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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Because government borrowing equates to private saving. If the above facts are true and the vast majority of government debt is owed to the uk private sector, then government borrowing increases private assets (through gilts) directly. This doesn’t mean that it directly increases the assets of individual people with debt though. In theory, with efficient money and credit markets, it should/could. there are also macro effects of government spending directly generating income for government employees and capital spending increasing productivity (if it’s on useful stuff). fwiw I Disagree with the contention that we shouldn’t worry about government debt. We shouldn’t worry about our current borrowing though. Government borrowing is cheap, productivity is low and private debt is high and expensive. It is an absolute no brainer that we (The country) should be borrowing to invest and grow. After 10 years of unnecessary and harmful spending cuts this seems to be getting through to even the most Tory of msm
  2. Our players had a decent rest at McDiarmid. They can make an effort for this one.
  3. Utter shite performance. Worse than when we got gubbed by Celtic. We are really good at passing around at the back before an aimless punt. Fermers arguing either red are surely on the wind up. Fucking shite. Fuming
  4. What do folk think of Milne's time in charge overall. I think he's made mistakes as he's been learning the football business on the job. He seems to have modernised the club. My recollection is he came in when Donald Jr had just about run us into the ground and started reining in spending. I know he had a role before taking the top job, so was partly responsible for the state we were in. We could have gone the way of Dundee of Motherwell, or even cheated then died like other clubs. It was shite for 15 years and now it's better. Could have done with a Scottish Cup and we could have challenged Delias Celtic more. On balance, it's a pass mark from me.
  5. Just watched that through on Gaelic. Enjoyable game for a neutral. County look strong up front, powder puff in midfield and a bit shite at the back. Stripey c***s got stuck in all over the park but Mullen and Obika looked like they couldn't score in a barrel of fannies. The winner was a great goal and the paisley minks totally deserved it.
  6. I picked up the wrong can in the bathroom yesterday and sprayed shaving foam in my oxter.
  7. After our Regular Friday email quiz I was yapping to the guy on the opposite desk. He Said that there was no way anyone could have got question 7 (how many sides on an isosceles triangle) wrong. I said that someone was bound to. He asked what I thought they’d put. I said probably 6. Cue lassie a few desks away “I put 6” Ffs
  8. That’s unequivocal fact then. our results (financial) will be a bit shite after our results (football) were a bit shite. Might well be that that’s a factor in Wigless jacking it in. Maybe it’s because he’s pushing 70 and still running his proper companies too. Maybe it’s because there’s a billionaire waiting in the wings. More likely it’s a planned succession that’s been on the Cards a while. It’s difficult to see how the club could go from last year’s statements showing no debt to folding, without notably splashing out. I’m only speculating. I have no inside information and have only been following the public information. Clearly Dundee United fans on Twitter will be better informed.
  9. Just knock down the flats. Don't ask, just do it. We need to be bold.
  10. Next you'll be telling me he wasn't really the Welsh Elvis
  11. Have you just met Pepp? Is that who that is? That explains a couple of things
  12. Shaky did change his name, to Shakin Stevens. Incredibly, "Shakin" isn't his real name.
  13. No I didn't. I was poking fun at the red faced mcgammony rant by providing a literal answer when the unspoken "correct" answer was supposed to be "because he's a Southern b*****d who hates Scotland". Had the post mentioned, say, Falmouth or Plymouth the opportunity for sarcasm would have been denied to me. You have mistaken my taking the piss out of a lazy expression of a well worn (but very valid) argument for me engaging with the underlying argument. And those guffy p***ks aren't getting our spaceport. It is going to be cool.
  14. I didn't know that but it's dispiritingly unsurprising.
  15. The question was "why not put it in henley on Thames" None of those places is in Henley on Thames. As for the spaceport, as I said, cheap land. Plus much needed investment. You'd be crying if they'd put it in Croydon. What's the problem with a spaceport?
  16. What a bizarre non-sequitir. Unless you are being too post modern for me and I'm being whooshed. There are many good reasons to criticise Boris Johnson. Failing to build a deep water port for submarines half way up a muddy river is not a good reason. Not even sure what the imagined problem with the spaceport is. Fire apparently.
  17. Probably because the overheated economy of Kent makes the purchase of large amounts of land there uneconomical and because Henley is so far inland that it would not be navigable for our, or our allies, nuclear fleets.
  18. Proper double-take there "Peter Oborne, writing in the guardian..." The game has clearly changed.
  19. Poor effort, Finland isn't technically Scandinavian. WTF? I need evidence
  20. Not the most obvious trolling I've ever seen. Incorrect, sure, but doesn't that just make it easier to rebut? I suspect the real crime here is disapproving of the SNP, never a popular move in the politics echo chamber.
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