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Everything posted by Tannadeechee

  1. Ferry has played really well in the League Cup games. Trapanovski and Babunski will always take the headlines because of where they play. Ferry is absolutely rapid and takes no prisoners defensively and can play a bit too. I thought Sevelj had a good game too. With Walton, I'm not too sure he did too much wrong at the goal. He didn't have too much time to react, but would goalkeepers from the 80s not have tried to catch the ball or at least make an attempt to catch so the ball didn't goo too far from their hands? More of a general comment on modern keepers who seem to palm most shots than catch.
  2. FFS!! It isn't difficult is it? Are these written by AI? Because of they aren't it is pathetic and so very easy to research.
  3. We have this from the report on the Dundee Derby. Scored 18 goals in the 3 league cup games after the Falkirk win did we? Beat Stenhousemuir 3-0, Ayr United 2-1 and Buckie Thistle 2-5. That is only 10. I know it's 3 numbers but how hard is it to add 3+2+5??
  4. Which is a rediculous excuse when you think about it, especially when you see countless free kicks given in games when a player has managed to make the pass he wanted them gets clattered. If he hadn't been taken out he could have chased his shot. End of the day the result was a fair one and I'll just have to lump it with the decision.
  5. Thought the first half was fantastic to watch and from my point of view was great to go in at half time in the lead. 2 great goals from us. The goal against was disappointing as with a bit of composure at the back it may have been avoided. From a United point of view the 2nd half was a bit disappointing. Had the same complaint last season, why do we sit so far fecking back? We clear it no one wins the 2nd ball and it comes straight back in. It just causes more pressure than necessary and gives the opposition confidence. Having viewed the Trapanovski chance in the 2nd half after getting home to make sure I hadn't missed anything at the game, I have absolutely no idea why that wasn't a free kick and a card for McCracken. Over all a draw was a fair result, but when you are pegged back from a winning position it always feels a poor result. Would have taken a draw before the game so shouldn't feel too bad about it. We still have players to get up to speed so it is a good start and something to build on.
  6. Come half 1 it's the last time we mention poo! Feeling left out, not had one today
  7. Here is hoping for a good game tomorrow, a good atmosphere and a good advert for Scottish football being on Sky. Looking forward to the game and glad the league season is finally here. Hope there there is no hard feelings if we get a result and if Dundee win then everyone of a blue persuasion can go f**k themselves!!! I'm sure the feeling is mutual. Anyway enjoy the game and I'm sure we'll all be about here to brag, moan, complain or give it the big "get it up you" some point after 3:15 tomorrow.
  8. With regards Watt, he does look unfit. He did look like he had turned the corner last season. He looked much more like a team player, he just looked unfit in League Cup. Interesting again is Jim's comments about the style he is trying to implement.. “It only takes one individual to be lazy and the whole thing falls apart,” continued Goodwin. If that is a dig at Watt then he'll have to work so hard to get back in. Hopefully for Watt's sake this is just about getting fit, but it isn't looking good for him.
  9. Speaking of Babunski, Jim's comments on him after the game regarding giving him the armbands are class.... "And he has leadership qualities, which is why I gave him the captain’s armband for the game. “He’s in the dressing room and isn’t happy that we’ve not passed the ball well enough. He is demanding better from the players and is telling his teammates to give him the ball, even if he’s marked, and to trust him. “David’s a proper professional, sets high standards and has settled brilliantly.” Exactly the type of player we need, or should I say every club needs. He is confident, but has.shown so far it isn't over confidence. Really liking the cut of his jib.
  10. He certainly looks like he has the technical ability to play there, although he has played RB before, he looked slightly uncomfortable at RWB. He did send in a cracking cross for Trapanovski's 2nd. When he came on yesterday he looked a bit lost for first 5 to 10 minutes, once that passed he looked solid. Closing down, not afraid to challenge and can make a good forward pass If Cleal-Harding is not starting at RCB, then for me Sevelj has to as he has enough pace to cover Gallagher and Graham, plus Graham has to be LCB and not Holt.
  11. Reading Goodwin's comments he hasn't played since beginning of May, had flight issues, and had a 45 minute training session, Sounds like he possibly shouldn't have played, but it was the last chance to play before training and the derby.
  12. Apparantly he wanted the play abroad at some point. Den Haag fans claim the manager has done the dirty on him and that is why he wants to leave. Fans aren't happy Ven Der Sande is leaving, especially on a free. They wouldn't mind the manager going instead.
  13. Very interesting the quote from Jim in the Courier article today https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/sport/football/dundee-united/5044491/dundee-united-tony-watt-ryan-strain-babunski/ Saying "It is a decision that I had to make, as I can only make five substitutions, and I felt that the young lads would give us energy and work rate.”
  14. It was that, though Morrissey not my cup of tea. It was pretty good for football in the city too! To be fair I'm getting to the age where most things were better in the past. In football chat, I'm looking forward to the derby, a big crowd for first game of the season, just wish it was 3pm on a Saturday. I'm hoping our season replicates last year in that we were poor in the League Cup but we're at it, mostly, once the league started. Hopefully a couple of the rumoured signings are in place in plenty of time for the derby. Who knows what Sunday will bring, I want a win for United of course, but would be happy enough with a draw. for a good game.
  15. I was pleasantly surprised at how many folk stayed with the team and turned up last season, especially after the massive letdown, recriminations and infighting of the previous year. Not sure if we are eternal optimists, creatures of habit or a bit of Stockholm syndrome. Possibly a mix of all 3 to be fair!
  16. Current United season ticket sales so far over 6200. Not sure why a Saint's fan would want to get involved in a crowd debate. It's like a young kid sucking up to some older kids to seem cool.
  17. That's a good point. Goodwin may have clocked what we have after Tuesday and changed it. Soon find out!
  18. Right and left wing backs are no issue for me at all, it is the back 3 that gives me the fear a wee bit. Also in possession, with Holt being so one footed,ponderous in making a decision on where to pass and always wanting to pass to his right with Ferry & Trapanivski being such a good outlet it could be very frustrating. That's how it went after Tuesday's substitutions May prove us all wrong (hopefully) and play well.
  19. Absolute clown shoe of a referee. To be fair it takes some doing considering the quality of the rest of the bunch here.
  20. I did see that. Looks like that they have a problem with their manager and the players he has fallen out with are leaving on the cheap!! Was a good line though
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