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Posts posted by coprolite

  1. It’s not difficult to reconcile increased support for the far right with people generally being more left wing.  

    Centrist is a dirty word among the young. To a middle aged thought leader like myself, it’s just a cop out, not a sustainable ideology, ineffective and conducive to neoliberal economics in a sort of unwitting accomplice sort of way.

    To the yoot*, Centrism evokes a similar reaction to whatTory does in my generation. A sort of visceral disgust.

    Instead of having 5% each far right and far left, with the moderate left and right splitting the remaining 90% with a couple of % variation, we’ve a negligible hard left now and the right split 50/50 between reactionary fuckwits and traditional Tory types.

    Increased inequality obviously plays a massive part but so does increasingly polarised discourse and culture war BS.  

    Given my experience of trade union membership trends over time, i question the right of a lot of these younger types to claim the left.  Resharing twitter posts that embarrass right wing dickheads is not the same as taking collective action to improve material conditions. 

    Of course any attempt to generalise based on birth dates being in an arbitrary range is bone headed. Some millennials might be actual socialists.


    *we’ll go with 45 and under here. 

  2. 16 hours ago, BFTD said:

    I can't imagine that the current generation of kids, traumatised by seeing their home razed to the ground and innocent friends/family slaughtered, will grow up to be anything other than well-adjusted and entirely subservient to Israel.

    Anyone know which areas are most likely to be used for transplanted settlers?


    I think the idea that the current generation of Gaza's children will grow up is wildly optimistic. 

  3. 11 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:

    What about the Hilhead halls of residence being modelled on a Swedish womens' prison?

    (I don't think that one's limited to just Aberdeen uni though)

    Nope. I did talk to some folk, honest. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:

    A post on another thread about an urban 'myth' from uni had me thinking about the various urban legends doing the rounds out there.  The well-entrenched one that pops straight to mind for me is Marischal College in Aberdeen being Hitler's favourite building in the UK, which he would have made a residence or HQ had he won WW2.  I don't think any student can be in Aberdeen for over a week and not hear that one.


    I don't think i ever heard that and i was at Aberdeen Uni for four years. 


  5. 1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

    I know I'll get Aberdeen fans mocking me again, but are you seriously suggesting you couldve won the title in 16/17 if Celtic were a bit worse?

    They finished 30pts ahead of you that year and you never made it to 80, which seems to be the minimum number of points to hit to have any chance of a title.

    Celtic beat us six times that season, including in two cup finals  and a last minute winner in the Scottish cup. 

    Had we won those games we'd have had a cup double and been six points behind them in the league. 

    Personally, i think that our team that season lacked quality at centre back.

    But it's not crazy to suggest that Celtic being exceptional stopped us winning trophies. If we'd come up against a poor Celtic team we could have won stuff. Far worse teams have won cup doubles. 

  6. Aldi replacing normal functional shopping baskets with those massive plastic pull along things that can’t be easily carried and, if pulled, bang off my heel every other step. They also have the advantage of being a lethal trip hazard while being wielded inattentively while Wayne and Waynetta try to decide between low quality pasties.

  7. 1 hour ago, Zetterlund said:

    Went for a chippy in Scarborough the other night, ordered 2 fish suppers and the lassie behind the counter looked at me like I was an alien.

    "Is that like fish & chips?"

    The guy doing the frying laughed and said he'd only ever heard 'fish supper' once before in 29 years.

    I was astonished. Genuinely thought it was universal language. Please tell me it's at least universal within Scotland?

    I had an argument with the guy in the chip shop in my first week in Cardiff when he failed to comprehend the standard terminology. He asked why I didn’t just ask for Fish and Chips, like I was the stupid c**t.  I don’t ask the kebab shop for meat and bread. Imbecile.

  8. 16 minutes ago, Zen Archer (Raconteur) said:

    Was that from the interview on BBC R4 earlier?

    The same interview he didn't like being asked if his children spoke more than one language, if Muslims are fair game, surely his children are too.

    I saw it reported in the mail. Don't worry, i consider it reconnaissance behind enemy lines and not reading the news. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Coventry Saint said:

    Right, what outcome will be funnier: Falkirk win the league and have to dig up their new pitch, or they go straight back down and all their greeting was moot?

    Falkirk put down a grass pitch then the premiership introduces a four stand minimum requirement. 

  10. Was watching Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times last night. Didn't make it all the way through because i was knackered and fell asleep.

    But i've a question for the film buffs on here. 

    It kept coming up with dialogue boards as you'd expect for a silent film. But there was a narration and when his boss was speaking, it looked like a recorded and synchronised track. Was this some sort of a hybrid silent/ talkie? Or is this just how this version is shown on telly? 

  11. The main reason some businesses are cash only are because of thin margins and low turnover. A couple of % points off a transaction might not seem a lot but might easily be 20% of profit. 

    Next up will be minimum wage and immigration issues. Employees can be kept off the books if their pay comes from undeclared takings. 

    Then there's tax. Lower income recorded = lower tax bill.  For services businesses or takeaways without recoverable VAT, it can keep them officially out of VAT which can affect their ability to provide competetive prices. 

    The object of money laundering on the other hand is to process illegitimate money through the books so it can be attributed to a legitimate source. That's not consistent with keeping cash off the books. In fact, using a cash only business (rather than one that just happens to have a lot of cash receipts) might aroise more suspicion which is bad for money laundering. 

  12. 20 minutes ago, Alert Mongoose said:

    Fair point however you need to remember that if services were not privatised, the UK Government would have to borrow more money to fund them which comes at an interest cost.

    Am i being whooshed? 


  13. 3 minutes ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

    You sound like a bit of a tea connoisseur?

    Definitely not. Couldn't tell an assam from a lapsang souchon and have no idea of the optimum brewing time for all the different colours. Plus i quite like tetley. 

    I do like a variety of flavours in my life though. And since i stopped drinking i'll have a lemon and ginger after dinner instead of a large leffe blonde and a quadruple talisker. Mmmm..... Alcohol.... 

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