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Posts posted by coprolite

  1. 15 minutes ago, GTee said:

    Can someone, in very basic terms explain the energy price cap. We've all been paying for our gas and electricity forever. I can't recall growing up, my parents referring to a price cap. It went up or down a bit. But this has never been referred to as a 'price cap'. We are laying an undersea cable between Scotland and England because we have too much wind power. Is it a gas thing. 🤷

    Depending when you grew up your parents might have been paying the electricity board, who charged what they could politically. Because we had a load of coal and gas, it was usually supplied at a price that covered costs. 

    Since Thatcher bribed voters with tax cuts paid for with their own colkective wealth, there's been a market for different bits of the supply chain. There's been price caps for all bits of this since the 90s. We need price caps because no one really believes that we could have a free market that works for society, so some bullshit regulated market got used instead. As well as covering costs, the cap needs to cover cost of capital, in interest and dividends that need paid to investors. 

    It's only recently that the price has gone high enough for media types to notice them, so they're now taking an interest in the consumer price cap that has actually been affecting people who notice their bills for 30 years. 

    It's largely a gas thing because of how we generate our power and buy our fuel. Global gas prices are rising again. 

    But it's also an ideology thing. 

  2. 11 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

    They're raising the cost of housing to make housing more affordable? I'm reading this?

    That would be stupid. They're not raising the cost of all housing. Only for the people that will most struggle to pay for it. 

  3. 7 hours ago, lichtgilphead said:

    So, you're just providing vague soundbites rather than actually being able to name one solitary thing that I can value & cherish about my so-called British identity. That's some advert for the Union.

    I'll bite again though. Given your use of "thousands", can you name one British tradition from two or more millenia ago?

    Here's a map of the island of Great Britain in AD 43, divided into various groupings.

     Map of the British Isles in AD 43

    Perhaps you can give details of the British traditions we consiously or unconciously adhere to from (say) the Durotriges or the Coritani?

    Those are all names used by mainly Pliny (the elder i think) and don't necessarily correspond to any actual tribal groupings and the territories are at best an approximation and are mostly guesswork. 

    The Romans would have called all of those people Britons and Celts too. Doesn't mean that's what they thought of themselves as. 

  4. On 19/08/2024 at 23:59, GTee said:

    Was  clearly steaming when I started this. Pretty boozy now. I think what I was trying to get to. The argument against Scottish Independence is pretty much Too wee too poor and to stupid.

    Is there a different argument, that someone could convey. 🤷

    It's all a bit pointless really. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, BFTD said:

    People getting nostalgic for Blockbuster Video.

    Blockbuster was a terrible chain that killed off the original local video rental shops, then the smaller chains. All had better prices and a more interesting array of films, especially the older and more obscure ones. Blockbuster just kept a lot of stock of the latest releases and gradually narrowed their selection to the most recent and popular titles, eventually bumping their prices up to a silly degree as they had no competition left. They also refused to stock films that didn't fit with their Christian values, and insisted on being supplied with their own edits of films which cut out scenes they didn't like.

    Don't forget cinema-priced sweets and crisps. 

  6. 22 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

    Firstly, we're in 2024, I thought bread bins went the way of old fashioned fishing ornaments and a wee gold clock that you could see it's gears moving.

    Secondly, takeaways - Indian restaurants are particularly bad for it but others are just as bad - that put a price against a main and don't include any sides at all within the price. I want my meal all inclusive - give me options - asking for an additional £3 for rice or chips or a naan just makes me feel ripped off. I'm happy to be ripped off otherwise I would be cooking something myself - just give me one price with at least 1 side included so it actually forms the basis of a meal as opposed to just some chicken and sauce.

    Ordering your own "meal" from an Indian is gauche, unless it's only you ordering. If i saw a a menu that included chips in the price i'd assume it was shit curry. 

  7. 10 hours ago, Central Belt Caley said:

    I think I’ve posted this before but it’s happening more often so it needs to be said.

    What is it with folk unable to maintain a constant speed? Anytime I’m on the motorway I have cruise control on and the number of times I’ll be in the overtaking lane and get level with someone and they just magically up the speed by 10mph and disappear. Only for me to then catch back up with them a few minutes later. 

