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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Well spotted. If it was a word, it would be a good one.
  2. Don't see why not. He sounds hungry and confident. He thinks he's done enough to keep his place and I reckon he's entitled to say so. McInnes strikes me as the sort o manager that will tolerate this sort of spouting. I doubt he would tolerate an actual huff in the event that Main is dropped. He has looked incredibly pissed off when he has been hooked in earlier games. We could do with more of his attitude throughout the team. He does need to score more though.
  3. Dog social psychology is more higherarchical than ours. Dogs treat their owners as a dominant member of the pack. At the risk of anthropomorphism, that relationship is akin to one of love and respect. However, it is not mutual in the same way that love and respect from a fellow human more often is, or at least should be. Dog owners effectively exploit the social psychology of lower animals to receive that unconditional love/respect-like emotion. For the vast majority of dog owners who treat their dogs well and love them, it probably feels like a reciprocal relationship. But the dog doesn't love you because you love it, it would love you the same if you kicked it and fed it gruel. Because dogs have no self respect. Cats however are evil geniuses. I am comfortable with the mutual suspicion and distrust between me and the cat that lives at my house.
  4. Alan Warner--dead man's pedal Coming of age nostalgia featuring forensic recreation of a highly unionised British Rail and some beautifully realised class system angst. It's really really well written and textured. You can almost see most of the background and characters. The plot is a little bit episodic and rambling, but overall it was well worth reading. Charles Stross - atrocity archives The best of his I've read so far. The supernatural civil service is just a brilliant creation. Having worked in the actual civil service recognise the bureaucracy and the mix with fighting interdimensional demons puts both in stark relief and is comedy gold.
  5. The the Rangers complaining about referee and SFA conspiracy...
  6. It's compositionally quite poor, with his arms partially obscuring his face, looks a bit underexposed and should have less ugly c**t in it.
  7. Good categories I'm a 3 with 2 tendencies. Failure to beat Hamilton could convert me.
  8. People that start their decades in years ended with zero are the absolute dregs of society.
  9. The idea that anyone who attends Pittodrie could be described as a happy clapper is mind boggling
  10. I was having my nap on the train yesterday when a lightly supervised hyperactive 3 year old stood beside me repeatedly shouting "wake up!" I did, and couldn't get back to sleep. Wee c**t on a train.
  11. Are you suggesting that there might be a lack of editorial balance at redtv? An incredible suggestion, wholly without merit.
  12. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-51400247 Anyone who has visited a Toby will sympathise. Anyone who has visited Caerphilly will be unsurprised.
  13. If you replaced the word "*****" with "jew" on rangersmedia you'd genuinely believe you were living in Germany in 1939. And replaced all the other words with their German equivalents.
  14. I read them. From your link: "If an offence involves contact, it is penalised by a direct free kick. Careless is when a player shows a lack of attention or consideration when making a challenge or acts without precaution. No disciplinary sanction is needed Reckless is when a player acts with disregard to the danger to, or consequences for, an opponent and must be cautioned Using excessive force is when a player exceeds the necessary use of force and/or endangers the safety of an opponent and must be sent off" I wasn't referring to "violent conduct" I was referring to the definition of excessive force, which gets you sent off. If you have any other comprehension issues I speak real good English and am happy to help.
  15. It's an and/ or condition "Excessive force" can be dangerous play, likely to hurt an opponent Or Exceeding the necessary use of force. If you commit a foul with any force, and what you have done was not necessary, then it's logically a sending off. In conclusion, you're havering, but the sfa agrees with you.
  16. I'm with Joey here. No problem with teams celebrating, even if it is goal no 3 against the unflushable turd. It's just that Celtic always manage to look like massive bellends doing anything. Especially that toddler dance thing. Why can't they just injure disabled people like Rangers do?
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