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Posts posted by coprolite

  1. the publisher hints at how they have got the figures for English teams. I assume they use the same for Scottish teams.

    They use the figures in the accounts. Clearly these are estimates and not based on insider knowledge. Also the accounts are historical so any club not in a steady state (ie newco) won't be at all accurate.

    they use "intricate calculations" based on knowledge obtained from pfa surveys.

    there is a pfa document on their website showing average wages by year and division. I expect this is real.

    I guess that the intricate calculation I to work out average non-first team (and probably non-director wages using the historical pfa data. There should be enough variety in roles and geography that these will be on average pretty stable, with the exception of football management costs.

    using the published squads and previous periods staff numbers, apply rpi to average non first team salary (historical), times headcount, subtract from wages net of directors and social security and pensions, divide by first team squad size and voila.

    Average non first team and non-director salaries for the dons, from reverse engineering the above, is £13.7k. This is £1.12m for 82 people. Taking matchday staff and other part timers into account this seems actually quite likely.

    Two points to summarise:

    -I need to get out more

    - you can earn decent wedge for being shite at football

  2. bbc, 5 Nov: "Record turnover amid dons warning"

    The beeb managing to spin an entirely positive set of results and plans, expressed with a prudent and realistic disclaimer as somehow being mainly bad news.

    There might be significant challenges around raising £20-£25m for a stadium. That isn't a warning. It is pretty obvious to most sentient humans.

    Why not just say "Record turnover and profits again for Scotland's most successful* team"





  3. A former colleague, who had been a dons fan, switched in his mid-teens to c****c because he was "fed-up watching them lose".

    One Saturday evening, he came in without a coat in the depths of winter to show off his garish new away top and gloat about the doing Celtic had given us that day (I think this was during the Ebbe period). Fortunately, he had to hang up his top and change into his KP jacket, allowing me to soak it thoroughly and hang it neatly on a hanger in the walk in freezer until he finished, 5-6 hours later. He brought it through to the bar, in actual tears, and it was rigid.

    The moral of the story is: f**k Celtic.

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