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Archie McSquackle

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Everything posted by Archie McSquackle

  1. We also had Rangers in '91 and won 3-0 and someone else recently posted about beating Celtic (I think in the 70's) when they visited Fir Park to win the league.
  2. I find they need a bit of brown sauce.
  3. I hadn't realised they're only 3 points above Dundee, just assumed they are still well clear.
  4. You've got a far right section? Always had my doubts about you guys.
  5. Assuming the only interview is with the BBC and that's his only source, that's a bit of a leap from McCafferty. Unless, as suggested, he has insider information, that's the opposite from what I was taking from that interview.
  6. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cd188qx0nn2o You've got to scroll down the article to get the compo picture of the bride, her mum and her friend Chevonne. Yes, that's right, Chevonne!
  7. Except they don't have to worry about Mika Biereth this time. Just big Theo . On that note, it's going to be a turgid nil nil, isn't it?
  8. That makes very positive reading. Almost sounds too good to be true.
  9. I thought I'd seen it there but felt I'd rambled on enough! My initial thought was she was trying to tune in Radio Luxembourg but I'm not sure if that old joke comes from anywhere well known.
  10. I missed OTB on Saturday as I was in Paris for the weekend. Around about the time half of you were objectifying Ali de Foy, I saw this in the French painting section of the Louvre - somebody should really have a word. It's just through the door from the Northern European painters section if anyone's interested. Strange way to carry on with one of your sisters.
  11. It didn't affect them eventually winning the title but we did beat Rangers when they were expecting to just turn up and win to clinch the title in 91 and 97. The one in 97 was even sweeter as it was at Ibrox, for 9 in a row and they had organised a big party.
  12. Motherwell left it in Dundee so the tattie is on the move again with an increased chance of it being in the top 6.
  13. I'm away for the weekend and catching up to find we're on page 44 and we've won at Dens Park without Craig Tanner scoring.
  14. I'm off to Paris for the weekend and picked this up from the local supermarket. Anything I've had from them before is lovely and this is delicious.
  15. Were we? I have absolutely no recollection of Motherwell being fined for postponed games. Our pitch was in a dreadful state and we did what we could to sort it but realistically the only time to have a meaningful go at fixing it is in the summer (which we did). If Dundee have similar problems next season then fair enough, hammer then with fines. Anyway, we don't normally have this number of pages unless we're playing St. Mirren, let's see tomorrow if there's actually anything to even worry about.
  16. Not sure but a few folk on P&B have Motherwell down as a West coast club so you never know
  17. I remember Dundee United offered us considerably more for Wishart but he chose to go to St Mirren (much to our consternation) as he was a supporter. I've got a memory of £400k v £285k being reported.
  18. That's not a new low - we were in the play-off in 2015 but it led to two of the best football experiences I (or wider Scottish football) have witnessed. Not keen to go through it again though and fortunately there were some right huddies in 12th that season to spare us straight relegation
  19. I'm going to hazard a guess at the words Dougie and Imrie.
  20. I've been off the booze (and not posting on here) since August but easing myself back in with an Al Fresco Disco Forklift Truck. Lovely.
  21. It won't take away any controversy in VAR decisions, just change the rules the technology measures to. Don't see the point to be honest.
  22. I'd never heard of Comoros so looked it up. This isn't the scoreline I was expecting against a small group of islands with a population of less than 1m.
  23. I actually thought Hearts would be a step too high for him and Aberdeen or Hibs would be more likely from a wage point of view.
  24. I'd love to see that scenario too but can you imagine how many pages the match thread would run to? In all seriousness, I get the points you make and the team names are interchangeable. It's already happened on a few occasions this seasons with managers pointing but there always seems to be another incident which the manager wants to concentrate on moaning about.
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