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Everything posted by Tannadeechee

  1. According to Alan Temple it is a right back and central midfielder we are after with potentially one more. I'd suggest we need someone to plaay with/cover for Moult too.
  2. No idea where this nonsense came from, the way Asghar has got into the minds of United fans everywhere conspiracies. Burns used to break United transfers way,way before and of our fans had heard of the name Asghar nevermind seen it written down or had an ex agent turn up at the Tannadice doors. As one example the Chris Erskine transfer was broken by him days before anyone else. I do agree he seems to not have much to say on clubs outside of Premiership these days.
  3. That's Mulgrew away, quite a short, matter of fact statement from United. https://twitter.com/dundeeunitedfc/status/1687387913452154880?s=19
  4. Solid, nothing spectacular. Certainly in the first half he keptt.cutting infield rather than going down the flank or offering the overlap. Must have been a tactic.as.he.kept doing it amd allowing Meekison to run into the space you'd expect Grimshaw to be using.
  5. It certainly wasn't. There were many, many games including under Courts, Fox and Goodin where it was passing for passings sake, slow, mind numbing side to side just for the sake of passing. Mulgrew being number 1 instigator as I watched Courts throw his hands in the air in frustration a number of times. There was of course what you described above, but there are a lot of "Matalan Catalans" who subscribe to the passing for passing sake in Scotland. Just hoping Goodwin isn't one of them, and hoping his passing style is quicker as he has said it will be and purposeful .
  6. We've had nothing but passing it side to side aimlessly for the past few years and when it has been passed to death between centrebacks and the space is closed off we've had no option other than launch it. No issues from me with passing, but for the love of f**k, do with purpose and try move it quickly this season. I really can't take another season of mind numbing, sleep inducing side to side then backwards then to right/left back who hits it back 1st time to keeper who outs it back to CH who passes it to other CH who takes an age to make a decision then launches it because it has taken so long all space is closed off! If we move the ball quickly, learn to, like other teams from league 2 upwards, make a pass with only one touch quickly to someone in space and we support them to receive a pass again. If we mix it up pass with purpose, then everyone wants that. There will not be a fan complaining. What @SGMilne is taking about isn't that, just the directionless shite we've been served up and nulified by everone we've played for last couple of seasons. Although as Mulgrew isn't playing wee may see less and less of it.
  7. It was 2100 odd. It's about what I'd expect for geoup stages of the league cup against Peterhead.
  8. I'm not sure we can see more from Middleton though. That is my worry. It's been mentioned further back on this thread that he was like that at Saints too. He must look good in training, has ability on the training ground, but then is anonymous in games. He'll have one good game in 6 where you think yes, "there is the player we know is in there" & then back to normal service. Other than that I agree. Thought it was good to see Mochrie and Glass not afraid to shoot from midfield. The past few years, our team has been scared to shoot.
  9. Some nice football played, although it was against Peterhead (no disrespect intended), and I'll expect tougher games in the Championship. Mochrie and Fotheringham look good, Glass OK, but can see him being an asset. Cudjoe will be an asset too, think if he can get a goal, then he'll settle down a bit. Holt seems solid enough and Graham looked far more like he did previously. Sibbald still looks a better player than Docherty. Watt was really noticeable as an attacking threat, he looked more like a forward thinking midfielder today, but was getting stuck in. Still looks for fouls though. Middlelton though, should be no where near the starting 11. Fotheringham and Cudjoe both ahead of him in my opinion based on the 3 games so far. Both of them can take a man on, and look like they have pace. Also, so far at least, you'll know they are on the park.
  10. There has been signs of optimism from my seat here at Tannadice. Moult has scored, Mochrie is doing well for me, actually making decisive attacking passes and not scared to take a shot. Grimshaw is a strange one, for a right back he constantly cuts inside into the middle. Meekison seems to be getting better and doing OK. Other posters saying talking about thwir annoyance over Docherty starting ahead of Sibbald, my annoyance is the continual game time for Middleton. Absolutely innefectual & for a wide man appears to be towing a caravan his pace is so non existent. He also refuses to take on his man, everytime. He annoyed the hellout of me in the Premiership, if Peterhead is to hard a team for him heaven help him in the Championship. All said and done I do hope he does well
  11. I'd like the club to just practise throw ins in general & to realise that you can take one quickly before the defence is set. It is an absolutely excruciating watch to watch us get a throw in, slow everything down as the right/left back amble up the pitch, stand with the ball above their head for what feels like an eternity looking for someone to receive the ball, then the inevitable. The throw comes in and it is cleared by the defense, or the receiver hits it first time to the throw taker who misses it and out it goes for an opposition throw. It has been like that for years, it's a joke. Like the open play on the pitch have some variation. Play fast, play slow, pass, go direct, quick throw,.long throw etc mix it up, as unpredictability stops the ability to be completely nulified by the opposition.
