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Everything posted by Tannadeechee

  1. That was one of my pet hates in football, players throwing themselves down and grabbing the ball before the ref blows the whistle. Correctly penalised for handball.
  2. It is the same as last season. Other teams look more fluid and faster than us. We play like we are in a friendly that doesn't matter with zero intensity. Still far to slow.
  3. Cheers for the details. It just gives further evidence of the complete waste of resources that has been going on, by comparison, at our club.
  4. Was about to post the same. Might be an inspired move. Maybe Watt has shown a really good level of commitment and desire to helping the club in chats with Goodwin.
  5. Considering why he has been given leave I would be extremely surprised if he wasn't away. His best interests would probably be served getting a club in Australia.
  6. Squad numbers have been released. No numbers for Birighitti or Mulgrew. Behich has a number so maybe he has said he will be back, although given the circumstances that would be a surprise.
  7. Saints do and have money in the bank and Motherwell are close, had a £3.5 million profit for season 20/21 announced in 2022 and a £1million loss the year after. Others I'll need to look up
  8. Looks a decent appointment to be fair. I see other backroom staff changes have been announced too in the performance & conditioning side of things.
  9. How the hell can St Johnstone win cups, stay in the Premiership and make a profit, Motherwell seem to be manageing OK too, yet we are up to our eyballs even with multi million pound transfer fees, we've been told record sponsorship deals over the last few season. We have greater resources, but they have been miss-used for years.
  10. I am really sorry but for me and the comments I've seen this is spectacularly missing the point, much like a McNulty shot at goal. I subscribe to the Courier so no issue for me and yes there are vast swathes of entitlement in society where folk believe they should get everything for free but this is not what I am seeing here. The complaints here are that United set ST prices at Premiership level and said "we'll give you a 10% rebate to use in the shop". This was on top last season's rises. Without this many folk may simply have not bought/renewed at the advertised prices which are by far and away the highest in the Championship. There has then been no mention of the rebate again until a couple days ago, where a United Webpage mentioned 48 hours until news of rebate etc. The cux.of the matter is the FIRST anyone hears of the details of the rebate is in a Courier interview with Luigi Capuano where he hopes fans won't take it and compares It with COVID which was completely out of the clubs control and had no money at all coming in. THIS part should have been via club website or an email to every ST purchaser, the club have all our email addresses and would have cost the club zero. It is common courtesy, not to give this out first via a (quite correctly) paywalled news website and not tonuse the emotional blackmail, no matter how correct in said interview. This is a completely separate issue to the quality of the in house media, or Luigi Capuano giving an interview. The rest of the interview is fine,.no issues at all. In fact a lot of it is welcome, an admission of failure from the club amongst other things. The interview is to be commended, allowing an outside journalist to ask the questions, it is the, what feels like, underhand, pre official announcement of the rebate "please let us keep the money" request contained within.
  11. Yup, but remember your "rebate" voucher has a useby date of December 31st and if your on holiday you may miss out in the deadline. Right lads donyou think there are enough babrriers so that if the fans ask for the "rebate"" they'll not actually use them?
  12. It was any fans buying season tickets would receive a 10% rebate if we were relegated as the prices were set for Premiership survival. The details are still on the website.No
  13. Yes he is asking the fans not to take it. I doubt they will sell many more STs since the non discount prices are £460-500 (£25 a game minimum) which doesn't offer much of a discount over PATG. Also it has been pointed out, unless it states it can't be used on the new strip, most of the repates would be spent against a top. With the way the deals are created it could lead to United having to pay Errea, costing them even more. They've made a balls up and have also commited bad PR In part 2 today Capuano states the club " lost the trust of the fans". It did but did he really think the best way to repair that was to ask fans not to take the rebate against the most expensive tickets in the Championship, via a newspaper interview, not via official club channels, and by using the language in the below screen shot?
  14. Thats exactly what he is saying. Absolute pile of shite to wait all close season, announce the season ticket sales, still mentioning a Championship rebate, mention news within 48 hours on the website, then announce it in an inteview with the courier. Could have at least put it on our own website or emailed the purchasers of STs direct. Folk gave up the refund during the COVID year as that was completely unavoidable for the club. This time it's complete mismanagement that has led to this. Give up your rebate, buy some new training gear, book a cheap hospo package, buy a strip.
  15. He's just signed a new contract with ICT this week.
  16. Talk on East Football that Birighitti missing training as in talks with another club. Would be the best move for all concerned.
