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Archie McSquackle

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Posts posted by Archie McSquackle

  1. A lot of lovely stuff being drunk last night, the Lagavulin and Beavertown Neck Oil are particular favourites of mine. I'm a bit concerned how DA Baracus is this morning though!

    I had a few of Stewart's Brewing bottles from Lidl - Big City was alright but Up State was lovely. 20210314_011733.jpg

  2. 20210313_173103.thumb.jpg.8305083cf29cacc6e804302dd7ae3463.jpg
    Hanoi Beer.
    I bought it in Matthew's oriental supermarket. As the name suggests it's brewed in Vietnam. It's quite nice, like a crisp and refreshing lager.
    I didn't know they did booze although there's no reason why they shouldn't, just hadn't thought about it. Is that the one in the industrial estate off Garscube Road?
  3. It's a year to the day since our Friday night game against Aberdeen was postponed around lunchtime. I was due to head out straight from work to meet some mates in the pub with the plan to also return there after the guy to meet some other non-Motherwell fans. It seems fairly wild now considering what happened in the following months that we just met up in the pub as planned (which was packed).

    Glad we managed it actually as ended up being the last hurrah.

  4. Assuming neither of them come up, I'd expect Dundee and Dunfermline to be fairly strong and probably Falkirk to be contenders too. We'd probably be favourites, but I wouldn't really expect us to bounce back up straight away.
    The clubs in the Championship have been given a large six figure sum of free money this year too.
    If the three clubs you mentioned sorted themselves out and were challenging along with you, you could have some pretty big games with cracking crowds. Or it could all fizzle out.
  5. We completely underestimated the time it would take us to walk from the centre of Odense to the ground and were running pretty late. Fortunately some locals on their way to the game pulled over and offered us a lift - nice guys the Danes!

    If you're going to lose 2-1 in an away leg then a top-corner free-kick in the last minute to make it 2-1 is probably the best way to do it.


    I also did the overnight bus from Fir Park to Dortmund - for all the complaints about budget airlines they're a hell of a lot better than being on a bus that needs mopped out at Dover.

  6. Whatever it is, it's delicious. I was fortunate that one of my local Lidls still had it in stock when everyone on here was reporting it sold out and I picked up a second bottle. Maybe the more expensive bottles take longer to sell in Possil.

  7. I think the minter of the supporters trying to simultaneously claim that this is 55, while behaving like they've never won a major trophy in their history (which they haven't) confirms the banter years are still well on the go. George Sq gatherings are a new thing, aren't they?
    I'm sure they had arranged a parade from Ibrox to George Square in 1997 to celebrate winning 9 in a row as it was a Bank Holiday Monday against relegation threatened Motherwell. Owen Coyle had other ideas.

  8. That's a bit like my Samsung phone recording my steps for the Samsung Health app with a monthly target of 200k steps. The folk at the top are doing the equivalent of ultra marathons every day for a month. So you've worked out a way to cheat the app - really? Why bother? I know I'm going to sound ancient here but the only person you're cheating is yourself.

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