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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. They're often a sort of irregular quadrilateral in section if they're pre-packed and stacked. The issue is the distribution of forces when the fluids inside expand on cooking. Like a bubble, they push out and make the shape tend towards spherical. You would need a rigid skin to maintain edges, but that would mean that the whole manufacturing process would have to change as they couldn't be twisted and knotted in the same way. There might be enough ocd punters to create a market, but I suspect that most people just don't mind their sausages rolling a bit. Therefore there probably isn't enough of a payoff to justify the investment in R&D and new plant. You did ask.
  2. Disgusting. There is never any excuse for a grocers' apostrophe.
  3. This season's AFC does remind me of school. "Obviously has some ability but could do with showing some application and common sense"
  4. It was a hell of a finish. Would have liked Campbell to have wiped him out instead of admiring it though.
  5. Hope you are not wrong too. What's our mid season record like though? From memory only Christie stands out. Or was maclean January too?
  6. Are you "pretty sure" because of some inside info or just because you're a fan and think we need to be less shit in those areas?
  7. I respectfully disagree. Their brutish thug caused us all sorts of problems. Main caused them no concern at all.
  8. I hope Motherwell's personnel feel the same way. They should be gunning for third and unless we improve, should be disappointed if they don't get it. Well done Accies though
  9. I disagree. We have plenty creativity but it is no good on the bench. Personally think that Mcginn and Wilson should start but hedges and mclennan are "luxury players" who can be replaced by runners (Gallagher, Main) for the two opponents we need to worry about. Not to play utter dross. I agree that we are reliant on Cosgrove and Mcginn but I don't think it's much of a criticism, in our position, to rely on your best players. Easy for me to say though
  10. I think it's judgement. He prefers workmanlike and it has worked well for us in the past. I don't know about any knocks they might be carrying but it looks like a very bad call to leave four matchwinners on the bench and start Curtis Main. Interesting picking out irvine. My (TV) highlight of the game came from him where he booted it straight out for a goal kick from about halfway, then fucked up a spit that wrapped round his cheek. That's how good a game it was. Agreed. Random factor. No rhyme nor reason. Nice one Pet. It looked like he might have dislocated vyners shoulder with one of his unpunished judo throws and made hearts best chance after clearly pulling Campbell back a yard, with impunity. I'd love to know why you think there is any bias against him, and also why you think he might be a rapist. Sounds like dodgy territory to me?
  11. I have never heard the child speak, but her name is quite irritating. It doesn't scan well.
  12. That Ross Co v victim game looked a cracker though. The long looping header for the equaliser. The meg from the right for Celtic's second. The outrageous dive for county's pen. Broony's diplomatic immunity being officially sanctioned. Celtic fans have done a huge amount in the last week to prove that they want nothing more than to be favoured as much as the other cheek. Neil Lennon, aye, that Neil Lennon, favours sending off players if somebody nearby could have been seriously hurt. Heads gone, meltdown etc. Greenhun
  13. The human doesn't deal with deposits, apart from by showing befuddled pensioners how to use the machine. There are no tellers anymore. There is a maitre d type and some loan salespeople but nobody useful.
  14. Waiting in the bank to put £50 in notes into my account, using the fantastic new time saving machine which has a human permanently showing people how to use it. Some bint had a heroes tub full of change and folded notes that kept getting rejected. 10 minutes down, she finishes, I go second in the queue. The old couple in front have just presented the helper with a carrier bag of change. Fucking fucking fuckitty f**k
  15. Could have sworn it was. Must have been moving away really fast.
  16. He obviously recklessly endangered a patch of air a foot or two in front of Ajer, the psycho. Should have done a full blooded late headbutt like Boyata on GMS. I remember all the bhoys being all concerned about recklessness and danger then right enough, the hypocrites.
  17. I reckon he was tricked by the evil reptoid Lawwell and the current sour grapes are a result of finding out he'd been done.
  18. We didn't look like Accies would lay a glove on us for the first half. The negativity after taking the lead was a bit poor to be honest. Thankfully Hamilton are shiter than we are. I thought mckenna and Ojo had good games for us and Wilson had some great moments. Mcginn created a lot but was guilty of being way too negative on too many occasions. Ash Taylor had the sort of game I remember Ash Taylor having. Consi please. I thought Miller looked good and effective for them and McGowan caused us problems. Accies were really shit at diving; no more prone to it than any other team just unskilled and massively unconvincing. 15 years ago I'd have bitten your arm off to win games we "should" win even if it was aesthetically rough. Just need to keep reminding myself of that.
  19. I just spent a weekend in Oswestry. Many on this thread could easily get a podium finish in Miss Oswestry.
  20. Your profile will be defined by absence of credit card transactions. "b2 male, likes prossies and ching"
  21. Loads of people don't think too deeply about why they vote and vote for their side. If you aren't too interested in politics you may vote Tory because you think Labour will bankrupt the country and don't believe in independence for whatever reason. It requires some effort to scratch the surface and realise you are being lied to. Many people are too trusting, busy, lazy or dim to apply themselves in this way. Tribal tories are often no more dim or gullible than tribal nats, libs or labourists. They just happen to vote for a side that is really good at lying. They'll never be won over if the "good guys" keep calling them evil. "Vote for us, we hate you" is a shite pitch.
  22. Thanks, downloaded Babushka Boy for my commute.
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