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Posts posted by Tannadeechee

  1. 1 hour ago, ArabianKnight said:

    And now every team is going to target him in this way. Which begs the question, and it's a big question which at this point may even define our season here in the championship.


    What will Goodwin actually do about it.

    Don't want to write the guy off, as he has played 9 times in Championship and against Liverpool in FA Cup, and has been in Wales squad BUT he does need to llearn and learn quickly. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt at the Spartans game that it was a simple misjudgement but Graham out foxed him with the dark arts. I do think Graham went over the line at times, but you have to be in it to win it as it were. Graham when he came on he showed he was stronger and didn't let Brian Graham have his own way.

    I'd start Graham on Saturday, but I'd get the Denham to work with Moult & Watt with them throwing everything at him to get him used to it before the league opener.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Pull My Strings said:

    No mate, you're mistaken.

    Thistle had done thheir homework after the Spartans game and new exactly what areas and who to target. Graham up against Denholm to see if he'd crack. It worked as he did.

    If Doolan hadn't done that then you'd have to question his ability to be involved in football.

  3. 3 hours ago, VanBasten said:

    Holt didn’t really do anything. Denham was having to deal with Brian Graham - basically man marking him - until he was subbed and replaced by Ross Graham with Holt basically sweeping up.

    His contribution, whilst fine, was minimal and I thought he’d have been the more better prepared to look after Brian Graham instead of Denham.

    Utterly amazed that Holt wasn't switched to marking Graham after it became obvious Denham had difficulties.

    My only criticism of Holt was what appeared to be his inability to turn his head to the left. You'd see Fotheringham and/or McMann in space on the left handside of the pitch with no Thistle player within 18ft of them. Holt moves up the pitch with his head turned to the right and passes to Denham who passed it back to Holt, or Docherty who passed it straight back or it was hit right to a player marked by at least 2 players. I really struggle to comprehend any player not looking at the entire picture in front of him and having the intelligence to hit it quickly to the guys in space.

  4. 10 minutes ago, ArabFC said:

    I've got no problem with this at all. I'd be happy for us to lose all four games IF there was some signs of progress, and in the first half I could see it - just a little.

    For fifteen minutes we played some good fitba. That was it though. Fifteen minutes. Maybe we are a work in progress, but I really ain't optimistic.

    I'm certainly not on the sack train yet though - and I would wager I was the most opposed person in the world to Goodwin getting the job on a full-time basis. Why? Because it kinda is pre-season and you really can't judge on that. Also, who has any faith that those in charge wouldn't go and hire someone even worse?

    My major concern is the signings. They just don't sell Championship winning additions to me...

    Docherty - I'm sorry, but he's just a budget Sibbald. If he was just a squad option, fine, but somehow he's captain.

    Grimshaw - I can't judge, but I thought he was coming in as a RB and Freeman is playing ahead of him.

    Holt - I thought was actually ok. Not good, but ok.

    Denham - God awful. Only a kid, so maybe it was just one of those games.

    Walton - Fine. Not much to judge on yet. 

    Moult - Better option through the middle than Watt - if he can stay fit.

    When he signed it was being talked about as a midfielder. Looks like Grimshaw himself wants to play midfield..

    Needs to play RB and Freeman needs taken out of the firing line & worked on behind the scenes to get the player back of a couple years ago.

  5. 2 minutes ago, mishtergrolsch said:

    Apathy is back in town.

    Who am I kidding? I've been numb to this stuff for years.

    There may be glimpses of decent here and there but, and I mean this with all due respect to Thistle, if that's all we can take from our first home game vs Partick Thistle in the cup, loads to prove all over the pitch and in the dugout, then we are completely and utterly fucking fucked.

    I know its early days and i keep saying Goodwin and the team need time but right now I'm getting a little concerned.

    It's just same shit different day.

    That could have been Cszaba McKinnon, Jim Lazlo or Ray Goodwin 🤷‍♂️

    Who the hell thought it was a good idea to build the play through Kevin Holt. Maybe if he was capable of turning his head to the left it might make a diffierence. Phuq me we are in trouble.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

    Swiss Toni - BBC3 Sitcom - British Comedy Guide

    Managing a football team is very much like making love to a beautiful woman. You need to talk well to sell yourself and make them want you. You need to make sure your charges are fit and strong annd fight to the end. You need to thrust and parry and break down her defence. You need to be hard, but silky where it needs it & sometimes you need to get in behind. After a 90 minute performance with no let up and total dominance, you need to leave those that matter with feelings of ectasy after scoring again and again.

    James " Handsome" Goodwin, ladies man, housewives' favourite, football manager.


