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Archie McSquackle

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Everything posted by Archie McSquackle

  1. Was Murphy playing for Rangers at the time? That might go some way to explaining it
  2. Hopefully with another presale. That seemed to work for those that were successful in the ballot. At least you knew where you stood.
  3. Cheers. That's a job for this morning when I finally give up on the Oasis tickets fiasco
  4. Do we know if Maswanhise or Tavares can switch wings? Pace on both sides can be a huge asset.
  5. If only you were a regular on Mumsnet as well. Just think what you could have raised. Maybe you are, anyway - good luck
  6. Fast, direct and likes a shroo ball. Could be a player in there. I can see our forward line being chaos when we throw on subs to chase a game (like the first few months of last season when, to be fair, we did get a fair few late equalisers).
  7. I think it was @Vietnam91 who posted highlights from the last game before the split against Hibs last season but I can't find it (it's been a bit frantic in here ). Was it not Tavares that was running us ragged in the second half?
  8. It's the grip on the underside of the boot that's not working for me!
  9. Maswanhise has been called up for Zimbabwe. Hopefully a big boost to his confidence.
  10. Thanks guys. It's a button handle. The body's not long in so it could have been that. I'll try from the inside but if it's wiring I'll be off to my local garage.
  11. The boot on my car won't open. Nothing fancy,just a handle or a button on the fob. Neither working. Any suggestions?
  12. I'm by no means a concrete expert - would be interested to hear your thoughts.
  13. I was 12 and the next line (for me) was "j'habite a Hamilton en Ecosse". La Famille Garnier by any chance? Bof! Anyway, I'd be quite happy with Vale as he was good at linking up with Bair last season but we'd need to have someone actually capable of putting the ball in the net. Hopefully Stama is that guy when he's eventually fit.
  14. One of the main difficulties is that the concrete doesn't bond as well to the reinforcement. Water ingress can lead to corrosion of reinforcement (which can spall the concrete) easier than normal. The whole building doesn't need to fail, a lump of concrete falling on someone's head can do a fair bit of a damage. As damage is likely to be hidden, it's very difficult for an engineer to say it's safe (their insurers would probably have kittens and advise against it). The council are even less likely to have anyone willing to sign anything saying it's safe.
  15. The difficulty with that is it could last a long time and it might not actually have anything wrong with it at the moment, just no-one is going to say it's ok to live in as you can't see the faults.
  16. Have they come up with any explanation as to why it would cost £360k to rebuild each home, never mind £70k for demolition? These are mental figures that don't bear any resemblance to costs in real life.
  17. What's the FCU? Can we play we one of those games where we make something up? I'll start with Farmers' Casual Unit.
  18. 14 does seem a bit old seeing as a lot of kids make their way to high school on their own and 12 year olds can go to the cinema unaccompanied. Regarding the banning of those being charged, I get that there are rules in place which we have to follow but am very uneasy about these rules. Whatever happened about being innocent until proven guilty?
  19. Or we don't spend money on it, let them destroy it and then pay for repairs. Simples!
  20. I'd be interested to see what age other clubs use. I got the impression it's a preference not to use the lower tier due its deteriorating condition but it's still able to be used if required. Seems reasonable to me until we can afford the large scale repairs required.
  21. Yeah, but it's our turgid pointless garbage. And our lives would be lot emptier without it.
  22. My money would be on Johnny Marr for the Manchester gigs, if not all of them. Charlatans and/or Weller would be great as well. I've seen all three in the past year and all were superb.
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