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Posts posted by coprolite

  1. On 22/06/2024 at 00:33, Freedom Farter said:

    Fully agree, it was definitely that. Although I think there's context also worth considering:

    The ongoing Russian invasion and occupation of Ukraine has been used as a pretext for reorienting European economies around militarism, to varying extents. This is likely an attempt to replicate the "military keynesianism" which has been a successful part of Bidenomics - around 90% of what gets called Ukraine Aid is spent on domestic US arms manufacturing. 

    This graph shows the share price increase of European arms manufacturers from Jan '22 to Feb '24:



    Noticing how well Saab has done for itself we can now see why the Swedish government was so desperate to join Nato. There's Rheinmetall topping the table. They've got so cocky from their success they've even come out the shadows to become Borussia Dortmund's shirt sponsor. We can also notice that our very own BAE Systems, Rolls Royce and Melrose have been doing well. Most of the foreign-owned companies listed there have a footprint in the UK, especially Leonardo. Then from the article:


    This is providing a much needed boost to a currently very shite UK economy and therefore is considered crucial to the national interest. Keeping the populace on board is an important aspect to the project. The point made here is key:



    What's being said there is that the green aspects to Bidenomics aren't actually due to a sincere embrace of green politics. Its driven by the need to compete with China on renewable energy production. Then the military keynesianism isn't due to an ideological commitment to public spending, it was done so workers would serve the empire, so they'd produce what the elite needed for their geopolitical aims. Remember there was no public healthcare in USA during Cold War military keynesianism and nor is there now while Biden repeats the trick. In UK terms, public spending on militarism is money diverted from other avenues - healthcare, education, housing, etc. It's not that great a deal for folk. It does provide jobs but there's other, better ways to create jobs. To achieve buy-in you really need to convince folk this is in their interests. One way is to convince them that they themselves are threatened by Russia, by China, or by...err...Hamas. (It should be framed as on behalf of the Ukrainian resistance but then folk get confused as to how Israel fits in. So establishment messaging tends to just focus on the baddies instead).

    BBC is ultimately an arm of the UK state, at times very obviously so. The news site has been covering the increasing militarism in Europe in a favourable light, eg. "Russia's neighbours urge Nato allies to bring back military service" - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68728096 (maybe Sunak read this). The main story right now on the BBC News site is Farage again. Yet its not that BBC have finally deemed his demonisation of migrants to be worthy of opprobium. No. It's that he's criticised Nato.

    Sunak has been swimming in this soup as well as going to all his big boy meetings with state security and whatever else. He has got the message. Which is why he thought he was being very clever with his speech about Scottish nationalists, trans activists and Putin threatening UK security. It's why his party recently came out with their line that Starmer can't stand up to Putin because something something Diane Abbott.  Given all this, the national service thing wasn't so surprising. It was Sunak's cack-handed attempt at extracting political gain from the current zeitgeist.

    You can't have a military industrial complex without a military. 

  2. I think the Tories were also looking at changing the basis for inheritance tax from domicile to residence.  

    Most of the problems with it are practical. I don’t think treaties generally cover IHT (although we have one with Pakistan) so most tax charges will be hypothetical.
    Some Russian dies in Belgravia and leaves shares in a Kazakh mine to his kid in Monaco- how are HMRC even going to know never mind collect 40%?

  3. 11 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

    I know that as well, brilliant, you can get a seat outside and you can see in the kitchen. It's my sister a brother in law's favourite. They know the island well, they spend about 12 weeks there ever year. I'll give them a ring and see what they think.

    Get them to check their garage. That’s where we found our cat when she didn’t come in. Our garage, not your sister’s. I mean that’s where the cat was, not that your sister should check our garage, she should check her own, in Tenerife.

  4. 4 hours ago, TommyDickFingers said:

    In a nutshell his form was what kept him out for spells, not some percieved agenda against a youth player not signing a new contract.

    The Rangers have signed a player that was meh in a terrible side but there is no doubting he has ability imo, wether he kicks on from a spot on the bench and copes with the toxicity? Time will tell.

    Droopy faced teuchter c**t.😉


    Not sure it was his form so much as our tactics not requiring anyone to take the ball from the defence and spray it about. We spent six months going over the midfield. 

    I can barely remember that c**t anyway and don’t care how he gets on at Murrayfield/Hampden.  

    Peter Ambrose sounds like he has all the attributes to be a cult hero, in a van der ark sort of way.

    Molloy, I expect to contribute significantly towards our ginger quota. 

    Mitov signing has made Perth cry.





  5. 22 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

    Born and bred Aberdonians being ***s will always blow my mind. 


