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Archie McSquackle

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Everything posted by Archie McSquackle

  1. To be honest, that's what I thought. Same logic as the steel. No idea what they're waiting on but it must be non-structural. Maybe the seats?
  2. They may have felt they had to go with flow. Either way, as CEO, Caldwell is an employee and a professional and I imagine would get on with the job. He'll be employed by the club but those in charge will change.
  3. It's so we can go three up front when trailing with 10 minutes to go.
  4. Is there any word on what materials are supposedly arriving late from abroad? The steel in that picture is bog-standard and wouldn't be coming from abroad. He's mentioned other steel arriving on the 21st of July but the only other obvious steel would be handrailing which wouldn't make economic sense to get from abroad. It could be the precast concrete units which will span across the steels. I'm amazed that anyone thought a project of this size could be completed in the close season.
  5. For some reason, I've got loads of Lidls near me but I'll need to hunt down an Aldi to pick up a few of their specials. France have just won on penalties (any old excuse) so I'm trying this local white beer to celebrate and it's very nice indeed. Moving on in the morning for a few days in Nice before returning to Scotland. Anything much been happening there?
  6. A wee Affligem blonde at the beach bar while waiting on the family getting ready. Holiday nearing the end so not much more of this unfortunately.
  7. Does everyone who has ever made a contribution count as a WS member and are they all eligible for a vote. There was mention that only something like 30% of members still make regular contributions. If people who made a contribution a long time ago are eligible for a vote then they are possibly more likely to be swayed by the proposal. They're probably less likely to vote as well I suppose.
  8. Some of the folk in that story seemed to leave it a bit close to the deadline considering they knew they were flying out at the weekend before the election. I can see why they're annoyed though, my wife and I applied a couple of days after the election was announced and her postal vote didn't arrive until after we'd left. Mine never arrived at all. That's the Monster Raving Loony Party down a few votes.
  9. I have to say well done to him for appearing to be looking into her eyes.
  10. I posted last week about a bottle of 3 Monts beer being difficult to open then fairly average. That was their Saison beer. However, their Blonde beer is lovely although not to be taken lightly as my whisky chaser at 8.5%.
  11. Is Orange and Purple not what a lot of fans of other teams think we play in?
  12. Beer always tastes better when it's free (I know I paid for it in a roundabout way). This was left for us on our arrival at our accommodation- a white beer from a local craft brewery in Hyeres in France. Very delicate and drinkable.
  13. I had about 6 months off booze last year so tried out the various options. I found all the standard lager style beers to be seriously lacking but some of the darker beers/pale Ales faring a bit better. That beer from Brooklyn though was the pick of the bunch and I still get it to help space out an evening's beers or when I'm driving. Honourable mentions to Innis and Gunn and Guinness.
  14. Despite the talk of the two keepers battling it out, I'm hoping the loanee has been earmarked for the position. Seems to have a lot of promise.
  15. What is the purpose of the Gofundme money?
  16. A Pelforth Blonde beer is going down a treat in the French evening sunshine.
  17. Beer choice in French supermarkets seems to mainly have gone from standard lager style to expensive and very strong niche beers with very little in between. Grimbergen are fairly standard and their pale ale is gorgeous
  18. I posted along similar lines on the new strips thread. It looks like one of those strips you see others teams (possibly not even football teams) wearing and notice just for being claret and amber but not necessarily looking like a Motherwell strip. Anybody going to own up to being on the focus group?
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