  17. Surprised to see he has a 2 year deal. Goodwin was talking about the signings being 1 year for this coming season
  18. Saku, didn't play in first 6 months and was never due to play in first 6 months and that is no slight on him. He had just played a full season in Sweden had no break and was here to be backup only to Siegrist to get him settled to take over once siegrist left. Nordsjaelland have still seen him in training for near 6 months AND paid a fee Newman, nowhere did I say he was great, I said he was a highly thought of prospect and was well regarded at Peterhead and did well. Sometimes the amount of goals you let in doesn't mean your shit, as the team in front of you is 't very good and you can't keep everything out. Birighitti didn't play that much at Swansea or Breda that is true, I have seen his big howler in Australia, but these guys I argued with about him ,one a football journalist who wtched him very regularly said after I pointed to some video footage, that he was unrecognisable as the player that had been A league GK of the year 2 years running. Zwick was a good prospect, as I said, he wasn't ready yet. I didn't say he was the only reason, but that is 6 keepers over 2 stints. 4 with decent, prior to us reputations, they look like they were all second guessing themselves with no confidence. A good coach instils confidence and makes keepers trust in themselves, not 2nd guess themselves. I do not know why both stints with us have gone so badly. Goodwin obviously sees things are not right in that department.
  19. Done that a few times. Kept wondering why there was no new post on the premiership one before realising. Plus I'm trying for the good of my health to not think about the league we are in too much!
  20. He should never have been given the chance to come back again! Now I'm not saying he was to blame for our goalkeeping issues but first time round he took Radoslaw Czerniak a good solid keeper with a decent track record in Poland and with us. Zwick a good young prospect, not ready to be thrown into the deep end, but a good attitude and potential. Zromnick, Polish u21 keeper and ome.of Poland's great white hopes. Had Polish press shocked he had joined United as they expected him to join a bigger club. Turned them into goalkeepers showing nervousness in games and second guessing themselves with one in particular looking like he'd never seen a football and goalie gloves in his life! This season has coached Carl Johan Erikson who had a good reputation joining us as Finnish No. 2 and current Allsvenskan goalkeeper of the year Mark Brighitti ex Swansea, NAC Breda, 1 cap for Australia (all be it a decade ago) and two time A league keeper of the year. Joined us as current A league keeper of the year. Jack Newman well regarded youth prospect. Who performed well for Peterhead on loan. Turned them into goalkeepers who are 2nd guessing themselves and going against instinct, who look nervous taking to the pitch. All these other folk can't be wrong can they when voting these keepers as best performing in their leagues, giving them national call ups, talking about them as decent keepers and it is us that see them as they truely are. I got into arguments with an Australian fan and an Australian journalist online over Birighitti. They had to reluctantly accept what I was seeing in person at games, but they were adamant that he had not shown that number of errors per game there, even accounting for standard of some players. Szromnick is current Slask Wroclow no 1. Saku left on loan to Danish top league and they have just paid a fee to sign him permanently. These guys have really only been truly pish with us under Hinchcliffe as coach. Now he did well with Motherwell, but that is 6 goalkeepers over 2 stints with the same outcome. Good riddance!!
  21. Looks like the Errea rumours are true. Do a search online for Dundee United Errea and one of the images it pulls up is this which links to Errea website. Doesn't link to anything United related yet, but must be in readiness for official announcement.
  22. Personally, Infelt that he tried to do far too much as it looked like he had absolutely no faith that the defenders.in front of him could clear cross ballls or indeed defend properly and leave him to be a goalkeeper. While that may have been a vicious circle, by the time he came into the starting lineup our defence was as strong as wet toilet paper and as reliable as an MOT failure, with aa massive oil leak, barely working starter motor and a siezed piston!
  23. Remember we still have Saku who'll be returning from being on loan in Denmark, unless he can get another club. Still Finish no 2 and will still be highly thought of in Sweden.
  24. United won't pay off Anaku, he'll be on low wages and he has a cruciate injury. Watt was part of the "management committee" with Mullgrew, Clark & Smith. Nope.not for me, caused too much bither behind the scenes. Could get aa more effective player for less outlay. A team player rather than yet another individual. Smith has signed a pre-contract, ifn he stories are true, can't remember who with. Edwards already confirmed as away by Goodwin Fletcher's wages are being covered by JF Kegs guys. Would assume partly rather than fully. I think Birighitti will be trying to return to Australia. Not short of offers there, but will depend on his wife who is Scottish. If Pawlett was given a pay as you play deal wouldn't object, one of the few players we had that looked like he wanted to create, drive forward and win, but can see exactly why he could be away. Niskanen, I would love to see actually played on the left wing, not right back, not left back, actually in his normal position and used to run onto quick balls in behind a defence, but I doubt that would happen. Graham, Freeman, McMann, Levitt as well as Niskanen all players who went backwards this year. The first 4 shadows of the players last season. If they can recover then they could be useful. Newman, would keep as back up. Saku will be back from loan too. Mulgrew certainly leads the never want to see again catagory, can add Watt to that, would also like a new goalkeeper coach. That's two stints he has had and both times our keepers with good reputations have gone to shit and wee have been relegated. Obviously it is not all on him but he has a "track record".
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