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Posts posted by Tannadeechee

  1. 5 hours ago, kingjoey said:

    It's common practice to say that a keeper gained his team so many points that he had a huge part to play in a team winning a league. I can't remember, in my decades of watching football, of a goalkeeper singlehandedly relegating a team. If United do go down that's what's happened this season. 

    As bad as he is he isn't the reason we more than likely will be relegated. If that was the case that would mean the rest of the squad were competent.

    The defence has been shocking, incapable of stopping crosses, Can't, cope with high balls completely oblivious to runners, can't tackle &  no idea what to do in posession other than slow the play down and launch it, I'll exempt Loick Ayina as he has generally looked decent.

    The midfield are almost non existent. Too often they are hiding again can't tackle nor open a defence. Our most competent midfielder is a player released from Livingston and was set to sign for League 1 Dunfermline.

    You could go on. It is unbelievable that we have more international caps in the squad than I can remember, but no heart. Players would rather stop and pass backwards in a must win game than take on a left or right back. We have the worst conversion rate from corners in the league. So many players are too casual, think they are better than they show. It's an absolute shitshow from top to bottom. Too much tail wagging the dog poor unbalanced recruitment, poor tactics, poor recruitment meaning certain players start irrespective of performance, and a bunch of professionals who have proved unmaginable to 3 different managers this season, who can't do the basics and seem completely lacking in game intelligence.

    Birighitti is beyond calamity, but not the sole reason..

  2. 3 minutes ago, Moorie said:

    I see Goodwin throwing players under the bud at his post match interview. From his past record doing that it hasn’t ended well. Not something you want when you have 3 games left and are fighting for your life 

    Perfectly happy for him to do that. That's 2 managers they have got rid of this season. About time they were publicly humiliated and called out for their shite. Perform they way they did 2nd half and against Saint Johnstone, they aren't staying up no matter what, absolute shitebags!🤬

  3. 46 minutes ago, Zetterlund said:

    I recall at the start of the Ogren/Asghar era there was talk of how they wanted to fill the team with 'winners' with the correct mentality. It has literally been the exact opposite, a team full of shitehawks who look like they'd rather be anywhere else when the going gets tough.

    Separately, the goalie situation alone this season has probably been the difference between 12th place and smoking cigars in 8th. Everyone could see this from early on - except, apparently, for those whose job it is to see it.

    I remember being at the Bonar Hall to listen to Ogren,Asghar, Neilson and Renoylds. One of the thing said there, referencing Paul Quinn's embarrassing comments, was how they speak to loads of folk and assess thr attitude etc of the player not just the footballing abilities.  Having watched the players that have been signed since I heard that it, really doesn't seem true at all. The lack of fight and commitment on the park is astounding at times.


    Watching today, the folk you'd want to have in the trenches with you were in blue, certainly not tangerine. It's all well having talent, but you've got to have heart, desire and commitment to the cause. We don't show that.

  4. 2 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    This is more pleasing to see than youll ever understand. 

    Believe me, I get it. As annoying and frustrating as it is to the opposition (and by f**k was it annoying!!) It works. It oushes the limits of acceptability but I wish we were far more streetwise. Far too often this season we have not let other teams know they were in a game, everything was too "nice"

    As much as we moan about it, we could do with a wee bit of it ourselves.

  5. 1 hour ago, Alert Mongoose said:

    Whilst not suggesting it as a reason for losing, that pitch is horrendous for passing especially when you have fairly limited players anyway. It actually didn't look that bad but everytime the ball ran along the ground it was all over the shop.

    The annoying thing though was Saint's managed it OK. I mean if kids can pass a ball on a dodgy concrete surface OK in a playground, surely a professional player can make allowances and adjust?

  6. 18 hours ago, tree house tam said:


    Nice of you to show you haven't read the thread, but like to think folk greet about games like you do!

    The ref no matter how poor & inconsistent, didn't cost us the game, the, let's put it kindly, "streetwise" Saint's play didn't cost us they game, our performance where we forgot how to bring a ball down and pass rather than hoof it, our lack of pace and general sloppy play cost us.

  7. 1 hour ago, Sortmeout said:

    Love it when people slag referees but clearly don’t actually know the rules.

    Alan Muis's performance today was pathetic end of story, absolutely woeful and knownone could say he had a good performance.


    On the particular point about the offside, hadn't seen that rule change, but hold  my hands up to that one. No need to be quite so indignant about it.

  8. 2 minutes ago, SJFCtheTeamForMe said:

    The only horrendous foul I seen was Niskanen's immediately after the sending off. Late and made absolutely no attempt to play the ball. Just tried to hurt his opponent. 

    A few Saint's players left studs on folk after the ball was played, Behich was the most obvious in thr first half.