    Places like Inverness you can get, there was Highland League only until 1994 and they’re not just going to switch to The Caley are they get closer and then share a league with Rangers through the 90’s and into the 00’s, but folk from Aberdeen? I’m not having that.

    All societies must have their dregs

  6. 16 minutes ago, tongue_tied_danny said:

    I had toothache a couple of years ago and I had to wait about 6 months for a dental appointment.


    I found that gargling salty water helped a lot. I thought that it was an old wives tale, but I tried it in desperation and it worked a treat. I think the salt kills the bacteria that causes the infection.

    I'm not going to close my eyes and suck it from a hose. again. 

    14 minutes ago, highlandmac said:

    Buy another packet for 35p or so from the nearest supermarket?


  7. https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/sport/football/aberdeen-fc/6507143/duk-tells-aberdeen-he-wants-to-leave-pittodrie/


    “I think this is the right time to embrace a new challenge.

    “I think that, and the people who work with me think the same.

    “It would be a good opportunity to repay all the support they gave me, whether Aberdeen or Benfica, because Benfica still has a percentage.

    “In a year’s time my contract with Aberdeen ends, and in six months I will be able to sign for any club.

    “I think the best way to repay the support they have given me is to be able to make a transfer now, in which we all win. Me, Benfica and Aberdeen.”

    Elsewhere in the article he says (and i'm paraphrasing) "the cheeks? Ha ha, f**k no" so there's that. 

    Love Duk. If he wants to go now though it's fair enough. Better than running down the contract. Based on last season's form seven figures would be decent. Based on the reported bid Hibs have for Youan we should be looking at five mil easy. 


  8. 1 minute ago, Enrico Pallazzo said:

    Re: Barron - I'm afraid we just have to accept that players don't see these things in the same way as fans.

    He'll more than likely be quadrupling his wages, European football next season, increased prospects of silverware and full international caps, and he's probably already thinking of his next move beyond Ibrox. He'll take a fair bit of stick when he plays against us, or goes out in town when he's home, but he'll be making this choice with his eyes wide open.


    Don't forget he'll get lice and scabies too

  9. 1 hour ago, bennett said:

    Tbf grating some cheese to pour over the chips isn't too big an ask, chucking in two cheese slices is taking the P.

    It's quite a big ask if you're working in a burger van that doesn't have a cheese grater or any blocks of cheese. 

    I look forward to Stevie's upcoming posts about the lack of buckfast in the bierhalle. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Forest_Fifer said:

    Does the Reform Party paying a vetting company £144000 to vet their candidates, complain that they didn't do any vetting and they've subsequently got some right wrong uns, threaten to sue, and then get shown the bit on the company's website which states that they don't actually do the vetting, they just let you use their tools to do your own vetting count as a gaffe? 

    £144k? sounds like a gross error 

  11. 17 hours ago, tongue_tied_danny said:

    I just watched the Reform Party's party election broadcast on STV.

    It was quite possibly the shittest thing ever.

    It was silent, just a black screen with "Britian is Broken. Britain needs Reform." 

    This went on for at least five minutes.

    Nothing about what is broken or what can be reformed.

    Absolute dog shit. Is that seriously the best that they can do?



    Yes it is. They spent all their money on some Tory spiv's dodgy vetting scam and can't afford lighting or sound engineers. 

  12. 17 hours ago, Craig fae the Vale said:

    Mrs fae the Vale has just texted that she is "in the bus" before correcting the typo. It has me thinking that "in the bus" is actually more accurate than "on the bus", unless you do happen to be sitting on the roof.

    You’re right; never even noticed this before. I’m going to use the more accurate terminology from now on (not that I’ll actually get in a bus, but in theory). Who do we need to speak to to get this changed? Is it still Susie Dent ?

  13. If Barron is going to them I’ll be pissed off. Not getting the whole “not bothered” vibe. He’s a talent that we’re (probably ) losing for a relative pittance after developing and giving a chance. I think he’s already shown more than wr**ht and has potential to be better than Jack. Disgusting. 


    The only thing to do in this situation is poach an equivalent youngster on the cheap from further down the food chain.

  14. 12 minutes ago, MEADOWXI said:

    Farage has now gone full Trump, from the launch this morning,

    So he fully expects to take over a political party and be running for PM by the next GE.

    Has anyone explained how being UK PM works?

    Posted at 11:5711:57

    This morning's news in 150 words

    • Reform UK's Nigel Farage - set to launch the party's manifesto today - told the BBC the UK's "exploding population" should be a key election issue and he "absolutely" intends to run for PM in 2029



    Not sure if that's a reference to suicide bombers or Mr Creosote levels of obesity?

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