  7. 2 hours ago, SGMilne said:

    So they have to get this striker signing right.

    Watt today was ok considering he was playing his first minutes in about 4 months. I don't think he should be played up top alone though.

    Middleton was pish. No anticipation, sluggish and did very little.

    I don't have too much faith in Freeman or McMann though.

    Perhaps Sibbald in centre mid and Grimshaw at right back would be better?

    Middleton is playing exactly as the player I expected, which is why I wasn't enamored with hia signing. The guy has talent but lst season looked overweight ( for a pro footballer)and unfit. This is season he does look slimmer. He looks like a lot of the boys we.produce. proficient with the ball at his feet (can take a free kick), but in a game there is a lot of huff and puff but absolutely nothing happens.  There are so many games wherw he could sit back in the dugout and you'd never notice he'd gone off.

    Watt, I do wonder if he was rushed back as we needed someone there, or Goodwin thought, it's Spartans, that would be fine  to use to get Watt up to speed for the League opener.

    The big, bif disappointment for me was, especially in the forst half, thr slow, laboured play. The exact opposite of what Goodwin said he wanted us to play.

  8. 17 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

    If you want to take it a bit further since we became fan owned in October 2016 our profit (and losses) have looked like this:

    17/18: £1.72m
    18/19: (£436,000)
    19/20: £346,590
    20/21: £3.5m
    21/22: (£1.0m)

    So a net profit of £4.12m over the last 5 seasons. Our Cash at hand on the last set of published accounts was £4,237,114.

    We'll post a pretty heavy loss for 22/23 I'd imagine given we ended up sacking 2 managers and signed a raft of players in January but the c.£1m loss in 21/22 largely came from us investing in capital expenditure projects off the back of the profit from the previous season - installation of new pitch, stadium upgrades etc.

    Cheers for the details. It just gives further evidence of the complete waste of resources that has been going on, by comparison, at our club.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Pull My Strings said:

    Watt as Vice Captain is a bit of a statement. Hope Goodwin knows what he's doing.

    Watt's clearly an excellent footballer but he seems like a guy who needs to be "managed" more than most. He's not a self starter. Goodwin presumably banking on the extra responsibility dragging a bit of extra motivation out of him. 

    Was about to post the same. Might be an inspired move. Maybe Watt has shown a really good level of commitment and desire to helping the club in chats with Goodwin.

  10. 50 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

    Without trying to defend the management of the club under Ogren, are their any Scottish Premier clubs making a profit or breaking even?  I have the impression they all rely on support from their owners.

    Saints do and have money in the bank and Motherwell are close, had a £3.5 million profit for season 20/21 announced in 2022 and a £1million loss the year after. Others I'll need to look up

  11. 9 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

    I don't see any Utd fan anywhere saying they shouldn't put their hand in their pocket.

    I don't have a problem with putting my hand in my pocket for my football club.

    Happy to buy season tickets, replica gear, hospitality, tickets for dinners, 50/50s etc 

    I do have a problem with putting my hand in my pocket to sustain a private investment when I'm being asked to make a donation ie something for nothing.

    Including the DUSF donations this is about the 5th time fans have been asked to make sacrifices in the Ogren ownership era. Some of it was unforseen - Covid - and some was piss poor management. 

    I would go as far to suggest that it should illegal to use community assets like clubs to make private profit and clubs should be registered as social enterprises. When that happens I'd happily donate money for nothing to support a community asset which brings economic and social benefits to the city.

    It's a complete false dichotomy to say we donate to the club or we expect a sugar daddy to suck up losses year on year.

    If the 6th biggest supported club in Scotland can't be run sustainably then the whole game is fucked and an implosion and reset would be no bad thing.

    How the hell can St Johnstone win cups, stay in the Premiership and make a profit, Motherwell seem to be manageing OK too, yet we are up to our eyballs even with multi million pound transfer fees, we've been told record sponsorship deals over the last few season. We have greater resources, but they have been miss-used for years.

  12. 36 minutes ago, SGMilne said:

    There's a fair amount to digest with the interview.

    First though, fair play for someone at United going out and talking to the local press rather than the softball in-house media stuff we've seen for the last few years. This isn't just a United problem, loads of clubs now only talk to their own in-house media or a preferred journalist who would never run anything bad so he could always get the transfer gossip first...

    I've seen fans on social media complain about the in-house media stuff over the last few seasons, so how typical is it that the moment they do an interview with the Courier, some of those same people then complain about that, and demand that they should be able to read it for free. Why? 10 years ago you wouldn't think twice about buying a newspaper. At what point did things stop having any sort of value? I get that some of the information - as it directly concerned season ticket transactions - should have been put on the website first, but apart from that, the content is fair game and DCT have to pay the wages of Alan Temple and everyone else involved in putting it together.

