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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone 1-3 are on Netflix now so getting rewatched with the youngest, who hasn’t really seen them. This one’s shite. 4/10
  2. Was shocked to discover recently that Agatha Christie was a well known roller skating enthusiast. I don't know why that surprised me, but it did.
  3. We had a bench, but not a for sale sign. Did have a shopfront awning with"Regal" on it. It was a bit big for the living room.
  4. One of the few perks to working in chain restaurant kitchens as a student was the ability to stay well fed on a budget. Not much actually made it home but a couple of extra lemon prawns here, a couple of breaded garlic mushrooms there, the odd “accidentally “ overdone steak, all adds up. Would have felt bad at a small place but whitbread, S&n and the likes get no sympathy.
  5. I see what you’re saying but if we lose at home to st mirren it’s hard to argue we deserve Euro group stages.
  6. Good to see all the responsible dog owners on the beach at the weekend completely ignoring the “no dogs-£500 fine” signs and letting the wee shites run around lead free and shit on the sand. To be fair, they were mostly reasonable looking breeds and the ones I saw shitting had most of their shit picked up. But there will still be piss and shit all over the place and people in bare feet or lying in it. The far bigger beach where dogs are allowed is five minutes walk away. Now that might sound petty and all the dog lovers are probably going “but but but” but it’s part of a continuum of lack of consideration and selfishness that only differs in degree, not nature, from the guy that goes round the park with no shirt on and four bull terriers off leads. The current softly softly approach isn’t working and we need to start cracking down on dogs before they attack people, not after. Dog off lead where it shouldn’t be ? Shoot it. Banned breed? Shoot it. Dog looks a bit off? Shoot it.
  7. Gallager's save in the first game against st mirren was arguably a supporting arm. (based on real time viewing it was deliberate imo) Miovski got a soft pen falling over some keeper. I'm sure there's another couple. I don't think either were wrong but were arguable and went our way.
  8. I love Johnny but i don't want him to be starting games next season. He was shite yesterday but wasn't alone in that.
  9. If only the directors had given the stadium situation some thought over the last 20 years. We need someone with your razor sharp acumen on our board.
  10. Sounds likely that Duk and McCrorie will be at least training. Hopefully Mcdonald just went off as a precaution yesterday. Shinnie back. Hopefully see a big improvement from last two limp showings and just have too much. It would be interesting to see how the teams do against each other if it could finish with 22 players on the park. If we can't do that, it's St Mirren's turn to lose one.
  11. Having resources and using them wisely are two different things. You saw one of our big money signings head the ball back from the edge of the box into a crowded six yard box yesterday right? And one of the others put all his crosses out for goal kicks? If you think they're valuable to the squad and would like to cover our costs i'm sure something could be arranged.
  12. Yeah, not getting why hearts fans are getting offended by our fans saying they've a better squad. I thought that was kind of the idea.
  13. Disappointing performances from a few important players today. We don't have enough quality all over the park to carry a couple of absences and a couple of stinkers. Thought Hearts were the better team overall but we were still very much in it. Hearts dominated a spell up to their second goal and managed the game fairly comfartably from there. Not sure what's upset the incels? That @woolf lad was clearly a parody account by one of the hibee japesters but i think @DaveMackay56 might have been real. Astonishing. Hearts running with the ball seemed to cause us a lot of problems. They've some strong runners but we just couldn't get a successful tackle in. Our midfield (except clarkson) and wing backs offered next to no protection for the defence. I'd like to see a bit more variety in our tactics. Getting it forward quickly also means losing possession quickly and sometimes we just need to put some passes together and calm down. Was an improvement from our last visit though.
  14. Let’s not make this some OF shite by proxy. We have nothing to do with Celtic and Hearts are quite capable of being cunty independently of their deep emotional bonds and behavioural similarities to the Rangers.
  15. I see Ferrero rocher advertising an ice cream now. Anyone tried this?
  16. I’m off the sweets. if I want a sweet snack I’ll have some fruit, maybe a date or even a date stuffed with a nut for a real decadent treat. it’s a fucking miserable existence to be honest.
  17. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-65638171 It might have been better to wait until after the election to remove the mask?
  18. Socialism, abortions and gun control. And gays and evolution.
  19. I agree with his conclusion but his argument is shit. "Making it easier for shite teams to get promoted" is the weakest case for expansion he could make.
  20. Was this the fantasy about being a walrus? Sounds like a decent religion, as far as religions go. Could do without the narcissism but marxism and paganism are both way better than christianity etc.
  21. I don't think that's particular evidence of his stupidity. He has amply demonstrated that elsewhere. What this is is pure cynical self promotion and probably quite cleverly done. He's got some publicity by spouting reactionary shit that will resonate with Tory voters and other thickos. Thick people like thick arguments, even if they don't actually make sense. I'd be completely unsurprised if he's the next leader of the opposition.
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