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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. You lot obviously aren't to be trusted. The fact that you've already planned how to get around their anti-theft measures just confirms it.
  2. If they make accessing the shop simpler then people without the app will have their shopping and no way of paying. Far better to screen out the divots before they're tempted to walk out without paying for their six Reinbacher. Looks like a decent idea. Far less chance of an incident like last week's five minute delay at the tills while the till wifie discussed cut price dentures with her mate. The app looks like a faff but probably worth it to minimise human interaction.
  3. Now i have to watch it just to find out who you're talking about.
  4. I got half way through s7 and gave up. Is it worth watching through?
  5. This is what my brain says. My erection says otherwise
  6. There's only two "city clubs" in Scotland that would pay that sort of fee and those sort of wages for a 32 year old.
  7. Most professional services firms pay subs and training fees.
  8. You're correct of course. I will check thresholds before making any VAT based posts in future.
  9. Fairly sure this is miami, some months ago 1 min in
  10. Been to the beach the last couple of weekends. Loads of dead squat lobsters washed up week before last. Couple of dessicated catsharks this week. Not sure whether this is normal or some sort of omen. Going to another beach this weekend and i'm a bit scared.
  11. Plus the VAT on season tickets doesn’t need paid until the end of the quarter…
  12. Berwick Brechin and Brora bring nothing to the game. Sign me up
  13. That only includes two years outside the EU. The time period starts in the middle of the Eurozone crisis, so it's probable that the EU member figures show more reversion to mean than growth from a similar base. In terms of starting point, the US is probably more comparable to the UK. The US's performance ahead of the UK can probably be attributed largely to good old Keynesian spending out of a recession, while Gideon gave us an "expansionary fiscal contraction" (aka austerity). Figures are consistent with Tories managing the economy very badly but it's a stretch to attribute them to brexit. The marxist overthrow of the evil capitalist EU is going swimmingly. I'm enjoying all these means of production.
  14. It does work better as a proper noun, you're right. "The Famous" Thanks for your input, cap.
  15. About a fortnight ago i took down the passive aggressive "office etiquette" poster that the fud committee came up with to address their pet peeves. I am now about to eat lunch at my desk. Later, i might have a non-work related conversation without being mindful of my colleagues.
  16. Hadn't seen that but saw something saying if they didn't get paid again Shinnie could "rip up his contract". I think they meant metaphorically.
  17. Depends what happens to Wigan. If they get put into liquidation then the contract is void and any claim he has goes into a pot with other creditors for pence in the pound. If they go into admin they can try to TUPE employees to a newco- he could either take reduced terms or put a claim in against the current co, again, pence in pound. They could try something informal, similar to the above, but it would be tricky. Wigan couldn't terminate contracts for anyone who won't play ball and would be bound by them. Most likely-If Wigan limp along and miss or delay his wages, they'd be in breach and he could walk away. I guess he might have some sort of claim against them for any differential that he loses out on but i don't know and doubt it. He could also stay there and hope they pay him.
  18. The honours list got me looking up who is actually in the HoL. They mostly seem to be ex politicians or their aides with a random smattering of business people (ownership class), journalists, artsy types, and Ian Botham. I only got as far as C before i got bored. One business guy apparently runs a private equity firm, with £20m invested - about the smallest PE firm i've ever heard of. On further inspection, it's the biggest investor in Samantha Cameron's company. I'm sure that's not why her husband appointed him though. I'd like to see a breakdown of the members by their area of expertise. I'm willing to bet that lawyers outnumber scientists, bankers and other financial engineers outnumber social scientists and actual engineers, and parasitic hangers on outnumber useful humans. https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/LLN-2021-0002/LLN-2021-0002.pdf https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_members_of_the_House_of_Lords
  19. I hope you laughed like a twelve year old finbar saunders
  20. Oh well, in for a penny in for a pound. I'm off to dump a chest freezer in a layby.
  21. One time i took my car keys out of my pocket and a snotty tissue fell out and blew away. I didn't chase it because it went quite quickly. I'm very sorry. I did used to ping fag butts when i was a teenager but by the time i was in my 20s had grown up enough to bin them. I thought i'd put one out on the beach at Carbis bay and put it in my pocket, putting a hole in my £250 Tommy Hilfiger coat. So i've had my karma.
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