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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Popular opinions thread for this pish I know, but, Ian Wright will forever be a clownshoe of the highest order irrespective of how well that Nations football team are faring. Is Ian Wright the England manager now?
  2. Nope. Last stadium I got a drink at was Ashton Gate about 15 years ago. I guess things have improved.
  3. Sounds good. I would like to think that afc would prioritise matchday experience over the quick buck. They might, but I don't have high hopes.
  4. That's what stadium bars do. I don't imagine wiggy and sodhexo (if it is still them) will be selling real ales and a wide range of single malts at a knock down price. Wiggy will auction the rights and the catering arm of a hedge fund will minimise costs and maximise income. But it will fund the Dons.
  5. It's a cunning ruse by interpol to track beasts. They will think that if they forward that then they will be above suspicion. Everyone else will simply ignore it.
  6. You aren't allowed to sell it past its date. You can give it away when the shop is shut on the last day. There is nothing to compel anyone to take extreme measures to stop people recovering unsold food from the bin, except moral hazard and not wanting smelly folk hanging around the shop.
  7. Wet arse perverts, simply point your foul ring towards the door, balance a bonio at the top of your cleft and call the dog. Hey presto! A clean and wet ring. (can be adapted to use iams for cats, with a far greater degree of difficulty)
  8. I can only assume that you are a young person? It is very possible to gain an understanding of things as you age. Knowing the factual basis of something is very different from understanding it. That said, I always assumed he was a c(_)nt and have no reason to change my mind on that.
  9. It's only a matter of time until your kid witnesses said hellspawn smacking their teeth in or getting wiped out by "a big boy" and they will come to trust you more. If it looks like this isn't happening by itself, take steps to ensure that it does.
  10. A massive shop at that age is a big risk with the nest egg. Best do one daily so as to maximise the cash component of your estate; no one wants to inherit 4 fray bentos and 3 tins of carrots.
  11. I thought that the book of catch 22 was quite a pacy read although I never got my head around the egg thing. The film made me want to punch the telly within about 5 minutes.
  12. New chemical bros on April 12 - 3 singles so far have been pretty decent. Will have to give new swervedriver a listen.
  13. Probably due to the difficulties in locating any other type of public.
  14. A plane literally fell out of the sky yesterday. OK, it was American made and in Africa, but still. It was the MSM that sponsored this utter shambles.
  15. Bacon chorizo salami char siu frankfurters
  16. Are they protesting about something specific or is this just adolescent peoples’ poet shite? The “scum out football*” banner at least shows that they have mastered irony. *possibly “soum out oe evitball”
  17. Mine had a wee drink to herself last night and woke me up at three o’clock to tell me not to bother coming home tonight. There was no reason I know of for this, but i’m sorely tempted.
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