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Posts posted by coprolite

  1. 58 minutes ago, Jedi2 said:

    Don't disagree on any of the measures listed. 

    A wealth tax of an Increase of 1% on the top earners would bring in around £5.5 billion per year.

    Tax Avoidance by multinationals in the UK could claw back £11.5 billion a year

    And Trident running costs £3 billion a year.

    No harm in bringing in an extra £20 odd billion with these measures. (And I appreciate that Labour aim to keep Trident and not increase income taxes).

    Closing non-dom loopholes, as Labour propose is worth about £4 billion a year.

    The issue with the debt remains the current high interest on govt repayments and costing that £112 billion this year (roughly equivalent to the whole Education budget).


    Labour will still borrow (they will have to), and compared to the Tories the spend should go towards the NHS, poverty, and housing etc (the aim to tax property developer profits to fund 1.5 million new homes is a good one).


    I agree that there probably won't be 'miracles' but still a definite upgrade and improvement on the last 14 years.


    Those money raising ideas are trivial in scale, extremely dubious on effect (although i don't know about trident, but thats a cost saving).

    The non-dom "loophole" closure was in the last Tory budget, although they probably only did that to annoy Labour. 

    Wealth tax at that level has been tried and abandoned by other European countries before. It's expensive to administer and easy to avoid. International co operation and co ordination is vital and i can't imagine the US being on board any time soon. 

    Big corporate tax avoidance. 11 bn? Just pie in the sky. 

    They've chosen these things because they don't cost voters anything so they can pretend someone else will pay. 

    I am hopeful that the "no tax on working people" thing means that they might start taxing unearned income and gains properly and in line with earnings. Starting with capital gains tax. Putting the equivalent of NI on dividends and interest would be great too.  

    But they've made a rod for their own backs by lacking the courage to be honest and to get locked into silly posturing on tax. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Cheese said:


    The UK is full, with 67m people in 243,000 square km. But Bangladesh is fine with 104m more people in 95,000 sq km less. I mean i say that, but it's getting less all the time what with the sinking, erosion and flooding. 

    It's also a country that we exploited for a couple of centuries and formerly part of a state that we set up violently and ill advisedly when we retreated from the Empire. 

    Important to be tough on immigrants though. If they didn't want horrible lives they should have been born in the first world. 

  3. Mach-Hommy's #RICHAXXHAITAN is a belter and contains the only reference i can remember hearing on a pop record to the World Bank. Kudos. 

    Angelo Moore- Dr Maddvibe and the Missin Links is pretty decent although it's a bit full on and benefits from small doses. 

  4. IMG_2588.jpeg.9965ad069477b32720515cb1fc988d98.jpegIMG_2588.jpeg.9965ad069477b32720515cb1fc988d98.jpeg

    On 24/06/2024 at 13:45, Freedom Farter said:


    The chart below is a bit non standard. The x axis is the same 15 year period repeated for each department. 

    What this doesn’t capture is the relative size of these budgets. Health will be massive. 

    Obviously governments need to prioritise, but the total budget isn’t fixed and could have been maintained by cheap borrowing for ten years or by higher taxes. 

    They’ve chosen not to house people 

  5. 1 minute ago, BFTD said:

    I don't get why they insist on equal quantities for everything; if you've got a box of 24 jars, you'll want maybe 16 strawberry for normal people, 6 raspberry for the difficult contrarians, and throw in a couple of blackcurrant for the perverts. Everyone's happy, and you don't end up with Freaky February, catering exclusively for people who clearly aren't going to be eating any of the things they're buying.

    Where’s my apricot you strawberry fascist?

    Also “jars”; your low quality chain hotel is obviously a cut above mine with the wee plastic tubs.

  6. 10 minutes ago, BFTD said:

    Lidl were always big on that too. For example, they'd get jars of their own-brand jam with three flavours in each box - Strawberry, Raspberry, and Satan's Fermenting Turds. Everyone bought options A and B, so they'd end up with hundreds of jars of Satanic jobbies that nobody wanted. Every six months or so, they just wouldn't order anything new in for a few weeks, and the store would be full of the flavours that nobody wanted, like they thought everyone would just buy stuff they didn't like out of necessity. I guess it must work, but it just put me off shopping there after a couple of times realising that this was going to become a regular thing.

    Why do they always include a f**k-awful option anyway? Crates of cereal containing corn flakes, rice krispies, and leper's fingers, each in the same quantity. It's like when Billy Connolly said that boxes of chocolates used to include a flavour nobody liked, like ginger, as if Cadbury had a massive ginger stockpile they were forcing the country to help them work through.


    Always good on fucking pizza, where cheese sticks to the shrink wrap and drops everywhere while you're trying to see the recommended cooking time.

    The Jam is a problem at low quality chain hotel breakfast buffets. Just chuck the blackcurrant out, no one has ever eaten it more than once. 

  7. 43 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

    It's remarkable when you think about it. We accumulate dozens of plugs, cables and "dongles" over the years and find it difficult to build up the courage to chuck them out.

    Jeff Goldblum's character in "Independence Day" not only is able to easily connect his laptop to a massive alien spaceship's mainframe, but communicate sufficiently in the alien computer language to plant a virus that can presumably get round any firewalls.

    I tell you, today's techy folk are way off the mark.

    If he’s such a great scientist why did he turn himself into a fly? 

    although I concede he did call the whole dinosaur chaos thing right. 

  8. Punk name trivia! 

    Malcolm McLaren called John Lydon Johnny Rotten because he had green teeth

    Johnny Rotten called John Beverly Sid Vicious after his bitey hamster

    Sid Vicious called John Wardle Jah Wobble because he was too mangled to speak properly. 

    I'd like to think the chain continues, but i don't know it. 

  9. 1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

    Not sure if this is accurate but this map apparently shows the overall fertility rate in the UK, broken down by area.



    Why is Scotland’s rate so low? Fewer immigrants? Infrastructure issues? Economic issues? Lack of Scotland team success preventing Euros group qualification baby-boom?

    Interesting juxtaposition with a discussion about salted, sulphited and reformed connective tissue patties, possibly with mayonnaise. wonder whether there may be some connection?

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