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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Hearts fans views on clinching third are null and void i'm afraid.
  2. We can potentially confirm at least 5th but would prefer not to, while still winning. Not sure i'm happy with Coulson at rb against that Youan lad. Hoping our front two are just too much for the ageing Hibs back line. Expecting a close one.
  3. I once called my old GP practice 125 times before getting through at 8.40ish (starting at 8.00) to be told there's no appointments call back tomorrow. They wouldn't take longer term bookings for non urgent things, at all. Changed practice and rarely into double figures of calls now and usually get an appointment that day. This despite people who were with the practice saying it's "a nightmare" to get an appointment. Might be worth changing if your practice is a genuine nightmare rather than just a perceived one. Incidentally probably 5-10% of these appointments, all for the kids, were necessary but the wife wouldn't shut up otherwise. Not that it shut her up long term, she'd have plenty to say about why they should have had antibiotics for their cough because her mum had them and it cleared hers up even though her mum had fucking pneumonia and not just a cold the stupid cow. Anyway, change doctors i say.
  4. I suspect that a significant part of their viewing figures comes from left wing culture warriors waiting for someone to say something shitty so they can post the video on their twitters and feel superior to the thickos who don't actually even watch this shite.
  5. If you've a lot of sweet veg in there, particularly root veg, caraway seed is the boy (about 1/2 tsp/litre). If you've got a lot of Mediterranean type, fruity veg in there (aubergine, courgette, tomato etc) i'd suggest a handful of fresh herbs, woody ones from the start or soft ones at the end. Agree with @Brother Blades, you can't go wrong with cumin
  6. He reminds me of indecisive Dave off the Fast Show just agreeing with the last person who spoke. I've voted Labour in every GE since i could vote but, as the thread title suggests, what's the point? The country is failing and their solution is more of the same? Get fucked. Still to decide who gets my vote but it won’t be that insipid spineless middle management weasel.
  7. The appropriate and proportionate response to a dog is to shoot it. If it’s a bad dog, shoot it twice. This isn’t difficult stuff.
  8. Maybe it was put off for a while already ? And one week for the cup break was a decent compromise. Depends on the hernia too I guess?
  9. At least Peter Shilton is just an intellectually challenged reactionary has been. That reptoid c**t has used his wealth and connections to influence the UK into an act of economic self harm not seen in my lifetime, participated in the ideologically driven austerity campaign that impoverished millions and thinks that refugees are gansters. All with a smug smile on his face because he's winning at the game of who can be the most objectionable c**t with his fellow old etonians. c**t
  10. St Mirren would probably be scrapping it out with Livi for seventh if we hadn't taken Goodwin off your hands. You owe us a favour here.
  11. They might speak funny and have shite bakeries, but the locals down here do get some stuff spot on https://nation.cymru/news/king-charles-mural-is-defaced-within-hours-of-it-appearing/
  12. My wife watched the whole thing. Her conclusion was that she doesn't mind Charles but she doesn't really like Camilla. I'm sure she has her reasons but i really don’t care what they are. I saw a bit with a shreiking choir then went to the park instead. It was a bit drizzly.
  13. If a person can show that they aren’t having a facility provided to them that is ordinarily provided by another person and the reason for that difference in treatment is a protected characteristic then that's discrimination. I don't think that the courts can force anyone though, they can just award compensation. But in practice it's almost impossible to show discrimination for not booking someone. Who would have doubted an explanation along the lines of "we didn't think anyone would come to see her so didn't want to book her."
  14. Every single manager in the poll for "xxxxxx's next permanent manager" would have won the league with Celtic this year. Except John Hughes.
  15. A politician being asked to not turn up to a private venue is very different to someone having their liberty taken from them by the state. It's not the thin end of the wedge at all- it's not the same category of thing. Personally i think it's unhealthy to de-platform someone at all, except for full on incitement. But for something that's a legitimately debatable issue it's particularly myopic. It can be counterproductive, in making one side of the argument look unreasonable or without the confidence to withstand a challenge. And, what i think you're alluding to, it can normalise venues being ideologically self censoring. But what private people can and can't do is a different category from what the state can do. Private venues can't take away your right to free speech or protest. Only legislation and the apparatus of state can do that. Only the government can and has reduced the right to free speech. They've just used culture wars BS and a half witted media to make it look like the other side hates free speech.
  16. They could bypass a large swathe of the heats by just eliminating anyone who introduces themselves as a retired company director before they've had a chance to make an offensive looking roast dinner
  17. Hey guys, they said they've got regrets. They feel bad enough without you fascist-shaming them.
  18. Yellow card wasn't clearly or obviously wrong was it? A red wouldn't have been "wrong" had the ref given it. VAR (aka that wee rodent) shouldn't have intervened. f**k VAR
  19. Still should have a juicy six figure sum coming his way when we buy out his contract. He surely can't come back and fight for a place.
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