    As for the content, well people are entitled to have their viewpoint and if they want to take the rebate or not is up to them. Personally, I don't see any problem with the club appealing to people not to take it. They are a business and they have to look at cash flow. If supporters don't take the option then it improves cash flow and will result in more money available to be spent on other things. Less money = less signings, cutbacks, redundancies etc. It is the way of the world.

    The one thing I absolutely don't get is the entitlement some have - and I don't think that really applies to anyone who posts here - regarding how money should be spent at the club. A whole generation of United fans has been brought up to believe the club should run at a significant loss because there will always be a chairman out there who will make up the shortfall by spending his own money. It has happened since the mid-late 90s, so therefore it should always happen. Yes, United fans are incredibly loyal, we turn out in numbers, we buy merchandise, and we support the club through thick and thin, but to be fair, so do the supporters of almost every other club in the land. What we don't do is invest enough to sustain the amount we spend, because for the last 30 or so years we've had a chairman willing to spunk his cash away. And what that's led to is a massive level of entitlement, where two points are made by a lot of people...

    Point 1: "Why should we as fans pay for the club to be run as we would like it?" Maybe because we're the customers and are the primary point of cash flow without the TV income and bigger travelling support of the Premiership? Without customers, there is no United (and I fully agree with the idea then that the customers should be listened to and consulted more. It shouldn't be the closed shop under Asghar, but neither should it be the leaky ship helmed by Derek Robertson where anyone would be told anything) so we do need to accept that cash flow is dependent upon us putting our hands in our pockets first and foremost.

    Point 2: "Ogren is responsible for all of this. He needs to sell up and go". I get it; United has been poorly run over the last 2 or 3 years, specifically because of recruitment. If we'd made two or three different signings last season we'd have stayed up and none of this would be a problem. But surely nobody could fault Ogren for putting his hand in his pocket? He's spent a ridiculous amount of money on a team he'd probably never heard of 6 or 7 years ago and that helped us get promoted and get into Europe. Why can't he say "Enough is enough, the club has to be able to wash its own face". And why now, just because some people don't like him anymore, should he sell up? And if he's going to sell up, are people just expecting him to walk away for nothing or for a huge loss, just because we as fans want someone else to throw away their own personal fortune for our benefit? I know a few wealthy United fans who have made their wealth through being good business people; none of them would be willing to buy the club, because they've told me directly that all they'd get for throwing their hard-earned cash away is abuse the moment anything goes wrong.

    I don't think that's a United problem, it's a football fan problem. We just think paying the tab is someone else's responsibility and the moment one person stops, then the next sucker on the imaginary Sugar Daddy conveyor belt will replace them.


    I am really sorry but for me and the comments I've seen this is spectacularly missing the point, much like a McNulty shot at goal. 

    I subscribe to the Courier so no issue for me and yes there are vast swathes of entitlement in society where folk believe they should get everything for free but this is not what I am seeing here. 

    The complaints here are that United set ST prices at Premiership level and said "we'll give you a 10% rebate to use in the shop". This was on top last season's rises. Without this many folk may simply have not bought/renewed at the advertised prices  which are by far and away the highest in the Championship.

    There has then been no mention of the rebate again until a couple days ago, where a United Webpage mentioned 48 hours until news of rebate etc.

    The cux.of the matter is the FIRST anyone hears of the details of the rebate is in a Courier interview with Luigi Capuano where he hopes fans won't take it and compares It with COVID which was completely out of the clubs control and had no money at all coming in. THIS part should have been via club website or an email to every ST purchaser, the club have all our email addresses and would have cost the club zero. It is common courtesy, not to give this out first via a (quite correctly) paywalled news website and not tonuse the emotional blackmail, no matter how correct in said interview.

    This is a completely separate issue to the quality of the in house media, or Luigi Capuano giving an interview.

    The rest of the interview is fine,.no issues at all. In fact a lot of it is welcome, an admission of failure from the club amongst other things. The interview is to be commended, allowing an outside journalist to ask the questions, it is the, what feels like, underhand, pre official announcement of the rebate "please let us keep the money" request contained within.

  13. 32 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

    "While you're at it, if you could all buy loads of merchandise that we will never actually produce, and not bother turning up for matches so we could save on stewarding, catering, etc, that would be great. Cheers lads"

    Yup, but remember your "rebate" voucher has a useby date of December 31st and if your on holiday you may miss out in the deadline.

    Right lads donyou think there are enough babrriers so that if the fans ask for the "rebate"" they'll not actually use them?

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