    I did especially like the off side decision against United taken from inside United half and Behich penalised for jumping near a Saint's player. That's Alan Muir for you!!

  9. 2 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Steven MacLean masterclass. 

    Drey Wright virtually man marked Mulgrew.

    Other CB couldnt build up. Sibbald/McMann to shit to build up. Hoofball to Fletcher the result.

    Thats assuming Mulgrew is usually key to your build up?

    He isn't. That game today was back to slow ball and hoof. The last few games it has been the ball moved quicklyat pace via midfield and out wide. Today could have been a Liam Fox display

    Yes we have played it to Fletcher, mught has well take advantage of his abilities, but not exclusively since Goodwin came in. The "me to you to me" with McMann & Behich when a first time cross was the answer was driving me made. Behich has the ability to go past folk yet didn't show it today, turned back almost every time.

    The week off has come at the worst time for us. But just didn't play, no-one seemed to take real responsibility today for us. You did what you had to do for the win.

  10. 11 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    United are awful, presumably theyve been getting luck with just launching it at Fletcher for 90 minutes but fucking hell.

    Particularly liked the now standard "game changing" sub from Goodwin of chucking a CB up front to also launch it at. Fairly sure he done that a few times with St Mirren against us too.

    This team was wasted so much by Davidson, but Bairs one he didnt waste. Plenty of chances to show something today and he fluffed even the simplest ones.

    Thing is for the previous few games we haven't. Apart from the first 10 minutes or so, we just didn't play. I really can not for the life of me work out why a professional footballer with time to bring a ball down and make a pass, 1st.time launches it or headers it straight to the opposition!!


    Absolute shocking pre-Goodwin performance from the players today. Alan Muir was shocking, some very unpleasant studs left on folk from a few players ignored, but we lost because we just didn't perform today.

  11. 4 hours ago, captainkev said:


    Wasn't it the linesman who claimed that he'd been strangled, only for the footage to show that Nadz had just poked him in the throat?

    I do enjoy that our support refuses to let that particular grudge against Clancy rest. It's widely accepted that he hates us, and even the fact he was subsequently the referee in both the 6-2 wins over Dundee does little to convince people otherwise.

    It was the linesman that Nads was accused of trying to strangle. Clancy was the ref who sent Nads off after ignoring an ICT player grabbing Paton by the the neck, Foran poking Nads in the eyes, while another ICT player held him back, and also ignored the disgraceful Foran tackle on GMS & Butcher's shocking behaviour too.

    Clancy has though since that game definitely holds a grudge though, as incompetent as he is, his performances in games with use goes far beyond that.

  12. 4 hours ago, mishtergrolsch said:

    Jesus Christ. How do players like him, Hoti etc get gigs at clubs the size they are at?

    Must have an amazing agent.

    Is he not doing well? I remember the shock in Poland that he had joined United, they felt he would have gone to a bigger club than us. Was very highly regarded in Poland. Much like now there was something very wrong at the club. I enclude the goalkeeping coach who ruined the ones at the club and has managed to turn 2 goalkeepers we currently have into absolute no hopers.


    Should never have allowed Steve Banks to leave

  13. 1 hour ago, Derry Alli said:

    He's only a daft wee laddie that had too much to drink. There's another video I got sent and it's surprising he got in looking like that.

    That was one of the guys that sits with us. He was on his way out, was that scunnered he went to shout walked past where he intended, then came to his senses and walked off. He's completely gutted about the whole situation. 

  14. 5 hours ago, Shadow Play said:

    Just a neighbourly suggestion but could you not allocate home fans this section if the roof covering makes such a difference to the noise generated? It would give the home fans a chance to create a crescendo of noise to back the team.

    We did in Dundee Derby games, the AZ home game and a few others. This season we had record ST sales, but the way the season has gone we'd probably struggle to get much in there. If this season had gone as hoped for then I'm sure home fans would have been in there a lot more often.

  15. 2 hours ago, glasgow-sheep said:

    Fair Play is a bit of a death trap too. Decision to not give us the shed is mad, what was the thinking behind it? Presumably a bit easier to police than the entire length of the park too. 

    There has been an agreementmade to avoid giving it to away fans as much as possible. The roof.covering makes the fans in there very noisy and it was said that we are at home, why should we guve away any advantage. Just wish they'd follow through with it completely and ban the Glasgow 2 from it.

  16. 4 minutes ago, Pull My Strings said:

    I can't recall ever actively disliking a manager before he joined us, so this is new.

    Conversely, I've been very fond of loads of managers before they joined and then ended up despairing at their dismal failure. At least this time I won't feel any pity for the guy when he falls flat on his pus and gets hounded out.

    Kind of where I am, I can not be disapointed over his tenure. Anything other than a disaster will be a bonus.

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