    Next person that does it is getting side swiped

    Same arseholes, when i'm in the left lane, come flying up to about a metre past me then dawdle along about 0.1 mph slower than me, boxing me in as a tow truck/ cement mixer starts looming ahead. Sometimes, wheels like crater face's would be just the job. 

  8. On 17/08/2024 at 21:15, starshot131 said:

    News to me...
    It was rumoured but unless you've got access to a source I don't there's been nothing official yet

    Apologies, i saw it reported somewhere. I don't think he'd be better than what you have, although he maywell have improved in the last two years. 

  9. "This article replaces an earlier version of 18 August 2024, which appeared under the headline “Extreme misogyny to be treated as terrorism under UK government plans”. In fact such misogyny would be treated as extremism, not terrorism, under a planned review of counter-extremism strategy. The version published above includes further revisions and updates."

    Typical woke lefty disinformation. 

    Hopefully they leave misanthropy and self loathing alone. Freedom of hate is a basic right. 

  10. On 17/08/2024 at 14:46, Granny Danger said:

    No news of rioting last night and no predictions of anything else over the weekend.  It looks like the swift action by the police and courts has had an effect.

    Then again Elon Musk has said civil war in the UK is inevitable so unless the right wing, racist, swivel eyed loon ball doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about then we’ll just have to wait and see.

    Correlation isn't the same as causation. 

    There was a wee craze. It was blowing out already, like fidget spinners or the ice bucket challenge. Heavy sentences probably haven't stopped anything. I can't prove that but i strongly suspect it. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Cosmic Joe said:

    I would tend to agree with that.

    Anyone trying to get a job would not get past the interview stage in Scotland (there is probably something similar down south) after such a conviction with PVG checks in place.

    I'm also kind of conflicted here, as I believe in giving everyone a second chance, but who is going to educate/ rehabilitate an inherently racist individual on their release from prison?

    Apprenticeship at GB News? 

  12. 12 minutes ago, hk blues said:

    I don't believe so but I can see she and I bear the same cross. 

    Purchasing decisions should take into account all requirements and constraints, including storage. This is same airy fairy approach to provisioning that leads to my wife bringing home watermelons when the fridge is already full. No sympathy. 

  13. 5 minutes ago, conboyhibs said:

    Well played Aberdeen. Pretty much a perfect example of a working transfer strategy.

    Sign a rough diamond for a relatively low fee. Get a couple of excellent seasons out of them. Make a huge profit. Jealous.

    *investors should note that past performance is not a guarantee of future returns 

    It's not all that long ago ( not even 20 years) that we were looking enviously at Hibs' ability to monetise their youth development as the way forward. 

    Player trading is quite high risk and the stakes we're playing are increasing. If we can make it sustainable i'll be delighted but it's early days. 

  14. The criteria are:-
    F22.1 the age of the Player;

    F22.2 the amount of any transfer fee or Compensation paid by the Club losing the 
    player’s Scottish FA Registration when acquiring the Scottish FA Registration 
    of the Player;
    F22.3 the length of time during which the Club losing the player’s Scottish FA 
    Registration held the Scottish FA Registration of the Player;
    F22.4 the terms of the new contract offered to the Player by each of the Clubs;
    F22.5 the Player’s playing record in club and international team appearances; and,
    F22.6 substantiated interest shown by other clubs in acquiring the services of the 

  15. 4 minutes ago, lubo_blaha said:

    Cosgrove scored 21 and 23 in consecutive seasons for us, the second of which was curtailed due to Covid. A lot of penalties in there and I’ve not included his first and last half seasons with us but that’s the same as Miovski scored for us over two seasons in fewer games.

    We did well to get a good fee for Cosgrove but he seems to be treated like a joke figure by our supporters instead of someone who turned into a really good striker for us. If Sokler gets anywhere near those totals I’d be amazed.

    Not by me, i liked him from the moment he came on and assaulted Scott Brown. 

    Guess we'll see with Sokler, maybe he'll start pinging them in for fun once he gets a bit of confidence. At one point it looked like Cosgrove would never score too. 

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