are finance options available. I'm in.
  6. Not wanting to intrude on the fermer v fermer bickering, but this just demonstrates that an agent (who gets commission) is more likely to speak to people with bigger budgets to spunk. Other than having more money, it's hard to see what your club could do differently.
  7. Two positive points in one post? No negativity It's hard to believe you're an Aberdeen fan.
  8. The experiment with the names has been done a few times. First as an academic study then replicated, I think for the BBC. The results were pretty shocking tbh. I have sat with an employer who was going through cvs for bar work and he discarded everything with a Torry or Tillydrone postcode without looking at anything else.
  9. “Trainee marketing manager role” and “definitely not a pyramid scheme” were what they said at mine. I was in the same group as a boy that worked at a baker in Kirkcaldy who turned up in jeans and a guns n roses t shirt. If you were that boy I want you to know you dodged a bullet there.
  10. They might have another final this year yet if they're very lucky, probably ict.
  11. Mcghee did similar with us. I'd say that there is conclusive evidence that he's a terrible appointment and Hearts are going down.
  12. Deters burglars apparently. Even in broad daylight, when we're in.
  13. My wife does understand that operating the remote control is my prerogative but won't give me peace to operate it in the way I want. "see if there's a new dragon's den on" "check the movies to see if there's anything with Tom Cruise" "is there a new one of those Simon thingies on?" "there's no need to speak to me like that"
  14. I thought Gary Mcdonald was a shrewd signing. Not sure he ever kicked a ball for us.
  15. Just to pick you up on the "protected minority" point. Minorities aren't more protected than anyone else by equality law. If an Asian shopkeeper refused to serve me for being white he'd be in the same bother as a white shopkeeper refusing to serve an Asian customer for being Asian. I once persuaded an Asian shopkeeper that he had to sell me a bag of coffee for the label price of 99p when it should have been 1.99. He did not refuse to serve me, so I didn't report him.
  16. Clearly Iranian planes look a bit dodgy on a radar.
  17. Path of least resistance. And I bought myself an extra beer.
  18. Yep, they're on diplomatic terms with Iran. it's proper old fashioned balance of power stuff. Needs handled sensitively.
  19. She has decided that she doesn't like pizza, so if I want a pizza for tea she usually has a ready meal. She won't go in and buy one though. I have to do that. I also have to go in with the vaguest instructions available. Tonight's was "something with penne" As a loving and attentive husband, I remembered her express dislike of chicken arrabiata from when I bought that about a year ago, and remembered her saying she likes something with a creamy sauce, so I selected a chicken and bacon penne bake (out of the standard range, not the basics). Of course as soon as I get it home I should have known that she wanted something tomatoey. I mentioned the penbe bolognese bake, which caused offence because of something. Apparently I know she likes chicken in tomato sauce. The plan was agreed that she'd get the kids off to bed while I nipped to the shop again. Getting the kids to bed appears to have involved leaving them downstairs scrapping while she had a lie down. In response to these indignities I intend to leave the toilet seat up as a passive aggressive alternative to the Lester Nygaard approach.
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