  12. Don't want to write the guy off, as he has played 9 times in Championship and against Liverpool in FA Cup, and has been in Wales squad BUT he does need to llearn and learn quickly. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt at the Spartans game that it was a simple misjudgement but Graham out foxed him with the dark arts. I do think Graham went over the line at times, but you have to be in it to win it as it were. Graham when he came on he showed he was stronger and didn't let Brian Graham have his own way. I'd start Graham on Saturday, but I'd get the Denham to work with Moult & Watt with them throwing everything at him to get him used to it before the league opener.
  13. Thistle had done thheir homework after the Spartans game and new exactly what areas and who to target. Graham up against Denholm to see if he'd crack. It worked as he did. If Doolan hadn't done that then you'd have to question his ability to be involved in football.
  14. Utterly amazed that Holt wasn't switched to marking Graham after it became obvious Denham had difficulties. My only criticism of Holt was what appeared to be his inability to turn his head to the left. You'd see Fotheringham and/or McMann in space on the left handside of the pitch with no Thistle player within 18ft of them. Holt moves up the pitch with his head turned to the right and passes to Denham who passed it back to Holt, or Docherty who passed it straight back or it was hit right to a player marked by at least 2 players. I really struggle to comprehend any player not looking at the entire picture in front of him and having the intelligence to hit it quickly to the guys in space.
  15. When he signed it was being talked about as a midfielder. Looks like Grimshaw himself wants to play midfield.. Needs to play RB and Freeman needs taken out of the firing line & worked on behind the scenes to get the player back of a couple years ago.
  16. It's just same shit different day. That could have been Cszaba McKinnon, Jim Lazlo or Ray Goodwin Who the hell thought it was a good idea to build the play through Kevin Holt. Maybe if he was capable of turning his head to the left it might make a diffierence. Phuq me we are in trouble.
  17. DC Thomson reporting its Moult https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/sport/football/dundee-united/4564750/louis-moult-set-for-dundee-united-transfer/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social
  18. Another forum has the striker as Louis Moult. So far it could be Doidge, Jakubiak or Moult. Is this signinng held up due to no new away tops for them to model in their announcement photos?
  19. That's just what we need a striker that is prolific, or at least a good goal scoring record throughout his career. ....oh hang on...
  20. Managing a football team is very much like making love to a beautiful woman. You need to talk well to sell yourself and make them want you. You need to make sure your charges are fit and strong annd fight to the end. You need to thrust and parry and break down her defence. You need to be hard, but silky where it needs it & sometimes you need to get in behind. After a 90 minute performance with no let up and total dominance, you need to leave those that matter with feelings of ectasy after scoring again and again. James " Handsome" Goodwin, ladies man, housewives' favourite, football manager.
  21. Whoever that is dear me. What makes a Championship club is the fact it is in the Championship. It really isn't difficult. I'm comfortable with that, I don't like it one bit, but it is what it is. And "couldn't of took"???
  22. Middleton is playing exactly as the player I expected, which is why I wasn't enamored with hia signing. The guy has talent but lst season looked overweight ( for a pro footballer)and unfit. This is season he does look slimmer. He looks like a lot of the boys we.produce. proficient with the ball at his feet (can take a free kick), but in a game there is a lot of huff and puff but absolutely nothing happens. There are so many games wherw he could sit back in the dugout and you'd never notice he'd gone off. Watt, I do wonder if he was rushed back as we needed someone there, or Goodwin thought, it's Spartans, that would be fine to use to get Watt up to speed for the League opener. The big, bif disappointment for me was, especially in the forst half, thr slow, laboured play. The exact opposite of what Goodwin said he wanted us to play.
  23. We have looked better since Mochrie, Glass & MacLeod came on. But jeez this is a poor, poor watch. Cudjoe been our best attacking option. Disappointed I boughtt tickets for the home games.
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