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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. According to the EU, they gave Japan 2 lists of regulatory barriers and Japan addressed 75% during negotiations, including agreeing to use EU standards for cars and textiles. This is clearly convergence, not our promised divergence. Canada doesn't have a free trade agreement. There will still be tarrifs and quotas, including some protected products. The scale of UK trade flows with the EU dwarfs Canada's so they will be less inclined towards being relaxed about any details. But there is some wooly shite about increasing regulatory alignment nonetheless. Can't be arsed looking up Korea now, but it didn't take long to establish that you are at it.
  2. My other half enjoys these programs. There is inevitably a bit where she meets a couple of old duffers and they bond because of Yorkshire. It is truly despiriting to think that you could end up in addis abbaba or ulan bator and there will still be a miserable brexity twat complaining that the tea isn't proper.
  3. I assume he thinks that "Ciao Ciara" is a clever alliteration with both starting with a "see" sound? Then I'm completely baffled by what he's doing with "bonjour Dennis". Second sentence, and he's lost me already. Couldn't give a hoot what he has to say about anything because he's obviously simple. He's probably going to say something really dumb.
  4. A good splash off of that's probably the best wash most of these c***s will have this year. We're all fucked then
  5. I often think that some of the resident bullies are exceptionally harsh in their dealings with you MT. But I'd almost nodded off by the end of paragraph 2 there.
  6. I could have sworn you'd beaten us. Felt like a loss, so I can see the point. P. S. Get doon
  7. Hopefully celtic's pampered primadonnas shite it from a wee bit of a breeze and a light drizzle.
  8. I think the BBC are trying to be as conciliatory as possible with the petulant man children at Ibrox. They haven't just taken it completely unlubed though and have stood up for themselves a bit, by not sending reporters there while jabba continues his Dominic Cummings Act. Sky don't have the same politics though and will probably start withholding cash. You would think that Derek's face appearing instead of Lennon's burst balloon would assist the viewing figures though. When I had toothache I found the pain bothered me less when I had something else to think about.
  9. That was a handball quite clearly in slomo but I'm glad the ref missed it. What was mckenzie doing though? He looked like he was being attacked by a wasp.
  10. The most petty irritation for me in a coffee shop is that I ask for a black Americano and they ask if I'd like milk in it. Is there black milk which I've not been aware of? Second place is asking for a small and they say "tall?". This hasn't happened since I stopped visiting Starbucks come to think of it. Must just be them.
  11. Maybe Colin got one of the "much loved" blue passports hot off the press?
  12. Don't see why. Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Two countries.
  13. I wish celtic's fuckwits would cut this sort of hilarity out. I am convinced that there are maybe one or two seriously deranged actual rangers fans on rangers media and about 500 poverty fc lice hosts pretending to be.
  14. Travel firms, including one I know of in Motherwell, often account for the reimbursed cost of flights etc as part of turnover. The commission would be a better measure. I bet that’s nothing like the value of fish landed.
  15. It took far longer than it should have, but eventually I did see, yes.
  16. It’s like the Petrofac Training Cup never existed. Stick to the facts please.
  17. If you're looking for ra peepul to wind up would you not be better speaking to the inmates?
  18. Magnificent. I particularly enjoyed the justification of doing this on the clock.
  19. Let us know the outcome once you've finished the experiment
  20. I've effectively added an additional 14 times the number of possible combinations (or is it permutations - can never remember) to the denominator though, have I not? The dates (1-15) are effectively something else I have to match.
  21. Yep, got that. I think that might be the analogy I need to work it out though. If I toss ten coins, what is my chance of getting one heads? Is that the analogous question?
  22. It's just chicken of the cave. Settle. Those look like fruit bat's which live in trees. They're a bit more porky and gamey, like wild boar.
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